Save Western Civilization > Save America

I publicaly accuse the Entirety of the American Civil Liberties Union


and the respective States Liberties Unions, past and present, as well as their immediate and direct relatives
of  terrorism, conspiracy, and aiding and abbeting the terrorists attacking the Untied States on 91101

Hail Columbia:
The people of the American Communist Lawyers Union would rather have another 9/11 than racial profiling at the airports.  That's how sick they are.

amen to THAT


--- Quote from: gentilerighteous on September 11, 2006, 06:35:30 PM ---and the respective States Liberties Unions, past and present, as well as their immediate and direct relatives
of  terrorism, conspiracy, and aiding and abbeting the terrorists attacking the Untied States on 91101

--- End quote ---

same from me about Israeli similar unions that daily interfere with our soldiers' work in watch-posts and other places, thus helping terrorists penetrate Israel. especially all these leftist demagogues like uri avneri or higher ranking yossi beilin and Co. they all cause here what these American Civil Liberties Union and States Liberties Unions caused to your country.


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