Author Topic: EXELLENT THING, we need to translate this to non-Serbian speaking members  (Read 2598 times)

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Offline sonja_yu

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I suggest to the Serbs to translate some the most important quotes to our dear Jewish and other members because this is important. Many things we here already know, but here, it is all on one place. They have admitted many things here.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2009, 07:14:17 PM by sonja_yu »

Offline george_jtf

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Knowing that these muslims from Serbia (just like the ones from Bosnia) are of Slavic descent, it is no suprise that they talk like that. In other words, if their forefathers converted and betrayed their own serbian ancestors, why should anyone think that they would say anything positive. I would love to get into a live conversation with these traitors of not only their christian faith, but also their slavic ancestry. Apparently, they seem to deny that they are of serbian descent. The easiest way to put them down is "if you are not of serbian heritage, then how come you speak a serbian language?...........
or maybe "if Islam is such a great religion (or a satanic cult as I call it), how come the entire Balkan nations did not become muslim and that christians finally kicked them out of the balkans in the early 20th century.

for those who do not know, muslims in serbia and bosnia are of slavic ancestry, but during almost 500 years of Ottoman Muslim rule, some have converted to Islam to 1) avoid paying higher taxes that non-muslims were paying & 2)would not have to give up their 7-year old sons who would be forced into the Ottoman Janissary army and become the most feared soldiers against their own people. Most serbs even today still see these muslims as nothing but descendants of traitors to their own people who are not ashamed of the betrayal at all and would do it again for their personal gain.
I say that if they want to be muslims, let them go to a muslim country and be a muslim over there.

Offline Zoran

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"Vidim da se krse ljudska prava, narucito muslimanima"

Translated: "I see that human rights are being infringed, especially those of muslims"

They're using the same language that muslims use everywhere else to get their way. Is this the beginning of the end?

Offline george_jtf

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if the non-muslims wake up on time and stop these muslims from using our democracy values against us to further their Shariah law, it will be the muslims' end.

Offline sonja_yu

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I would like to know what all those ''Balkan-Muslims-are-moderates'' preachers would say on this. They are totally disproved by the same ones they're protecting.