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Richard Wagner was a transvestite
« on: March 02, 2007, 03:15:13 PM »
Typical nazi fag...
Richard Wagner did a J Edgar Hoover in Corsets and Lace
12 Adar 5767, 02 March 07 10:09
by Steven Plaut
12 Adar 5767, 3/2/2007

( Oh, darned.

Now we will never be able to prevent the Caring Crowd from demanding that the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra play Wagner's music.  This sounds like it is taken from Mel Brooks' "The Producers", but it turns out that Hitler's favorite composer was a transvestite.  And this is NOT a Purim joke.

Adolf Hitler once said that "Whoever wants to understand National Socialistic Germany must know Wagner."  Richard Wagner was an early promoter of racialist theories about Jewish inferiority.  Wagner's opera "The Ring of Nibelung" was particularly anti-Semitic, although now we all must wonder on what Wagner must have been nibbling when he composed his Nibelung.  The Nazis found many of Wagner's rantings inspiring and lionized him.

The Guardian in the UK has just reported that Richard Wagner was a cross dresser.  Seems the pre-nazi composer himself bragged about it. He wrote: "The bodice will have a high collar, with a lace jabot and ribbons; close-fitting sleeves; the dress trimmed with puffed flounces - of the same satin material - no basque at the front (the dress must be very wide and have a train) but a rich bustle with a bow at the back, like the one at the front) ..."  His letter about his passion for ladies' garments was revealed by a new web site, the Wagner Journal, run by an Opera buff and groupie of Wagner.

Barry Millington, co-editor of the Wagner Journal, is cited in the Guardian as saying: "He obviously had a very pronounced feminine side," said Mr Millington. "There was this whole business with silks and satin underwear: he had to wear silk next to his skin."  Moreover, Wagner shopped for his clothes with fancy French dress designers.  Oo la la!

Now performing Wagner has long been controversial in Israel.  On the one hand, there may be as many as 300 people in Israel who actually like to listen to opera music and a few of these want the Israel Philharmonic to perform Wagner until the fat lady sings.  As Mark Twain once said, opera music is better than it sounds.  The orchestra however refuses to perform Wagner; one can occasionally hear Wagner on Israeli radio.  Zubin Mehta requested to conduct Wagner and was turned down flat.  Anti-Israel moonbat maestro Daniel Barenboim has to go to Bayreuth to conduct Wagner.  Many non-Jews are also uncomfortable with performing Wagner.   

But now that it turns out that Wagner was politically correct, that is, a transvestite in lace as well as a fruit, how on earth will we be able to stop the demands from the Moonbatocracy that he be celebrated in Israel as well? 

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Richard Wagner was a transvestite
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2007, 02:17:08 AM »
Re:  "...The Guardian in the UK has just reported that Richard Wagner was a cross dresser..."

Anyone, including Steven Plaut, who quotes The Guardian UK to prove anything whatsoever, is either a stupid fool, a Marxist Internationalist, or both.

These allegations regarding Richard Wagner are 100% lies.

Not one iota of truth is to be found in any of The Guardian UK's absurd article, and not one iota of learning, reason, or logic, is to be gained from reading Plaut's aspersion-ridden diatribe.

The Guardian UK is a sick Jew-Hating, Bolshevik, pro-Homosexual sham of a newspaper.

The article in question credits some obvious faggot who is quoting completely out of context.
from Wagner's diary.
Say what you will about Richard Wagner, but he was nevertheless one of the greatest geniuses in all of history.

He was also a most complex personality; one who railed against Jews like a madman, but also insisted that his manuscripts only be sent to one particular Jewish music publicist for transcription; insisting that only this one Jewish publisher had the capabilities to always transcribe his compositions perfectly.

He also had more than a few young Jewish composers who followed him and admired him greatly.

There is not so much as a single shred of evidence that Richard Wagner was anything other than a devoted husband and father throughout his life.

