Author Topic: UK schools drop Holocaust from curriculum to avoid offending Muslims  (Read 16440 times)

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Re: UK schools drop Holocaust from curriculum to avoid offending Muslims
« Reply #25 on: April 02, 2007, 09:59:09 PM »
It is a mistake to think of World War 2 as a Good vs. Evil battle. Every side what fighting for their own best personal interest.

do not negate the historical fact that WWII was only about Jews.

It was a struggle to control all of Europe. Immediently after WW2 the cold war was already rising up. Communist vs. the Capitalist. Hitler may have hated jews but so did  alot of people at that time. I just don't believe 6 million jews died. I'm not sure of the exact numbers, but these numbers are clearly overexaggerated in order to assist the allies in winning a propaganda war against Nazi Germany.

I need to see some real excerpts from Mein Kampf to believe what you are saying. I doubt Hitler claimed the roman/carthage wars were began by jews, lol.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2007, 10:05:05 PM by TruthTyper »

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: UK schools drop Holocaust from curriculum to avoid offending Muslims
« Reply #26 on: April 02, 2007, 11:31:23 PM »
Re:  "...I need to see some real excerpts from Mein Kampf to believe what you are saying. I doubt Hitler claimed the roman/carthage wars were began by jews, lol..."

Just hilarious.  You're a brainwashed fool...typical, because you "parrot" the Neo-Nazi Party line you've been soaking up for the past few years, yet you don't know the very first thing about anything.

Wait till you wake up one day and find out that your entire sense of reality and history has always been one huge terrific lie.

Din Rodef

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Re: UK schools drop Holocaust from curriculum to avoid offending Muslims
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2007, 12:29:43 AM »
It is a mistake to think of World War 2 as a Good vs. Evil battle. Every side what fighting for their own best personal interest.

World War 2 was an epic battle between good and evil. Hitler was attempting to replace Biblical truth with Social Darwinism.

Be careful when you start thinking things like "every side was fighting for their own best interest." This kind of thinking is eerily similar to the liberal "realpolitik" philosophy that has created the current EU police state. It is the same kind of thinking that lead to the Communist notion of "the ends justify the means" that allowed Stalin to justify his slaughter of millions of fellow countrymen. This is also the kind of thinking that Balestinian's use to justify strapping suicide bombs on their own children.

People who believe in Hashem and live their lives according to Biblical truth understand that "the means justify the ends." In other words, each individual is responsible for his/her own actions and accountable to Hashem. It doesn't matter the outcome of the situation, because it only matters that the individual lived his/her life according to Hashem's teachings.

Those who do not truly follow Biblical teachings will believe that they are not personally accountable to Hashem. Instead, these people believe that they are accountable to other men. In other words, they replace G-d with MEN. This is the kind of thinking that allows a population to be ruled by a tyrant because people will fear the laws of the tyrant more than they will fear the laws of G-d.

Have you ever heard people say that "men who do not fear G-d, fear other men?"

It is not a coincidence that George Washington was able to bravely fight against King George of England because Washington feared no man. Washington would never be a slave to another man. Washington feared only G-d, so he was able to bravely fight against the tyranny of men.

JTF's founder, Chaim Ben Pesach, was able to spend many years in prison for his work on behalf of Russian Jews because he feared only G-d. He didn't fear the laws of men and this made him brave.

World War 2 was an attempt by the Axis powers to eliminate the concept of G-d and replace him with the laws of men. Hitler was attempting to replace "fear of G-d" with the "fear of men" so that he could take control. The Jews gave the world the laws of G-d (the Bible) so Hitler had to eliminate the Jews. But the Christians freed Europe from the tyranny of men too, so Hitler also had to eliminate Christianity. In order for Hitler to create a world empire based on Social Darwinism, he had to eliminate BOTH Christianity and Judaism.

World War 2 was the ultimate battle of good vs. evil.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2007, 12:45:44 AM by Din Rodef »

Din Rodef

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Re: UK schools drop Holocaust from curriculum to avoid offending Muslims
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2007, 01:22:13 AM »

It was a struggle to control all of Europe. Immediently after WW2 the cold war was already rising up. Communist vs. the Capitalist. Hitler may have hated jews but so did  alot of people at that time. I just don't believe 6 million jews died. I'm not sure of the exact numbers, but these numbers are clearly overexaggerated in order to assist the allies in winning a propaganda war against Nazi Germany.

