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Some Talmudic response is required.....

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Could someone please go to the comment section on this video I posted and respond to the questions about the Talmud verses in question, I am not qualified. Thanks

Thanks. Allen-T


--- Quote from: Allen-T on April 01, 2007, 06:24:12 AM ---Could someone please go to the comment section on this video I posted and respond to the questions about the Talmud verses in question, I am not qualified. Thanks

Thanks. Allen-T

--- End quote ---
I don'nt know the talmud but i doubt it.Anyways it's a good video

I put up a response, but the Muslim is just a total nazi

Zionist Revolutionary:
I'm not an expert, but it was not describing what a Jewish man can do.  It was describing what happens when it does happen.

Here's some more explainations.

--- Quote ---It is the manner of the Talmud to examine extreme theoretical cases in order to precisely define and delineate legal concepts. Such study is mandated because the laws are part of the Written and Oral Torah, not necessarily because they have practical application.

There are different legal consequences arising from an act of intercourse (related to personal status, punishment for rape, property rights etc.) and the Talmud investigates whether such an act committed on a baby girl has the status of intercourse or not. There is an ancient tradition that states that if the girl is older than the age of three then an act of intercourse was committed; before that age, such an act does not have the status of sexual intercourse for legal purposes (it may be an act of assault, of course).

The passage in question states as follows: "A girl of three years and a day is [capable of being] married by an act of intercourse ..." and the Talmud continues to list further legal consequences of an act of intercourse (laws of personal status, property etc.).

The reference to marriage refers to a case in which the father of the girl delivers his daughter to a man with the intention that he create a marriage bond with his daughter by having relations with her. From a legal point of view this procedure creates a marriage with all the legal consequences that flow therefrom. This is a legal conclusion which has nothing to do with rabbinic endorsement of such practices or with the number of such occurrences in history.

In fact the rabbis strongly opposed formation of the marriage bond by intercourse (at any age) and punished those who acted in such manner (Kidushin 12b). They further taught that the father's right to marry off his daughter was to be used for her benefit. The age and manner of marriage is to a large extent a societal variable but at Kidushin 41a the rabbis taught: "It is forbidden for a man to betroth his daughter while she is young [but rather he should wait] till she has grown and says 'This is the one I want [to marry]" and this teaching is repeated elsewhere in the Talmud.
Michael Gruda ([email protected])
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--- Quote ---The Talmud strongly opposed formation of the marriage bond by sexual force (at any age) and punished those who acted in such manner (Kidushin 12b). Sanhedrin 55b says IF a girl is raped – if she is younger than 3 she is still considered a virgin for the sake of later marriage. In the eyes of the law she is still a virgin.

Is she is older then 3 it is considered RAPE and one of the compensations is that her father may demand the perp marry her as well as pay all the criminal penalties.

Remember that the man is not allowed to have sex with a 3 year old – we are discussing what happens if someone DOES.

The Talmud goes on to say that the father's right to marry off his daughter was to be used for her benefit. The age and manner of marriage is to a large extent a societal variable but at Kidushin 41a the rabbis taught: "It is forbidden for a man to betroth his daughter while she is young [but rather he should wait] till she has grown and says 'This is the one I want [to marry]" and this teaching is repeated elsewhere in the Talmud.
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I'll summarize these and post them on Youtube

The gall of a muslim whose prophet was such a vile rapist and sexual libertine, to bring a quote from the talmud culled from a neonazi website is unbeleivable.

Allen-T, the Talmud is not speaking in any way about the permissability according to Judaism of sex with a child because the Talmud says that sex with a child is considered rape. The context of the quote is does this unlawful sex, if it was done, render the female a non-virgin or is her virginity considered to be intact. That is the context.
These muslims, because they actually do have sex with children as a normal part of their society, assume that we do the same. It's a vicious Muslim lie. They are projecting their evil on others.


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