I had a fight against pro-"Palestine" people...
One said:
You stole the lands of Palestine.
I said, Israel was always Jewish land, the Jews just come back to their own home, it's written in the Torah, Bible and and don't forget the Jewish Kingdoms: David, Solomon etc...

The Palestinians don't want peace, they can't. The Islam says they have to fight and kill the non-muslims (Jihad). Islam says kill the non-muslim and you will get virgin girls after your death if you killed the enemies of islam.
Since an arab/muslim born they study and learn to hate us. Their soul are spoiled, they don't have childhood. The few years old muslim kids already want to kill us, very nice.

They are coward and they use their own children!
The guy said that we killed many palestinians. But I answered well:
1. Hamas and palestinians started the war, they shoted our land with rockets. Which country would tolerate it? No one.
2. They burned Israeli flags, they threatened us and threatened the Jewish people.
3. They can only shoot Israeli citizens.
4. The IDF warned the population many many times, that air assault will come soon, so go to a safe place. But what those peaceful people did? They went to the street with their children, and still shot rockets to Israel.
5. We many times offered the ceasefire, it was never accepted, when it was then Hamas started the war again.
6. If Iran, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and etc muslim countries had nuclear they were the first who would use it against Israel. They are fanatic barbarians, and those arabs who you are protecting now almost captured full Europe a thousand years ago...
7. The Hamas is hiding between the population...

How was it?