Those offering suggestions that "suddenly" 2007...a sick fag running a Wagner website fanclub "has discovered for the first time" that one of the greatest composers/authors in human history was some kind of "closet case fag", are dangerously delusional, are blatant liars, and they themselves have a hidden agenda in promoting a homosexual agenda.

There are few publications as anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist, and Jew-Hating as is The Guardian UK.

Steven Plaut has convinced me that that he is less than credible.

I know little about him other except that he's a Professor.

Well, the "Professor" had better do a little better research before blowing untrue crap worldwide and signing his name to it.

Richard Wagner authored numerous books, as well as single handedly, and permanently, revolutionized the world of music and theatre.

There remains not a single aspect of his life, works, and art, that has not been documented in literally hundreds of in-depth biographical studies.

Finally, I must add while Der Fuhrer loved Wagner and his music; there is no direct connection between Wagner and Hitler.

Nor can be made a connection between Wagner and the Nazis; there being no such social or political movement during Wagner's lifetime. 

Wagner lived in the mid-late 1800's.

Politically, he was a radical revolutionary who in his youth literally had to run for his life and seek exile in Switzerland.

While he hated Jews, it can truthfully be said that the vast number of Germans in the 19th Century hated Jews

It might also be said that his ravings and rantings were likely the outbursts and rages of a superb genius on the edge of insanity.

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Re: Richard Wagner was a transvestite
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2007, 06:17:17 AM »
You are exactly right on this Massuh. It seems that more and more evil news sources come up with frivolous disclosures on historical figures that distort and even destroy the person in questions reputation. Although  am not an expert on Wagner it is sad that over a hundred years after his death this sort of disclosure rears its head when its hard to confirm or deny.
I am always disgusted when accusations are made about J. Edgar Hoover being a cross dresser. Why didn't people who knew this come forward when this man was alive with accusations like this. Toward the end of his administration Hoover came under several senate reviews and nothing like this was ever mentioned. I cant help but feel many of this sort of accusation is made for self serving means. Its sad that some historical figures have to pay the price for this nonsense undeservedly.
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Re: Richard Wagner was a transvestite
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2007, 10:38:44 AM »
You are exactly right on this Massuh. It seems that more and more evil news sources come up with frivolous disclosures on historical figures that distort and even destroy the person in questions reputation. Although  am not an expert on Wagner it is sad that over a hundred years after his death this sort of disclosure rears its head when its hard to confirm or deny.
I am always disgusted when accusations are made about J. Edgar Hoover being a cross dresser. Why didn't people who knew this come forward when this man was alive with accusations like this. Toward the end of his administration Hoover came under several senate reviews and nothing like this was ever mentioned. I cant help but feel many of this sort of accusation is made for self serving means. Its sad that some historical figures have to pay the price for this nonsense undeservedly.

J. Edgar was known to be a cross-dresser and a homosexual while he was alive. Presidents and other political rivals refrained from making mention of this due to Hoover's immense power. I don't think it's sad that historical figures come under fire after the fact. I think actions have consequences and unless it is a baseless smear campaign (which in Hoover's case it is not), these issues need to be discussed.

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Re: Richard Wagner was a transvestite
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2007, 08:27:08 PM »
You are exactly right on this Massuh. It seems that more and more evil news sources come up with frivolous disclosures on historical figures that distort and even destroy the person in questions reputation. Although  am not an expert on Wagner it is sad that over a hundred years after his death this sort of disclosure rears its head when its hard to confirm or deny.
I am always disgusted when accusations are made about J. Edgar Hoover being a cross dresser. Why didn't people who knew this come forward when this man was alive with accusations like this. Toward the end of his administration Hoover came under several senate reviews and nothing like this was ever mentioned. I cant help but feel many of this sort of accusation is made for self serving means. Its sad that some historical figures have to pay the price for this nonsense undeservedly.

