Author Topic: The Halimi Cover-Up  (Read 687 times)

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The Halimi Cover-Up
« on: May 27, 2009, 04:08:39 AM »
I'm not sure if people here know of this case. I've just read it and to say that it upsets me is an understatement..

To see how the French Government is so disgustingly cowardly fills me with so much anger..

Why did this happen to Ilan Halimi, the 23-year-old Parisian Jew,  WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?. As a parent myself I couldn't help but read and think, what if that was 1 of my boys. My heart goes out to the parents who will undoubtedly live with this over and over again because the French Government are too gutless to stand up to Muslims.

I now fully understand the war we are fighting

Three weeks of unimaginable torture. Three weeks. So many clues. So many guilty animals partaking in the continuing torture in their "homemade concentration camp." Twenty-three people participated in torturing Ilan. Another twenty were involved indirectly. The custodian of the building gave them the key to an apartment where they said they wanted to "keep someone." French journalist Guy Millière reported that "the screams must have been loud because the torture was especially atrocious: the thugs cut bits off the flesh of the young man, they cut his fingers and ears, they burned him with acid, and in the end poured flammable liquid on him and set him on fire."

source Surely someone in Europe could find out what's going on and get this back in the media?? don't 'we' owe it to this young mans family.

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Re: The Halimi Cover-Up
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2009, 06:14:56 PM »

I know about this case.
And, it troubles me greatly.
I believe that Ilan Halimi's Mother wrote a book about her son's kidnapping, torture for 26 days, death, the police bumbling the case, and the trial of the gang "called the Barbarians"; the book was to be released this or last month (I'm not sure exactly).

The rise in antisemitism in Europe is astounding, but the rise in France is off the chart.
These pieces of garbage who did this to Ilan had tormented other Jews in their neighborhood prior to the kidnapping of Ilan.

If Ilan's case was an isolated case, one could say he was the victim of a crime of foul play, but it has been reported that when the police picked up some of the "Barbarians" there were plans written up in notebooks to kidnap other Jewish people.

Why hasn't any of this been reported on a wide scale?
Good question and there is no good answer.
What makes one young Jewish man's life less important than others?
There is no good or right answer to this question, but people should be made aware of Ilan, his life, his torturous death, and the animals who caused his untimely death.

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Re: The Halimi Cover-Up
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2009, 12:27:42 AM »
I would detail what response the Jews and French should have, but it would probably trigger an FBI alert of some kind.  Use your imagination along the lines of Munich by Spielberg.

Offline muppet

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Re: The Halimi Cover-Up
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2009, 02:42:54 AM »
This case truly deeply worries and disturbs me, the viciousness, callousness and lack of World media is truly something to be worried about. The escalation of antisemitism all over the World is just unbelievable.

In just about EVERY country throughout the World today it seems to be just an accepted part of life. The silencing of Governments through barbarous and disgusting acts is another thing that disturbs me.

Things really need to be put back into perspective and some action needs to be taken to make people and their archaic beliefs held fully accountable.

I take part in another forum on several occasions over the past week I have made reference to this case only to have my post not POSTED. I have always thought of Andrew Bolt an Australian Journalist to be the one and only FAIR journo in Australia but it seems now that he's choosing to be quiet  at one time he was championing the cause for Geert Wilders :'( ..

On several other occasions during the weekend I tried to post information in regards to defending myself from another members attack on me calling me 'racist and pathetic', but that wasn't posted.

The one post I was able to get through however contained no links,

Brett H replied to the Dean
Fri 29 May 09 (12:15pm)

the Dean once again my post has gone mysteriously, off into the nether..

I’m starting to think that Mr Bolt and moderators are closet Muslim lovers/appeasers.. With what’s happening in the Netherlands and especially France why wouldn’t they become CAUTIOUS and scared.

Yes run away like true cowards and be silenced.

Obviously what I wanted to air was not suitable for this audience. Obviously anything that’s PRO JEWISH has no authenticity on the World’s stage.

Mr Fife I think you and your cohorts are nothing but Jew hating anti-semites. It is you who is the fool.

No doubt there will be positions in the new 4th Reich for you when the time comes.

I took a nice swipe at Mr Bolt and his moderators  typical though I never received a comment from them..

The World's being silenced bit by bit. I will however keep it up.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2009, 05:59:46 AM by muppet »