Author Topic: Pope says rich nations "plundered" the third world  (Read 10631 times)

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Re: Pope says rich nations "plundered" the third world
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2007, 03:52:03 PM »
The Pope should focus on enchancing our connections with our brothers across the world such as the muslims and the jews instead of whining about the past. The muslims and jews have often been a victim of the christian sword, I know, but I joined this forum to get to know the islamics and jewish people better. I know that the muslims have suffered much under the crusades, reconquista, Byzantine Empire, Iraqi war, afghanistani war, etc.. and the jews have suffered much with the holocaust. Hopefully you middle easterners do not view us christians in a negative light.

What are the jewish opinions of christianity?

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Re: Pope says rich nations "plundered" the third world
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2007, 04:38:49 PM »
This has to be your sorriest and most pathetic excuse for a post yet, EuroSodomite.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Pope says rich nations "plundered" the third world
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2007, 09:49:08 PM »
The Pope should focus on enchancing our connections with our brothers across the world such as the muslims and the jews instead of whining about the past. The muslims and jews have often been a victim of the christian sword, I know, but I joined this forum to get to know the islamics and jewish people better. I know that the muslims have suffered much under the crusades, reconquista, Byzantine Empire, Iraqi war, afghanistani war, etc.. and the jews have suffered much with the holocaust. Hopefully you middle easterners do not view us christians in a negative light.

What are the jewish opinions of christianity?
Firstly, I'd like to say that there are righteous Christians and bad "Christians" as there are righteous Jews and Communist Kike Judenrot.  Personally, I feel that you have been duped by too much "Progressive" education, thanks to Jon Dewey.  No matter, I had been too until I delved into sifting through Factually Correct Information and separated it from Stalinist "Politically Correct" DisInformation.   A few good books you might wish to read are: "The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Crusades", "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam" and "The Truth About Mohammad" if you do not feel like reading the Quraan/Hadith directly as it is very detached reading.  Paul Sperry's book "Infiltration" is supposed to be very commendable as well.  Most people here in the West were given "politically correct" disHistory about the Crusades.  Yes, Christians killed many Jews and Muslims but the Crusades were a reactionary measure to the expansion of the Islamic caliphate.  Research into the History of Spain, The Eastern Christian Empire, History of Romania or even Khazaria (by Dunlop) will give you an idea about the expansionist intentions of Islam.  Do not feel sorry for Muslims, as people they might be nice, but the ideology they profess demands the killing, forced conversion or slavery of every non-Muslim in an entire Islamic World under Sharia Law: Dar Al Islam.  The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have nothing to do with Christianity but Elitists, Globalists and New Agers looking towards a "New World Order"...If these wars really meant anything they'd have gone into Saudi Arabia on 9/12 and Israel would have actually been allowed to win her wars to an unconditional surrender.  Should you think this is nutter, read into the Lend Lease Program, Gen. Douglas MacArthur's forced retirement for not being allowed to actually win the Korean War, Vietnam or the blunder of Yalta.  Read some books by Antony Sutton for some accurate history...

The Holocaust had, again, nothing to do with Christianity as Hitler professed to a "religion" called Nazism which was Communism entwined with Germanic Paganism based on the teachings of Theosophy /Buddhism / Hinduism and other Gnostic faiths to re-invent the ancient Thule-Germanic Paganism.  This is very similar to the present New Age movement.  One can read up on this a number of ways: "The Rainbow Swastika"-H. Newmann, "Secret Teachings of All Ages" - M.P. Hall, "Isis Unveiled" - H. P. Blavatsky, "The Antiquarian Conspiracy" or anything by Alice Baily.  Really sick stuff but many elitists in Europe and the West believe in this stuff like Margarette Meade who birthed the idea of "Planned Parenthood" and teaching "safe sex" instead of Health in school: "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" - C.T. Iserbyte.

If you are a Christian, I suggest you visit Www.ProphetofDoom.Net to learn about Islam from a learned Messianic Christian or Victor Mordechai but there are many others.  Don't feel bad about not liking Muslims or Communists as they both, with their New Ager cohorts, have the same goal: to eliminate all but their own beliefs into a one world order under their rule.....  I hope this diarrhea of the keyboard helps...  Be well and G-d bless...

"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.