Thank you for sharing this poem! I'm looking forward reading it.
I like how Njegos describes Muslim Turkish opressors:
"Куго људска, да те Бог убије!
Али ти је мало по свијета
те си својом злошћу отровала,
но си отров адске своје душе
и на овај камен избљувала?
Мала ти је жертва сва Србија
од Дунава до мора сињега?"
"Plague of mankind, may God's wrath be on you!
Is half a world you've already poisoned
with your mean deeds not large enough for you,
that you had to spew out all the venom
of your black soul on this hard rock as well?
Is Serbia from the Danube River
to the blue sea too small an offering?"