Author Topic: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef  (Read 22567 times)

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Offline Trumpeldor

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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #50 on: April 07, 2007, 07:51:25 PM »
This is Adam613. In my opinion Chaimfan should be banned and I am very disturbed at what the mod's did here. A while back Chaimfan claimed that feminism happened because it was legal in America in 1850 for men to kill their wives. I was outraged at such vicious slander towards American Men. I complained on this board ON TOP and Yacov moved it to the Morality Crisis board because for whatever reason I guess saying something like this is OK and no big deal. Not one of the moderators on this board seemed to be outraged at such a vicious comment. As I said Yacov moved the post which wasn't right. I guess this movement has no problem slandering American men becuase it might offend SOME WACKO WOMAN if you say that NO it was illegal and a crime to kill your wife as it most surely was considered MURDER.   

Christian Zionist emailed me to let me know that he was afraid to post about feminism because he didn't want to be attacked and I seem to be the only one interested in that topic. I have been told by Chaimfan to convert to ISlam because I am concerned about feminism. But who really is the women hater here? He is jealous of women because they can bear children and has openly asked women if they want to bear children because he doesn't want a wife that can bear children. It isn't just Chaimfan though as much as I despise him  because this movement has said nothing about his behavior which to me is unacceptable. So I guess they want women to be little men because it is good for their cause to act like men.

I am so confused.


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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #51 on: April 07, 2007, 07:51:52 PM »
For reference I was referring to a film called obsession. You could call me by username (ftf) rather than calling me "that christian", hardly a nice term of address...

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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #52 on: April 07, 2007, 07:57:52 PM »
For reference I was referring to a film called obsession. You could call me by username (ftf) rather than calling me "that christian", hardly a nice term of address...

Lol, I understood the movie reference. Obviously he didn't. And for his barb at you, I don't know what his deal his. I think we all realize that as the forum grows, friction is inevitable. The Mods will need to step up. Even though it is the Sabbath, and they can't be at all places at all times, they need to have better policy for the future. I'm not suggesting a 'zero-tolerance' policy though, because JTF is a tolerant organization.  ;D

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #53 on: April 07, 2007, 08:04:07 PM »
I have more things to do with my life than respond to every single rant made by fifteen-year-old David Duke worshippers.

I am done with this thread. It is up to the mods to make their choices now.


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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #54 on: April 07, 2007, 08:05:20 PM »
Chaimfan, you need to learn to respect people and people's views. I never once posted any David Duke materiel, I barely no who the guy is. And someone else already accused me of idolozing David Duke, I have denied it and I will again. Chaimfan, you seem smart but you shouldn't insult other people nor their religions.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2007, 08:18:15 PM by TruthTyperII »

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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #55 on: April 07, 2007, 08:27:51 PM »
Chaimfan, you need to learn to respect people and people's views. I never once posted any David Duke materiel, I barely no who the guy is.

Maybe you should learn who he is. You'd be surprised at the similar views you share on Zundel, among other things.


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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #56 on: April 07, 2007, 08:29:15 PM »
 :D :D :D :D :D :DI  agree with Zundel that there are Nazis living in Antarctica  :D :D :D :D :D :D

I know who David Duke is but I don't know what his official ideology is besides holocaust denying.


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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #57 on: April 07, 2007, 09:14:23 PM »
You don't like christians, pagans, or muslims.  All religions are fine as long as the individual is good-hearted. Your kind of ideology is the same ideology that was responsible for almost wiping out your race. All religiions need to be accepted. The founding fathers of America realized this. If we stayed a strictly Protestant christian nation, then the jews wouldn't have been allowed into America, would they?

The Nazis hated you for your religion and race, as you claim, yet you hate others based on their religion and race.

Jews were already in America in The 1600's. Sfardic refugees from Brazil arrived to New Amsterdam and settled in the area of what is now Wall Street.

they were jewish by descent but what about their religion? I heard when Queen Isabella expelled jews, they converted to christianity and many came to America.


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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #58 on: April 07, 2007, 09:16:09 PM »
Yacov, he was joking about the nazis living in antartica.

Offline jsullivan

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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #59 on: April 07, 2007, 09:17:07 PM »
din rodef, no one here is fooled by your posts.

You wrote to Jewish posters that they would understand what it is like to be called a Nazi "if they were white". So Jews are not white? Only Nazis write that way. Nazis believe that Jews are a seperate non-white race. Which is absurd, but then again, EVERYTHING the Nazis preach is absurd. There is no doubt that the majority of the world's Jews today are white.