J. Edgar was known to be a cross-dresser and a homosexual while he was alive. Presidents and other political rivals refrained from making mention of this due to Hoover's immense power. I don't think it's sad that historical figures come under fire after the fact. I think actions have consequences and unless it is a baseless smear campaign (which in Hoover's case it is not), these issues need to be discussed.
Jabo I see your point however for me it just seems wrong to defame someone after they are dead and unable to defend themselves. For every account that I read about Hoover being strange I see others that say he wasn't. It just seems pointless that all this garbage came out after he was out of office and dead. As powerfull as Hoover was I cant believe he was able to keep such a weird lifestyle under wraps with enemy's like the Kennedy's and many of the other high power folks Hoover was at odds with. They would have exposed him in a second and they had the cash and ability to do it. Whatever Hoover was he built the FBI into an organization that was world renowned for maintaining law and order. For me Hoover and the FBI are inseparable.
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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Richard Wagner was a transvestite
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2007, 08:57:18 AM »


Offline trekmate

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Re: Richard Wagner was a transvestite
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2007, 07:30:00 PM »
what else do you expect from a nazi?

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Re: Richard Wagner was a transvestite
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2007, 11:03:41 PM »
I'm sure this will make Tonycali just love Wagner. ::)

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Re: Richard Wagner was a transvestite
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2007, 11:42:38 PM »
Wagner shares Karl Marx’s view that Jews incarnated the evil of commercialism and turned art into a commodity.

For Marx in “The Jewish Question”, “the social emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of society from Judaism.”

Comparably, for Wagner, “To become a human being together with us means for the Jew…first of all ceasing to be a Jew.”

« Last Edit: March 06, 2007, 10:52:06 AM by Jabo »

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Re: Richard Wagner was a transvestite
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2007, 12:41:27 AM »
Richard Wagner was the scum of the earth. He preached Nazism many decades before Hitler. Wagner was obsessed with hatred for the Jews because the Jews represented morality, and like many "enlightened" Germans he detested morality.

Like many composers, Wagner was an arrogant egomaniacal swine.

I cannot understand how any Jew can defend him. I don't give a damn about his music. Music is more important than the fact that he created the ideological foundation for the holocaust in which six million Jews were murdered? The kikes in Israel who want to play his music should be killed as far as I'm concerned. One thing the JDL under Rabbi Kahane and Chaim fought against were the kikes who loved "culture" more than people.

And yes, I do believe that Wagner was a transvestite. Most hard-core Nazis were and are homosexual deviants.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Richard Wagner was a transvestite
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2007, 09:09:24 AM »
"Richard Wagner's Anti-Semitism"

An essay which proves only that two Jews with Ph.D degrees are able to demonstrate a high level of writing composition skills.

This essay presents German composer Richard Wagner's name in its title, and presents for its argument a far from accurate analysis of historical evidence; this being the two authors' views that composer Wagner's "widespread acceptance" alone, legitimized Anti-Semitism in Germany as a cultural phenomenon, forming the basis for Hitler and Nazism; resulting in large numbers of German Jews emigrating to the United States as the land where they would no longer face discrimination, and never again have to face being recognized first and foremost by their fellow citizens as "Jews".

In actual fact, Wagner's disdain for Jews, was a long established cultural norm throughout all of Europe throughout the 1800 years prior to the composer's birth, from England to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, from Spain to the far ends of Czarist Russia.

Furthermore, Wagner's musical achievements were not widely recognized during his lifetime.

Neither were his works widely accepted.

All were denounced by the musical establishment and critics of his day, angrily rejected by all but a few other composers.

Even so, the authors' arguments conclude with a most flawed premise:

This being that America is the country which is the haven for Jews; the land where no matter how assimilated or traditional, the Jew is seen only as an "American", not as a "Jew".

This is nothing more than mere "wishful thinking" on their part; exposing the blatantly false anti-Kahanist doctrine that...

"The Jew has now come home to his final refuge in America; the land where he is to never again be viewed by his fellow citizens as "a Jew".

In fact, the authors' Ph.D credentials are used to lend an air of "academic authority" and "legitimacy" to what is only their collective personal biases, revealing the typical "wishful thinking" of self-destructive Jews who desperately rationalize any and all reasons to convince themselves that they can find acceptance in the gentile world; thus remaining in Exile.
These author's views are diametrically opposite to those taught us by Rabbi Meir Kahane.

