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Shalom from Essen/ Germany
Welcome, HerrmantheGerman. I like your name. :)
Gelsenkirchen greets Essen
Herzlich Willkommen. Great to have you here.
Hello, welcome to the JTF !
Shalom - Dox
Thank you.
I am glad to be here
and wonder if it would be a good idea
to organize worldwide a Nobama Day
so that jews, christians, and all kind of righteous people
among other believers
can pray together the psalms
recite the phropecies bout Gog the prince of rosh meschech and tubal
which is according to christian doctrine the antichrist
To speak frankly i do not believe, that Obama is the Antichrist
but that he is commanded by the great Gog,
this gog will be a human by flesh but his soul
is a creature of hell
If you want to understand the Christian Concept of Antichrist
you should read Vladimir Solovjevs Book about the Antichrist
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