Author Topic: American President has distanced himself from America's Christian heritage  (Read 1342 times)

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Offline freedomannie

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Friends, it's no longer 1984. It's 2009, and this is YOUR America. Are you going to lie down and die... or are you going to FIGHT?
Whoever would have believed that an American President would distance himself from America's Christian heritage and speak of the "Holy Quran" in a nation that will not allow the gospel to be preached or Christian conversions to take place? Whoever would have believed that an American President would speak about "common ground" with a religio-political system that wants to rule the world and eliminate all religious and secular competition? Who would have believed that the government of the United States, at the direction of the President and his cabinet, would own private businesses with almost no opposition voiced by the media and Congress? Who would have believed that members of the media would refer to a president as "some sort of god"? Friends, it's no longer 1984, it's 2009, and this is YOUR America! What are YOU going to do about it?

If you think week-kneed politicians are going to represent your interests, think again. Most of them are in the business of protecting their jobs long enough to retire with a sweet pension that you and I can only dream about and a hoped-for cushy ambassadorship in the next administration. Sure, there are some good ones, but their voices are drowned out by the accommadationists. In fact, the real statesmen are a threat to the political status quo on both sides of the aisle. Never forget this. If we are going to get our nation back, we're going to have to do it.

Bad ideas got us into this mess and good ideas will get us out. Unfortunately, most Americans don't have any idea what these good ideas are. They've been brainwashed by government schools, led astray by a hostile media that does not have America's best interests in view, and corrupted by an entertainment industry that distorts history and defines deviancy down almost any chance it gets.

But all is not lost, and it's not too late. It doesn't take a majority to turn a nation around, but it does take an informed and dedicated minority. In fact, God has put a great opportunity before us. In times of disillusionment people are ready for a shift in worldview thinking. Of course, it can go all bad as did during the French and Communist Revolutions and the rise of Nazism. Americans have chosen the better path in the past.

We'll celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence in a few weeks. Who would have given those 52 signers a chance against what seemed to be impossible odds? I'm not sure that even they believed it could have been done. Great Britain certainly didn't give them much notice until it was too late. From that humble document, the greatest nation the world has ever known was brought into its fullness and the rest of the world noticed and beat a path to her shores.

We MUST revive and embrace the principles of our earliest founders and go forward in a new spirit of liberty, independence, and optimism. We won't do it by politics alone. It's imperative that we understand what makes a nation great and the dangers inherent in unbridled political power.
I am in love with Light as it has brought the curtains back from the darkness...i will always be free with the truth i now know and my heart is forever changed...I thank G-d for the light! <3 Always

Offline freedomannie

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  • Posts: 205
I may not be able to go to Washington but there are still things we can do. we can wake people up by passing along information, we can sign petitions and call and fax out senators...there are many things we can do!
I am in love with Light as it has brought the curtains back from the darkness...i will always be free with the truth i now know and my heart is forever changed...I thank G-d for the light! <3 Always