The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Is Islam really to blame?
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Fellow Kahanists, is Islam really to blame for world Jew-hatred? I am going to say that it isn't, and before you say I am crazy, here's why.
Folks, what MassuD brought up in my thread "Most Hated Muslim Nazis" is very true and deserves real thought. Iranians (Persians) were savagely anti-Semitic long before the pedophile Mohammed was even a twinkle in the eye of his camel-rapist father. As he pointed out, the pagan Zoroastrians committed bestial pogroms against their Jewish neighbors.
What was their excuse? They were not being commanded by their "prophet" to despise and kill Hebrews. (Or maybe they were. I am not familiar with Zoroastrianism.)
Quite simply, Persians have ALWAYS been primitive and vile Nazis. The same was true of the ancient Egyptians. The same was true of the Chaldeans. The same was true of the Canaanites, Jebusites, Midianites, Assyrians, Philistines, etc., etc., etc. The same was true of these races during the brief phase between their pagan religions and the advent of Islam when they had converted to Christianity. Quite simply, the Middle East has always been a hotbed of satanic, primordial Jew-hatred quite irrespective of culture, religion, and educational and technological level. Any third-grader with a third-grade grasp of the Tanach can see that from the inception of an Israelite nation back in Isaac's day, the Israelites were targeted for holocausts from all surrounding states/races.
Islam is NOT the cause of Middle Eastern anti-Semitism any more than Hitler was the cause of German anti-Semitism: it took off like wildfire in that part of the world because the people had been feverish with Jew-hatred all along and they found a leader who united them all and said exactly what they had always wanted to hear. If the Arab/Persian/Turkish Nazis had not all been Nazis to begin with, the sodomite prophet would have been dragged out of town by his ear.
If you don't buy this, look at two continents that until recently did not have much contact with Islam: Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. They hate Jews as much as any Arab. The WHOLE WORLD hates Jews, regardless of religions practiced. Europe in fact once was the target of brutal Turkish and Moorish jihads and thus really has no excuse to be the way it is.
Re: "...They hate Jews as much as any Arab..."
What you write is true...just look at the Jew-hating garbage running the Israeli government.
I always remember by Grandmother saying to me when I was a little boy "The worst anti-Semites are Jews!"
Dr. Dan:
--- Quote from: Chaimfan on April 06, 2007, 08:21:29 PM ---Fellow Kahanists, is Islam really to blame for world Jew-hatred? I am going to say that it isn't, and before you say I am crazy, here's why.
Folks, what MassuD brought up in my thread "Most Hated Muslim Nazis" is very true and deserves real thought. Iranians (Persians) were savagely anti-Semitic long before the pedophile Mohammed was even a twinkle in the eye of his camel-rapist father. As he pointed out, the pagan Zoroastrians committed bestial pogroms against their Jewish neighbors.
What was their excuse? They were not being commanded by their "prophet" to despise and kill Hebrews. (Or maybe they were. I am not familiar with Zoroastrianism.)
Quite simply, Persians have ALWAYS been primitive and vile Nazis. The same was true of the ancient Egyptians. The same was true of the Chaldeans. The same was true of the Canaanites, Jebusites, Midianites, Assyrians, Philistines, etc., etc., etc. The same was true of these races during the brief phase between their pagan religions and the advent of Islam when they had converted to Christianity. Quite simply, the Middle East has always been a hotbed of satanic, primordial Jew-hatred quite irrespective of culture, religion, and educational and technological level. Any third-grader with a third-grade grasp of the Tanach can see that from the inception of an Israelite nation back in Isaac's day, the Israelites were targeted for holocausts from all surrounding states/races.
Islam is NOT the cause of Middle Eastern anti-Semitism any more than Hitler was the cause of German anti-Semitism: it took off like wildfire in that part of the world because the people had been feverish with Jew-hatred all along and they found a leader who united them all and said exactly what they had always wanted to hear. If the Arab/Persian/Turkish Nazis had not all been Nazis to begin with, the sodomite prophet would have been dragged out of town by his ear.
If you don't buy this, look at two continents that until recently did not have much contact with Islam: Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. They hate Jews as much as any Arab. The WHOLE WORLD hates Jews, regardless of religions practiced. Europe in fact once was the target of brutal Turkish and Moorish jihads and thus really has no excuse to be the way it is.
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Chaimfan...unfortunately it is a sad truth. If you want to look at it from an extreme stance, anti-semitism anti-Judaism began when Issac was born..when Ishmael, the father of the Arab nations molested/"played" with Issac. Likewise, you know about Esau's jealousy towards Jacob. Very sad, but this competition between siblings led to generations doing the same and may never end for all time.
The key to our surivival today is for us Jews to stick together through thick and through thin. This means no violent infighting and no ousting..However, disagreements are good and we shoudl always try to question each others' points of view even if we agree with them!
