Author Topic: In terms of Strategy  (Read 2593 times)

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Offline dawntreader

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In terms of Strategy
« on: March 28, 2007, 11:35:10 PM »
With the fact that Hayil fared very poorly in the past Israeli Elections, I feel like it would be in the interest of all Israelis and American Jews who support a Greater Israel, to back Herut. The National Union is good...but not good enough right now. Moledet, Tkuma and the National Religious Party are all great guys and would be good to be in alliance with.

 But they cannot do it alone. Right now, Herut also fared poorly in the last elections. However, had some of these fractious parties banded together and thrown their support behind the larger of the parties (Herut) they all would have done better and Herut would possibly have had some decent Knesset seats.

We all know that the Likud has moved to the center, while Kadima has gone center-left. There is no point looking toward the socialist Labor party or the innefective and religiously minded Shas. Yisrael Beiteinu favors a two-state solution and so they cannot be trusted.

But the National Union guys, together with Herut and with the support of ALL the former kahanists would help quite a bit in furthering the Kahanist's goals.

This is the time to do so...when Olmert is weak, being hunted and Kadima is sliding in the polls dramatically. Likud will try to capitalize on this...and it is up to the REAL right wing to shout them down and let the Israeli public as well as the American Jewish public know that the Likud is just as bad as Kadima.

My do we do this? It is time to start making alliances now and go for the jugular. Now, as never before as I've stated in previous posts is the time to be as media savvy as possible. Now is the time to make a move.

Victory is a thing of the will. -General Ferdinand Foch

Our peace must be a peace of victors, not of the vanquished.
- General Ferdinand Foch

We have met the enemy and they are ours.
- Oliver Hazard Perry

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: In terms of Strategy
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2007, 01:22:21 AM »
Aryeh Eldad of the NU is in the US right now, I think Florida why dont you talk with him about your ideas of a alliance of Jewish parties?
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: In terms of Strategy
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2007, 04:56:37 AM »
With the fact that Hayil fared very poorly in the past Israeli Elections, I feel like it would be in the interest of all Israelis and American Jews who support a Greater Israel, to back Herut. The National Union is good...but not good enough right now. Moledet, Tkuma and the National Religious Party are all great guys and would be good to be in alliance with.

 But they cannot do it alone. Right now, Herut also fared poorly in the last elections. However, had some of these fractious parties banded together and thrown their support behind the larger of the parties (Herut) they all would have done better and Herut would possibly have had some decent Knesset seats.

We all know that the Likud has moved to the center, while Kadima has gone center-left. There is no point looking toward the socialist Labor party or the innefective and religiously minded Shas. Yisrael Beiteinu favors a two-state solution and so they cannot be trusted.

But the National Union guys, together with Herut and with the support of ALL the former kahanists would help quite a bit in furthering the Kahanist's goals.

This is the time to do so...when Olmert is weak, being hunted and Kadima is sliding in the polls dramatically. Likud will try to capitalize on this...and it is up to the REAL right wing to shout them down and let the Israeli public as well as the American Jewish public know that the Likud is just as bad as Kadima.

My do we do this? It is time to start making alliances now and go for the jugular. Now, as never before as I've stated in previous posts is the time to be as media savvy as possible. Now is the time to make a move."

Yes.  The conservative parties need to align together rather than isolate themselves against each other.  Help the conservatives understand this as soon as possible.