This kid doesn't seem intelligent. He's very young, too young to probably even be alive during the war let alone remember it and have feelings about it. The way he talks is evidence of this. All he says is "kill Serbs", "Serbs kill yourselves", "murdered every man, woman, and child", etc. Children have a limit to their intelligence, and this one is well below it.
"Children have a limit to their intelligence"
Sorry if I offended you, but how does that statement specifically offend you?
First of all, I'm 16 and that's not much for your standards, I suppose.
Secondly, you can't say that, because intelligence is notable since early age... not too early though and every kid is different, some get stuff quicker some slower and we, who have had some experience when we were still young, get such things quicker than those who have never lacked anything and lived totally normal life, not being forced to listen on daily basis about ''ethnic cleansing, sanctions, genocide, bombing, CNN, BBC'' etc, never gone through restrictions, war and all the rest before and after.
He at least could ''play video games all night'' and we couldn't for one of the following reasons: 1. didn't have money to obtain it or 2. even if we had, there was no electricity for hours and hours or 3. both.
And that is what angers me, not that stupid kid precisely.
Sonja, you're 16. You're not a child so that comment doesn't apply to you. You're right though, every child is different and some children are smarter than others at a younger age than others. And some mature quicker because of the environment or personal experiences they go through. That kid is obviously much much younger than you and still a child. He's clearly been brainwashed by his parents and has no mind of his own, nor can he actually properly articulate his thoughts. I can imagine what you've gone through. Believe me, I have some relatives who have gone through a lot and have survived some of the most horrific things you can imagine during the war in Bosnia. You're clearly an intelligent and mature person for your age though, so don't let things like that get in your head. That comment was made in a general sense and it was not meant to offend you.
See, I understand yo and agree, although I still think that it should have been said differently, it was wrong.
I'm truly sorry about your relatives.
I'm not mad on any of you, guys, nor even on that kid personally, I'm mad on his parents and maybe thousands of parents like his, I'm mad because of utter stupidity shown recently, I'm mad on all those who speak about some things, like for example, those wars and yet know nothing about them.
This is just a child, not dangerous, but when many influential people jump out of nowhere to write "columns" about them, my stomach turns upside-down.
Now some imbecile came form a ******** to "teach" me or anyone around me about things we know better!
Once it will be - "don't believe your own eyes, ears, feelings, believe in some low-educated foreigners who can't even spell your name" (I'm not offending the foreigners, just those "genius" people, journalists for example, who think they know something but in fact know NOTHING!