Save Western Civilization > Save Europe

UK schools drop Holocaust from curriculum to avoid offending Muslims

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--- Quote from: Din Rodef on April 02, 2007, 03:46:24 PM ---Good Mord - we need guys like you in the US

sorry to change the topic

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No problem

Fruit of thy loins:

--- Quote from: Din Rodef on April 02, 2007, 03:31:38 PM ---
I've gotta tell ya...that this is the first real story that has me seriously doubting Britain's ability to survive.

Even in Bolshevik America...the liberals would NEVER stop teaching about the holocaust.

Maybe it's time for the few good Brits that are come to the US...just like their cousins did before them

Maybe...America really is the West's "Last Stand"

--- End quote ---

You really want legions of antisemitic, smelly, white trash ANglos moving to your country?

That's your prerogative I guess. 

I agree with din. The holocaust we are taught in school tries to send the message that all races are equal. Its not true at all. they teach the jews are not part of the white race, in tons of videos I've seen in school, they are depicted as very dark skinned arabs.

We studied the holocaust not long ago. It was extremely depressing but taught very well. The fact that they are trying to ERASE HISTORY is very odd, especially since a man recently went to prison for 10years for  condemning the holocaust, when he was a nutter.

I read in another article they wanted to remove it as not to cause offence to jewish children.

The jewish holocaust wasn't that bad and very exaggerated by Americans, british, and Soviets. The worse tragedy of the 20th century was Stalin rising to power and killing 30 million people.


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