We have to learn from our biblical past that when brothers don't forgive each other, it results in generations later nations from each brother to try to destroy the other. We have to remember forgiveness of our Jewish brothers and sisters just as Joseph forgave his brothers for doing the most heinous thing and selling him into slavery because of their jealousy on him. Hence, that's why we have 12 tribes of Israel (One for each child of Jacob (two for Joseph), that for the most part united and came together as one nation.
Oo, and while writing this I noticed an interesting parallel:
Abraham had two wives with two kids. They became bad enemies
Isaac had one wife with two kids. They became bad enemies.
Jacob had 4 wives with 11 kids. They became one nation.
So it's not in the number of mothers or fathers that makes siblings work together. It's in the heart of the individual to forgive. hmmm.
Dr. Dan:
--- Quote from: dannycookie57 on April 07, 2007, 08:02:00 AM ---
--- Quote from: Chaimfan on April 06, 2007, 08:21:29 PM ---Fellow Kahanists, is Islam really to blame for world Jew-hatred? I am going to say that it isn't, and before you say I am crazy, here's why.
Folks, what MassuD brought up in my thread "Most Hated Muslim Nazis" is very true and deserves real thought. Iranians (Persians) were savagely anti-Semitic long before the pedophile Mohammed was even a twinkle in the eye of his camel-rapist father. As he pointed out, the pagan Zoroastrians committed bestial pogroms against their Jewish neighbors.
What was their excuse? They were not being commanded by their "prophet" to despise and kill Hebrews. (Or maybe they were. I am not familiar with Zoroastrianism.)
Quite simply, Persians have ALWAYS been primitive and vile Nazis. The same was true of the ancient Egyptians. The same was true of the Chaldeans. The same was true of the Canaanites, Jebusites, Midianites, Assyrians, Philistines, etc., etc., etc. The same was true of these races during the brief phase between their pagan religions and the advent of Islam when they had converted to Christianity. Quite simply, the Middle East has always been a hotbed of satanic, primordial Jew-hatred quite irrespective of culture, religion, and educational and technological level. Any third-grader with a third-grade grasp of the Tanach can see that from the inception of an Israelite nation back in Isaac's day, the Israelites were targeted for holocausts from all surrounding states/races.
Islam is NOT the cause of Middle Eastern anti-Semitism any more than Hitler was the cause of German anti-Semitism: it took off like wildfire in that part of the world because the people had been feverish with Jew-hatred all along and they found a leader who united them all and said exactly what they had always wanted to hear. If the Arab/Persian/Turkish Nazis had not all been Nazis to begin with, the sodomite prophet would have been dragged out of town by his ear.
If you don't buy this, look at two continents that until recently did not have much contact with Islam: Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. They hate Jews as much as any Arab. The WHOLE WORLD hates Jews, regardless of religions practiced. Europe in fact once was the target of brutal Turkish and Moorish jihads and thus really has no excuse to be the way it is.
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Ok, now let me address my disagreement with what you said. The whole world doesn't hate Jews. Come on. Nor did all of the Egyptians nor did all of Persia. If you look at your history, Egyptians and their leaders did not always hate the Jews. If they did, Jacob and his family would have never thrived in Goshen and had 6-fold children per woman. There were leaders that in fact liked having us around for whatever reason it was. It was in the hearts of certain pharoahs that lead to our hardship. And it lead to our laziness and our infighting to become slaves and to not stand up for ourselves and look towards the almighty for guidance.
Likewise in Persia. Cyrus as well as many afterwards didnt' hate Jews. He loved everyone. He let the Jews rebuild the temple. Unfortuantley much afterwards, came a ruler and his advisor that didn't like us. Lucky for Queen Esther and Mordechai a pogrom was avoided. But nevertheless, anti-semitism comes at the heart of one leader brought down to the masses.
Why do we blame Islam or for that matter old school Christianity? Because of the printing presses that had passed this written hatred from one generation to the next.
The truth is, we should keep our friends close and our enemies closer. Jew or gentile.
It is animal nature to be jealous and envious. Humans should have the ability to not be that way. The root of all evil and wars and mass hatred has been because of envy and jealousy as well as entitlement, haughtiness, xenophobism, and jingoism.
Our biggest problems as Jews is that we feel entitled to everything because we are Gd's "chosen people". For the vast majority of us, we dont' even know what the means! And then we start acting like a bunch of idiots. And then other nations laugh at us and hate us more.
Once we fix this big mess in the world, our next step is to eliminate jealousy, envy, entitlements, haughtiness, xenophobism, and cultural elitism.
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Why the universal hatred of the Jew?
It exists independent of any factors of race, behavior, pre or post diasporas, differences in faith, etc. .
The answer lies not in the world of the material; it is found in the realm of metaphysics.
Hatred of the Jew as a world phenomenon, came into being with the receiving of Torah at Mt. Sinai by the Jewish People.
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