Re: "...Beitar, I often think about this: G-d did not send a Holocaust or 9/11 hijackers but G-d did not prevent Holocaust or 9/11 either..."
Now I'm very confused.
Whenever a tornado touches down in a trailer park or other community, those who survived always attend a community church service at which they praise G-d for sparing their lives.
Now...does that not
also imply their belief that G-d therefore
killed, or allowed the killing, of those others who perished in the storm, but at the same time, directly intervened in saving the lives of the survivors?
The logical conclusion to be drawn, therefore, is that G-d killed some, and spared others!
But wait!...
Perhaps they're wrong on all counts!... was actually
SATAN who sent the tornado, and
not G-d!So...that would mean that G-d had nothing whatsoever to do with the tornado, right?...
But..Why would Satan kill only some of the community and not
all of them?...After all, he's
SATAN!and...if Satan actually sent a tornado and left some survivors who praised
G-d for saving their lives,
would that not both acknowledge G-d's existence and also exalt Him for the good works of saving lives?...thereby negating Satan's power?!Or...perhaps
SATAN sent the tornado, but
G-d figured out what was going on, and got there just in time to save a few survivors!
G-d sent the tornado, but only to display His mighty power to warn the community to repent; but then
SATAN jumped into it without being invited, and killed some of the community just to make trouble, and then....?!?