I need to see some real excerpts from Mein Kampf to believe what you are saying. I doubt Hitler claimed the roman/carthage wars were began by jews, lol.

I've read Mein Kampf front to back and studied Nazism extensively.

From my recollection, everything that MassuhD said about Hitler is true. (and I would be happy to discuss this further if you want)

The problem I have with MassuhD is that he is interpreting Hitler from only Jewish perspective. This makes sense, because MassuhD is Jewish. But it is not Christian Western thinking and this causes SERIOUS conflict when it comes to teaching history with a Christian Western perspective.

World War II was NOT just a war against the was a war against G-d himself.

Christendom was at stake. If the Nazis had won then the Jews would have been physically exterminated, but Christendom would have been exterminated too. World War II was a civil war within the West. Were White Europeans to return to the Godless Social Darwinism of the Roman Empire, or were they to be loyal to G-d and Christianity? This was the heart of World War II from a White Western Perspective....the Jews played a role...but they were only one part of a much larger picture.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2007, 01:24:37 AM by Din Rodef »

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: UK schools drop Holocaust from curriculum to avoid offending Muslims
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2007, 10:16:15 AM »
Din Rodef:  "...But it is not Christian Western thinking and this causes SERIOUS conflict when it comes to teaching history with a Christian Western perspective..."

Din Rodef, it seems that we find a large area of agreement.

Our historical perspectives of The Third Reich differ only slightly.

I hope we can both agree on the adage that Jews are "the canary in the coal mine".

As we see today, whenever the spectre of Jew-hatred suddenly becomes a world-wide phenomenon, a new global conflagration is imminent.

Theodore Herzl, the 19th Century Austrian journalist credited today with the political philosophy known as modern Zionism, made many keen observations regarding the place of the Jew within gentile societies.

History has since reconfirmed these views and vindicated his perspectives.

Herzl wrote "...Anti-Semitism, is a permanent feature of Western is always present..subtly underneath the thin veneer of "civilized society"..."it manifests full strength whenever periods of social unrest and/or political confusion take place; which occur in cyclical episodes every generation or two"..."hatred and scapegoating of the Jew, is the only constant in European philosophy and politics" [my paraphrase of Herzl's quote].

Of course, if one is to attempt to destroy Western Christian Civilization, it is The Jew who must first and foremost be discredited and destroyed; Christianity and Christian society will afterwards tumble over like dominoes once the very basis of belief in G-d and morality are done away.

Hitler's Socialism basically differed from that of Marxism/Leninism/Stalinism only to the extent that Nazism is based solely on race being the determinant of which group is to receive the full political benefits of the socialist system.

The more ideologically pure Russian Socialism stressed the equality of all races and sexes within an international proletarian brotherhood.

Of course, numerous other variants, such as the role of women, etc., are obvious, but Socialism essentially is Totalitarianism.

Socialism always seeks Empire through military conquest preceded by socio-economic-political subversion; including the use of terror as a tactic.

Once in place, the BIG LIE of Socialist Theory becomes apparent to all.

The citizenry is disarmed and enslaved.

A new class of "commisars" receive entitlement to the highest standard of living with all of its accoutrements.

Socialism's "masses" (the other class) do what they are told, or face punishment.

In a nutshell, capitalism & free enterprise allow individuals to make their own decisions and benefit from their own labor and enterprise; Socialism merely shifts all decisions, benefits, enterprise, and wealth, to a miniscule elite political ruling class.

Most interesting, as Herzl succinctly noted, is that both systems insist that it is The Jew responsible for their shortcomings.

Perhaps this is because in their most pure sense, both Capitalism and Socialism are amoral at their very roots; using the front of "benefit to society as a whole" to mask their innate greed and selfishness.


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Re: UK schools drop Holocaust from curriculum to avoid offending Muslims
« Reply #30 on: April 03, 2007, 02:28:27 PM »
Re:  "...I need to see some real excerpts from Mein Kampf to believe what you are saying. I doubt Hitler claimed the roman/carthage wars were began by jews, lol..."

Just hilarious.  You're a brainwashed fool...typical, because you "parrot" the Neo-Nazi Party line you've been soaking up for the past few years, yet you don't know the very first thing about anything.

