Author Topic: George Tiller ysh''v shot and killed at Wichita Church  (Read 5114 times)

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Offline MountainMan

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Re: George Tiller ysh''v shot and killed at Wichita Church
« Reply #50 on: June 03, 2009, 03:36:48 PM »
Great post CHristian Zionist..  Killer the Tiller is dead  :dance: :dance:    Yeah, what are all these pro-choice scumbags doing cryign about Tiller's death?  The guy who shot him was pro-choice, he has the right to abort Tiller if he wants to.  After all these women feel they have the right to abort these children who never did any wrong to them.  Why are they the only people who get to abort people?  At least by aborting Tiller the Killer, we have saved the lives of thousands of children.   Life is cheap in this country and its disgusting that "PRO-CHOICE" people can have a movement at all.

You know you are in a g-dless country when there is a giant movement in the support of butchering babies so filthy whores can go around screwing guys all they want.  And, too many selifsh men out there who rather spend all night at sports club getting drunk and watching football game with their buddies and cannot possiblity be hindered by the financial and emotional responbility of being a parent. 

They say in Japan, more women use abortion than birth control.  Babies are just viewed as squishy things and killing them is not a big deal.  Funny how these selfish monsters view a fetus as not a human, they were a fetus too.   WHy is a newborn baby considered a human, but a 4 month old in the womb baby consider just a group of cells?   Morals around the world are really messed up.

Offline Christian Zionist

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Re: George Tiller ysh''v shot and killed at Wichita Church
« Reply #51 on: June 03, 2009, 03:56:09 PM »
Just an FYI...

Tiller the killer had performed about 60,000 abortions - more than the number of US soldiers died in Iraq  Vietnam rather!!!
« Last Edit: June 03, 2009, 10:48:58 PM by Christian Zionist »
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

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Re: George Tiller ysh''v shot and killed at Wichita Church
« Reply #52 on: June 03, 2009, 04:57:55 PM »
Just an FYI...

Tiller the killer had performed about 60,000 abortions - more than the number of US soldiers died in Iraq

You don't hear the liberals screaming for millions of dead babies...yet you hear the liberals screaming about rights for terrorists.
I pray G-d destroys all this evil that surrounds us.

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Offline Rubystars

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Re: George Tiller ysh''v shot and killed at Wichita Church
« Reply #53 on: June 03, 2009, 10:16:12 PM »
60,000 abortions! That guy deserved more than a humane shot in the head. He deserved to have his skin ripped off his body while he was still alive and have alcohol thrown on each wound and lit on fire. Through a legally-sanctioned court action of course.

Offline CorrieDeservedIt

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Re: George Tiller ysh''v shot and killed at Wichita Church
« Reply #54 on: June 03, 2009, 10:24:05 PM »

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
God bless the man that shot him.
What goes around comes around.

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Re: George Tiller ysh''v shot and killed at Wichita Church
« Reply #55 on: June 04, 2009, 04:04:23 AM »
60,000 abortions! That guy deserved more than a humane shot in the head. He deserved to have his skin ripped off his body while he was still alive and have alcohol thrown on each wound and lit on fire. Through a legally-sanctioned court action of course.
First, he should have been tied to a chair, with his eyelids cut off, and turned to face the above procedure being done to members of his family.

Then the above should have been done to him.

And yeah Ruby, the above should have happened as the result of a jury sentence, and in an even remotely moral nation, it would have long ago.

Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: George Tiller ysh''v shot and killed at Wichita Church
« Reply #56 on: June 04, 2009, 07:45:17 AM »
One last thing, I think JTFers should all be praying that there is a massive radon gas cloud under the floor of the Jew-hating Martin Hitler church that Tiller served as an elder in so that everyone who attends it can get metastatic lung sarcoma.

   Our prayers should be used for things that are more serious. While this congregation has many people who sin, noone is perfect. We must pray for their souls. Perhaps they can see the wrong of what they have done and change for the better. Unless someone is real evil, I don't wish cancer upon him or her. I'm hoping what happened at that church will result in the saving of many unborn lives.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

Offline Rubystars

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Re: George Tiller ysh''v shot and killed at Wichita Church
« Reply #57 on: June 04, 2009, 07:49:15 AM »
That place doesn't have the right to call themselves a church at all.

Offline Christian Zionist

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Re: George Tiller ysh''v shot and killed at Wichita Church
« Reply #58 on: June 04, 2009, 10:55:09 AM »
60,000 abortions! That guy deserved more than a humane shot in the head. He deserved to have his skin ripped off his body while he was still alive and have alcohol thrown on each wound and lit on fire. Through a legally-sanctioned court action of course.
First, he should have been tied to a chair, with his eyelids cut off, and turned to face the above procedure being done to members of his family.

Then the above should have been done to him.

And yeah Ruby, the above should have happened as the result of a jury sentence, and in an even remotely moral nation, it would have long ago.

I forgot to add:  This "good" Christian was a "good" grand father of 10 kids.  He obviously did not want to suck their brains out while they were coming out!!!

This is the last paragraph of the statement issued by his "loving family"

"Our loss is also a loss for the City of Wichita and women across America. George dedicated his life to providing women with high-quality heath care despite frequent threats and violence. We ask that he be remembered as a good husband, father and grandfather and a dedicated servant on behalf of the rights of women everywhere."


Rights of women everywhere???    They think it is her body so she has the right to do anything she wants!!!  Okay - if a male baby is in her womb then the male genital is part her body too!!!  A pregrent woman has 2 hearts, 4 legs, 4 years, 4 eyes etc.  It is her body so why can't she let doctors like Tiller to cut her "other" 2 years off???
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: George Tiller ysh''v shot and killed at Wichita Church
« Reply #59 on: June 04, 2009, 11:22:49 AM »
It didn't help the women's rights of likely more than 30,000 girls he murdered, or the human rights of either gender baby.