Save Western Civilization > Save Europe
--- Quote from: Marzutra on April 02, 2007, 10:13:35 AM ---
--- Quote from: Fruit of thy loins on April 02, 2007, 08:58:50 AM ---If I had enough money I would straightway go out and buy a DNA test kit. But it doesn't matter anyway. I am a lowly gentile and a white male too. :( That is a serious handicap in a globalized world. I am going to die with nothing to my name. White women should be banned from bringing white males into existence. It would be better if we had never been born.
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That that is words from a true "Progressive" thinker. Yes Mord, Britain is that bad. I received an email from a British friend of mine yesterday and he and his friends are going to start lobbying the government to throw out all the Muslims and Turd world un-British rubbish. I can't say as I blame them. Their cultures and religions are digressive to the civilized world.
I wasn't aware it was that bad in Scotland. I heard that Scotland was like Ireland, desperately trying to discourage "multi-culturalism" and bring back Scotishness and Irish/Celticness..... At least that is what I was reading...
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I heard Gerry Adams thinks Ireland needs more third world people
Irish, Welsh and Scottish nationalism are focussed around opposition to Westminster, which I can understand, to a certain degree, and on a more basic level, dislike of the English, who are the majority population in Britain.
The whole situation is dreadful. Welsh and Scottish nationalism (separatism, not economic nationalism, as in true nationalism) are being used to break up the UK (a natural strategic unit) and absorb the component parts into the hateful European Union.
I feel that the home nations should have local economy and democracy and separate national institutions, but that they should not break away from each other.
The balance we have now is just about right, as Scotland has a separate legal system and national institutions, and the Welsh (great people by the way) are culturally very nationalistic. The problem is the European Union, immigration, multiculturalism etc.
--- Quote from: sat_chit_anand on April 02, 2007, 08:19:24 AM ---
--- Quote from: Fruit of thy loins on April 02, 2007, 07:37:04 AM ---
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on April 01, 2007, 04:28:42 PM ---Fruit, do you live in Scotland? What nationalities were your ancestors?
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:( On my mother's side I am descended from the Vikings but my father was a very swarthy chap who I don't know anything about.
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Could be Paleo-Atlantid, there are a few of those in Britain. Indeed, mostly Cornwall and South Wales.
Best way to find out is with a DNA test, if it matters to you. They could profile the haplotypes which could give you an indication.
Alot of Irish and British have East Indian blood. This why the get Hemoglobin D is disorder it originated in India. The Swarthy types could have East Indian blood, people of India are Caucasiods.
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SO thats the reason they enjoy Indian food so much
--- Quote from: Fruit of thy loins on April 01, 2007, 01:07:46 PM ---
--- Quote from: TruthTyper on April 01, 2007, 11:12:19 AM ---fruit, are you english or welsh?
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I am none of these nationalities. Being a 'white British male' is like saying you are a leper or a person with Down's syndrome. I always fill out forms saying that I am mixed race (white-Asian) and I will only put 'British' down as nationality where obliged to. I am not English, not Scottish, not Welsh, not Irish. G-d help anyone who is.
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I knew you were black!
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