Wait till you wake up one day and find out that your entire sense of reality and history has always been one huge terrific lie.

No offence, but you wrote this whole post yet failed to give me one quote from Mein Kampf. I would like to see where Hitler claimed all wars were caused by jews. Honestly I never read Mein Kampf (may be its not smart to buy that book lol).

Wait till you wake up one day and find out that your entire sense of reality and history has always been one huge terrific lie.

I don't know what you mean by that. I believe the holocaust was overexaggerated, and free speech shoudl be allowed, simple as that.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2007, 03:06:03 PM by TruthTyper »


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Re: UK schools drop Holocaust from curriculum to avoid offending Muslims
« Reply #31 on: April 03, 2007, 02:59:30 PM »
Were White Europeans to return to the Godless Social Darwinism of the Roman Empire,

The Roman Empire was argueably the greatest empire in Europe/ever. I would've loved to see it restored, thats why I respected the third reich. A restoration of Rome.

From my recollection, everything that MassuhD said about Hitler is true. (and I would be happy to discuss this further if you want)

How can I read a mein kampf copy if theres a free one online? I would like to seee some of these quotes Massudh wrote, very interesting.

JTF's founder, Chaim Ben Pesach, was able to spend many years in prison for his work on behalf of Russian Jews because he feared only G-d. He didn't fear the laws of men and this made him brave.

May I ask what the specific crime is? Did you mean russian or soviet (pre-1991)? Anyone that harms the soviet union deserves respect. the Soviets were communist cowards.

« Last Edit: April 03, 2007, 03:07:34 PM by TruthTyper »

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: UK schools drop Holocaust from curriculum to avoid offending Muslims
« Reply #32 on: April 03, 2007, 06:49:29 PM »
Re:  "...The Roman Empire was argueably the greatest empire in Europe/ever. I would've loved to see it restored, thats why I respected the third reich. A restoration of Rome..."

The greatest before, or after, it packed up lock, stock, and barrel, and relocated to Constantinople?

The greatest as a pagan empire; one in which the wealthiest and highest class women, would celebrate their Feast of Saturnalia by going to the Temple of Saturn and having sexual intercourse with male goats?......Is this empire the one you like best? you refer to what became known eventually as The Holy Roman Empire?

You have already displayed to all here your abject ignorance of history; undoubtedly the result of a substandard school system combined with your own inflated sense of self-worth. your best interest, here are a few facts to ponder:

It was Benito Mussolini who proclaimed his Fascist Italy to be the restored Roman Empire; not Germany's Hitler.

Russians have traditionally considered their capitol Moscow to be "The Second Rome".

Rome was originally a Republic of Law.

Only later did it degenerate into an Imperial Dictatorship.

The Third Reich was set up under Der Fuhrer's Fuhrerprincip...described in depth in Mein Kampf, which created a totalitarian dictatorship under one man, given total power to rule as he saw fit.

All laws were re-written to establish race only as the sole basis for presumed innocence (although, in reality, just a whisper or rumor that a good German Aryan had made a joke about Der Fuhrer was all that was necessary for one's arrest and execution without trial.

Your big buddy Adolph had nothing but scorn and ridicule for anything associated with the Church of Rome.

His intent was to create a "United Fortress Europe", purged of all but "Aryans"; under the dictatorship of the German "Master Race".

Hitler told his closest associates that it wasn't necessary for him to arrest & kill the Pope & Bishops, because as soon as German youth were brainwashed to be Hitler Youth, they would completely reject all things Christian and laugh at the Pope.

It doesn't necessarily take a genius to spend every penny and dollar on armaments, invade all of one's neighbors, enslave all the citizens under its control, and steal and rape all of their natural resources; while offering media control, mind control, thought control, and the worship of the "supreme leader" as a literal god (all the while claiming "the JOOZ made me do it").

If that is your idea of an admirable empire, I sincerely hope you one day will be born into one.

You deserve it.

You really do.


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Re: UK schools drop Holocaust from curriculum to avoid offending Muslims
« Reply #33 on: April 03, 2007, 06:55:52 PM »
jesus christ dude, all I said was that I liked the Roman Empire :O
I said I respected the third reich since they tried to recreate Rome. the Roman Empire was the greatest empire ever in existence. Yeah in the end days they fell to corruption (an example would be the temple of venus you mentioned) and made some terrible decisions (Splitting the Roman Empire into western adn eastern) but they were still the greatest empire ever with a dramatic fall.