If, as this essay contends, Wagner's acceptance as a composer lent cultural legitimacy to "Anti-Semitism", then it must be also true that American industrialist Henry Ford, whose far more virulent hatred of the Jew, as proven by his establishing The Dearborn Press in Dearborn, Michigan, to publish The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and The International Jew Vols I, II, III; along with his demands to all Ford dealerships selling his "Model T" automobiles that a copy of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion be included in the dashboards of every Ford car sold, did to a much greater degree establish American Jew-Hatred as not only a culturally acceptable doctrine, but an American Industrial Doctrine as well.

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Re: Richard Wagner was a transvestite
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2007, 10:55:23 AM »
Massuh, I thank you for analytically reading the essay. The one and only point I found useful was the comparison to Marx. I actually googled "Marx" with "Wagner" because I know they lived at the same time in approximately the same place and was wondering that sort of contact they had. The essay jumped out at me.

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Re: Richard Wagner was a transvestite
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2007, 04:05:49 PM »
Jabo writes:  "...I actually googled "Marx" with "Wagner"..."

Wagner's politics were similar to those of Marx.

The same might also be said in comparing Beethoven to Marx.

Probably more a reflection on the period in which the musicians lived, when those who had the luxury to "think" about things, envisioned a world of "equality" & "brotherhood", free of monarchy & wars.

But, let's face it....since when did "musicians" ever really wield political power?


Did you say "Bono" & Bill Clinton?



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Re: Richard Wagner was a transvestite
« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2007, 09:05:29 AM »
The 'Pilgrim's Chorus' from Tannhauser is a very moving piece of music. Wagner's predilection for pantyhose is really just a detail.

Most UK newspapers are full of this sort of trivia and in the same way that the History Channel has become the Hitler Channel, it is really just a form of low-grade intellectual pornography.

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Re: Richard Wagner was a transvestite
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2007, 06:52:39 PM »
Richard Wagner was  a genius German composer

Din Rodef

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Re: Richard Wagner was a transvestite
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2007, 07:54:26 PM »
Wagner is a distant relative of mine least...that's the family story

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Re: Richard Wagner was a transvestite
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2007, 07:59:23 PM »
Wagner is a distant relative of mine least...that's the family story
Your Famous :D collect some residuels on his music.
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Re: Richard Wagner was a transvestite
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2007, 08:28:00 PM »
Your Famous :D collect some residuels on his music.

Haha...that's the story anyway. I don't know if it's true.


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Re: Richard Wagner was a transvestite
« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2007, 06:40:51 AM »
I think that the point is that Wagner was an anti-Semite and the Nazi regime used his music and that is transgressive and offensive for a lot of Jewish people.

His music was part of the German romantic movement (the English romantic movement was better, IMO) and came at the time when smaller German states began to amalgamate into a greater Germany. I am not so sure that his music was inspired by that... Wagner's patron was the mad Ludwig II who was staunchly nationalistic and wanted Bavaria to remain separate. He built magnificent castles.

If you have not seen the film 'Ludwig' by directed by Luchino Visconti, I recommend that you watch it. The whole thing takes 6 hours. I find myself in tears every five minutes. For me it is about painful compromises.

The torturous formality of Ludwig's life even extends to his near family arranging for him to appear to fall in love with his cousin, to whom he is betrothed, in front of his extended family at a large family gathering.

His love for Wagner is perhaps symbolic of his desire to break away from this and from Christianity and the constraints of duty and pursue a different path. Ludwig and Ludwig's family falls apart because they have turned against nature. Richard Wagner's is Ludwig's only solace.

Visually, the film has a eerie preternatural quality. Perhaps best viewed from 6pm to midnight with a large hankerchief.

Fascinating subject matter, but do not expect Jewish people to like Richard Wagner.

He didn't like them.

I think that the roots of this are in the Judeo-Christian linear sense of time, which conflicts with the pagan notion of the world cycle.