Save Western Civilization > Save Europe

Freed British Sailors: SEE, BEING DHIMMIS AIN'T SO BAD!

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Now if you want to talk about Dhimmis we should look no further than our current U.S. House of Representatives and a majority of our Senators.

The sailers weren't in iranian waters when they were taken...

Iran should have zero sovereignty over any land. We should not respect any of their borders or whatever land they claim. They are muslim savages. Hopefully one day righteous people will conquer Iran and boot them all out.

Iran has won the pr war,by proking a major power like Britain, not facing any severe consequences and parading around the brisitish soldiers for the entire world to see.

Wev'e gone from Raids on Entebbe to pleading on our knees...

Things like this have a way of getting out of hand quickly however England should be very ashaimed of itself for ordering its military to hold fire when the hostages were being taken. At that point Iran would have been put in its place and although it would have yelped like a scalded dog little else would have taken place. Instead England gave them the scenario they expected to get and took full advantage of the opportunity to make the English look like fools. America and England better get it into their heads that they can not be hesitant when dealing with Muslim animals like this because of the fear of oil embargo's. A good decisive blow against animals like this would have went a long way in making them think twice before trying the next stunt. Now all England has left after this incident is to try to explain away their actions and all the while the Iranian animals laugh at how easy England was made a fool of. They should get their people home and not even talk of this situation further.


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