Yeah, I understand completely all about Charlemagne, The Holy Roman Empire, etc..

Russians have traditionally considered their capitol Moscow to be "The Second Rome".

I'm well aware, that is why they call their leader "czars".

Rome was originally a Republic of Law.

Only later did it degenerate into an Imperial Dictatorship.

Because of Julius Ceaser.

It was Benito Mussolini who proclaimed his Fascist Italy to be the restored Roman Empire; not Germany's Hitler.

err so that means HItler never viewed his Empire was an incarnation of Rome? All because Mussolini viewed Fascist Italia as one?
Your big buddy Adolph had nothing but scorn and ridicule for anything associated with the Church of Rome.

big buddy, what the hell are you talking about  massuh?
« Last Edit: April 03, 2007, 07:00:12 PM by TruthTyper »


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Re: UK schools drop Holocaust from curriculum to avoid offending Muslims
« Reply #34 on: April 04, 2007, 07:11:18 AM »
The first emporer was Augustus, not Julius.

Din Rodef

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Re: UK schools drop Holocaust from curriculum to avoid offending Muslims
« Reply #35 on: April 04, 2007, 09:34:59 AM »

The Roman Empire was argueably the greatest empire in Europe/ever. I would've loved to see it restored, thats why I respected the third reich. A restoration of Rome.

If you want to see the Roman Empire restored...just look at the EU police state. THE EUROPEAN UNION IS THE NEW ROMAN EMPIRE.

Remember, the Roman Empire collapsed because it imported slaves to do the work instead of paying citizens. The wealthy nobles of Rome would rather have slaves do their work than pay free citizens. Eventually, the population of slaves outnumbered the citizens and the Empire began to collapse.

Today, the EU is doing the exact same thing that the Roman Empire did.

Who is bringing in all of these third world scum to the West? Who is bringing in all of the non-whites to Europe and America? The corporations and the wealthy elites are bringing them in. They are bringing them in because they don't want to pay free white citizens work just like the ancient Roman nobles didn't want to pay their fellow Roman citizens to work.

The owners of today's corporations are the same as the noble families of ancient Rome. They are bringing in slaves to do their work. Immigration is the new slave trade.

Remember, Rome was multi-cultural. Rome was multi-racial. Rome was run by beaurocrats and wealthy elites.

Hitler's Third Reich was an attempt to create the exact same thing. Even if you were Aryan, you still would have been a slave to the nobles of the Reich.

How can I read a mein kampf copy if theres a free one online? I would like to seee some of these quotes Massudh wrote, very interesting.

Sorry I can't help ya with that, I've never looked online. I bought my copy from Barnes and Noble.

May I ask what the specific crime is? Did you mean russian or soviet (pre-1991)? Anyone that harms the soviet union deserves respect. the Soviets were communist cowards.

Chaim Ben Pesach bombed Soviet diplomatic targets during the 1980s to force the Soviet Union to allow Jews to emigrate to Israel. The bombings didn't kill or harm anybody, but they created a media sensation.  The media scrutiny and political pressure eventually forced the Soviet Union to allow a million Russian Jews to emigrate to Israel and the US.

Chaim spent several years in prison for his actions on behalf of Soviet Jewry.

« Last Edit: April 04, 2007, 09:37:42 AM by Din Rodef »

Offline Joe Gutfeld

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Re: UK schools drop Holocaust from curriculum to avoid offending Muslims
« Reply #36 on: April 04, 2007, 05:30:01 PM »
Are you surprised by this?  When I was in school, they already stopped teaching the American Revoloution because wars are too bloody.

Offline Sarah

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Re: UK schools drop Holocaust from curriculum to avoid offending Muslims
« Reply #37 on: April 04, 2007, 05:52:37 PM »
And then the kids go and watch 18 rated films at the Cinema!
Bloody hypocritical is what it is.
The new era teachers just dont want to educate.

Offline Joe Gutfeld

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Re: UK schools drop Holocaust from curriculum to avoid offending Muslims
« Reply #38 on: April 04, 2007, 05:54:57 PM »
you got that right sarah.  At least we agree on somethng.  WHAT A CONCEPT!!