Author Topic: Dave Gaubatz terrorist investigator gets letter from CAIR lawyers  (Read 547 times)

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A Day In Court With CAIR  By: Jamie Glazov | Thursday, July 02, 2009

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Dave Gaubatz, the first U.S. civilian (1811) Federal Agent deployed to Iraq in 2003. He is the owner of DG Counter-terrorism Publishing. He is currently conducting a 50 State Counter-terrorism Research Tour (CTRT). He can be contacted at [email protected].

FP: Dave Gaubatz, welcome back to Frontpage Interview.

You have researched issues on the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) for several years. What are your updates for us on this “civil rights” organization?


Gaubatz: Thanks Jamie. CAIR has actually just sent me a letter from the law firm of Martin F. McMahon & Associates pertaining to my upcoming attendance at the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) conference to be held in Washington, DC, during the 4th of July holiday.


FP: What did the letter say?


Gaubatz: First let me emphasize what I have said for several years:


[1] It is my professional opinion that CAIR and its executives are terrorist supporters and their ‘non profit’ and IRS endorsed organization should have never been allowed to open almost 15 years ago.


[2] It is also my professional opinion that anyone or organization supporting CAIR or its ideology supports terrorism and are a national security threat to our country.


[3] A different acronym used does not change the ideology. CAIR is ISNA, ISNA is MSA, and MSA is MANA (Imam Siraj Wahhaj). These are different people representing the same ideology of an Islamic Ummah (Nation) under Sharia law.


[4] Many of our law enforcement executives of various agencies have lost sight of who they work for. They do not work for Saudi financed CAIR or ISNA, they work for America and its citizens.


FP: So the letter?


Gaubatz: The letter is a notice for me to cease and desist from contacting CAIR and its reps both at the ISNA convention and anytime afterwards.


FP: And your reaction?


Gaubatz: Amused would be the best description. While reading the letter it took everything I had not to laugh. Here I am reading a letter from an organization that advocates murder against innocent Israeli people and their actions put the lives of our troops in jeopardy each day, and they are calling me a ‘threat’. CAIR executives are rather amusing and ignorant. The U.S. government has officially advised this organization is an unindicted co-conspirator of the World Trade Center Attack in 1993, and the FBI admits they have discontinued meetings with them.


I am more concerned about our troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan than I am from any ‘bogus’ allegations from a terrorist supporting organization. I will pass on an attorney to represent me. I believe I have the skills to defeat any attorney who has been ‘brainwashed’ by CAIR. When you have the truth it takes very little else to scare these clowns away. I look forward to a day in court with them.


FP: Has CAIR ever threatened others you are aware of?


Gaubatz: Yes. CAIR uses this tactic often. They intimidate small companies into complying with Sharia law aspects of Islam. There are too many to mention, but a quote the attorneys of CAIR frequently use to intimidate their targets is:


“The First Amendment protects the rights of all U.S. citizens to practice religion. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof….”


“CAIR has resolved a number of similar acts of discrimination and defamation involving some of America’s top corporations such as Nike, Solectron, The Los Angeles Times, JC Penny, Sears, Burger King, Office Max, Office Depot, Delta Airlines, and many others. A sample of CAIR’s work can be viewed at”


It is their hope the person or organization who has ‘allegedly’ offended them or Islam will ‘go away’. CAIR executives appear to glow when they have forced a small 2–5 person company to bow under their pressure and intimidation. These small companies see that CAIR has sued large U.S. companies like NIKE, JC Penny, and Delta Airlines, for example and they normally follow through with CAIR demands regardless if they actually committed an offense. CAIR uses tough tactics and in my opinion it is blackmail.


For the FBI agents who are having a slow day since they can no longer sip coffee (at least in the open), possibly they could come to the rescue of some of the American citizens and companies and utilize their investigative talents to determine if CAIR crossed the legal threshold. I have no hesitations saying they did.


FP: What mistakes has CAIR made?


Gaubatz: I’ll tell you its biggest mistake: it believes the First Amendment is only applicable to itself in regards to religious issues. Again this is the mentality of former CAIR executives such as Khalid Ighbal. Is Ighbal a U.S. citizen? He was involved in thousands of dollars of fraud against his own members and Muslims. Possibly an energetic agent or journalist should check this out. It is one thing to be intimidated by Americans working for CAIR, but by employees who are not U.S. citizens is another thing. And now they are trying to intimidate me, a 20 year U.S. military veteran and a man who went to war for his country in 2003, and who is willing to give his life for all regardless of race or religion. I and many veterans find this situation extremely offensive.


I find it so offensive I am asking Immigration authorities to review the workers of CAIR to determine how many are actually U.S. citizens. For a fact we know CAIR’s former Attorney Morris Days was not actually an attorney yet he tried intimidating and harassing American citizens on a daily basis in his CAIR appointed Attorney position for CAIR/VA (closed down last year).


In Aug 2007, CAIR executives reported to the FBI that several CAIR employees had been ‘threatened’. On 13 Aug 2007, at 1400 hours (2pm), an FBI agent responded to CAIR National. The agent talked with CAIR’s Nihad Awad, Ibrahim Hooper, and Khalid Igbal. Ibrahim Hooper who is CAIR’s spokesperson made the comment after the agent left, “They (FBI) sent someone wet behind the ears; a high school graduate”.


FP: When did you register for the ISNA Conference and how did CAIR know you were attending?


Gaubatz: I registered for the ISNA Conference on the night of 28 June 2009, and received the letter from the McMahon law firm early afternoon on 30 June 09. It is too early to tell, but it appears ISNA released my information (to include home address) to CAIR officials. I have always conducted my research in a public manner, and had mentioned on my site that I would be at the ISNA conference. I did not put my address on the site and the letter was addressed to my home address. This issue ISNA can answer if and when the matter is taken to court.


Essentially CAIR has stated I have harassed and intimidated them previously, and most ridiculously of all is that I have “followed them in the past”. CAIR had a table as a vendor at the 2008 ISNA conference. I had paid my entrance fee ($85.00) and went to the conference to learn what was being taught and distributed in front of the eyes of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) personnel (who also had a booth next to CAIR) It is not hard to follow a CAIR table if that is what they are referring to.


CAIR is doing with me what they do with anyone who begins to get too close to the truth of their relationship with Islamic terrorist organizations. They use the same tactics as Hamas or Al Qaeda. They attempt to terrorize the person, company or government into ‘backing off’ if they opine they or Islam is being ‘oppressed’. Americans must at some point come to the understanding CAIR and their supporters do represent the same ideology of Hamas and are conducting their own form of ‘Jihad’. The Jihad of CAIR is by use of the ‘pen and tongue’, which means to terrorize their target with lawsuits, threats, and through their words. The physical part (fighting) is an essential aspect of Jihad which the CAIR executives also endorse, but they leave this (currently) to others.


CAIR executives or Hamas do not have to make outspoken incriminating statements in order for a person or company to become their target. When one (like myself) is outspoken against CAIR you automatically become one of their targets and the people/organizations who support them, and this means terrorist organizations operating in and outside the U.S. 


FP: So will you be attending the ISNA conference in DC this upcoming weekend?


Gaubatz: I will be attending the event as a professional journalist who desires to learn more about the Islamic ideology. In 2008, I was able to learn ISNA has vendors who distribute pro Hamas material advising Muslims to destroy Israel, material was distributed calling for Israel and America to be destroyed, child marriages were being advocated in the materials, and much more, yet again DHS officials will have a table next to people calling for our destruction. DHS will be attempting to recruit many of them to be U.S. federal agents. Now is there any reason Americans should not feel distressed and threatened by knowing this?


The American have to stand up for our Constitutional Rights today. We cannot wait until tomorrow. These rights may not be there for our children if we wait.

FP: Dave Gaubatz, thank you for joining Frontpage Interview.

Click on link above it has links to the law firm look at the name of the last of 4 lawyers :laugh:
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Dave Gaubatz terrorist investigator gets letter from CAIR lawyers
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2009, 07:48:59 AM »
His Blog   
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03