The fact that din rodef writes that so many young whites become Nazis because they are constantly being unfairly accused of being Nazis is also absurd. Many young whites in America are constantly being called Nazis? Where does this take place? I would guess that 99% of young whites are never called Nazis. Maybe they are constantly being accused of being racists, but not Nazis. The handful of young whites who ARE called Nazis are the sick perverted haters who join StørmFrønt. These sick, evil S & M homosexuals are frequently called Nazis because they ARE Nazis. And they are proud to be Nazis. How interesting that din rodef feels that the experiences of the StørmFrønt Nazis are the common, every day experiences of average white youth in America. Obviously, din rodef lives in a complete fantasy world.

din rodef does NOT say the same thing that Chaim says. Chaim wants all Jews to live in Israel because he loves the Jewish people. din rodef wants the Jews out because he blames the Jews for America's problems. In fact, the main cause of America's problems is NOT the Jews. It is the WASP-owned multinational corporations. It is WASP Gentiles like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet who have announced that they will be donating most of their personal fortunes of TENS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to blacks. Gates and Buffet also support Barack Hussein Obama's presidential candidacy. There are evil self-hating Jews that are part of the problem, but they are small fry compared to these multinational WASP giants who really control America. But the Nazis always blame the Jews for all of the problems which their own people have created. din rodef writes that the Jews are like a fifth column undermining Christianity. That's not Nazi propaganda? If not for the Jews, America wouldn't exist. The Jews financed the American revolution in 1776. And since then, the Jews have turned America from a backwater agricultural society to the world's sole superpower. It was mostly Jewish scientists who gave America the technological edge that made this transformation possible. I have asked Chaim to discuss this in greater detail on future TBA programs. If din rodef really knew the Bible, he would know that the Jews are a BLESSING in every country in which they reside. If din rodef were a real Christian, he would understand that.

truthtype is such an open Nazi that there is no point in even arguing with him. I am banning him immediately. There will be no debate here about whether the holocaust took place or about whether 6 million Jews were murdered. Period. If I ever met truthtype in person, I would put him in the hospital for trying to cover up the crimes of the holocaust. ANYONE WHO JUSTIFIES THROUGH DENIAL WHAT WAS DONE TO 6 MILLION JEWS IS AMALEK, THE EVIL ENEMY OF THE JEWS THAT G-D COMMANDS US TO DESTROY. truthtype writes that he is an Odinist, one of the pagan German gods that the Nazis have sought to resurrect. Is anyone here that stupid as not to understand what that means?




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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #60 on: April 07, 2007, 09:17:33 PM »
zundel believes the nazis still exist in antarctica, i was joking about it saying "yeah i believe that" in a sarcastic manner.


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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #61 on: April 07, 2007, 09:18:58 PM »
"truthtype is such an open Nazi that there is no point in even arguing with him. I am banning him immediately. There will be no debate here about whether the holocaust took place or about whether 6 million Jews were murdered. Period. If I ever met truthtype in person, I would put him in the hospital for trying to cover up the crimes of the holocaust. ANYONE WHO JUSTIFIES THROUGH DENIAL WHAT WAS DONE TO 6 MILLION JEWS IS AMALEK, THE EVIL ENEMY OF THE JEWS THAT G-D COMMANDS US TO DESTROY. truthtype writes that he is an Odinist, one of the pagan German gods that the Nazis have sought to resurrect. Is anyone here that stupid as not to understand what that means?"

I challenge you to a debate and I will prove I am innocent.


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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #62 on: April 07, 2007, 09:22:54 PM »
Thanks Yacov.

Offline Trumpeldor

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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #63 on: April 07, 2007, 09:43:36 PM »
I couldn't ban people because it was Shabbat. I will now ban the 2 Nazis. Being a self-proclaimed white nationalist mixed with Anti-Semitic Nazi ideology is not tolerated on this forum. We don't debate Nazis. We ban them.

Being proud of being white is okay. But that doesn't make it okay to hate non-whites because of the color of their skin or because of their race. Everyone can choose to be good or evil, even blacks. And any hate of Jews, whether white or non-white, will not be tolerated on this forum.

How is truth typer still posting?

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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #64 on: April 07, 2007, 09:48:30 PM »
That was his last post.

He was typing while I went to ban him. He then wasn't able to respond again. I don't think he can even view this thread because his IP is banned so he can't even view the forum.

Good. I'm sure he's taking his Nazi tuchus to StørmFrønt where he can boast of his exploits as an undercover white nationalist on a Jewish board.

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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #65 on: April 07, 2007, 09:51:58 PM »
If someone knows how to see what he's writing on StørmFrønt now about us because of this, please cut and paste.

You can just look up JTF on their search engine if you're really interested. If he is posting about us, it will pop up. That site actually makes my stomach sick.

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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #66 on: April 07, 2007, 09:52:17 PM »
Thank you very much.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #67 on: April 07, 2007, 10:22:51 PM »
There forum is too large to find it. They have thousands of people on at once just as guests. And their search engine doesn't take you to posts, only to whole threads, which are hundreds of pages long.
I guess the whole world has gone to the fags.  :(


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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #68 on: April 08, 2007, 04:25:22 PM »
If anything this Chaimfan nazi-accusing mexican needs to be banned from this site. Theres been tons of complaints about him before. I wonder when this website will adopt a jew-only policy, if it doesn't have one already.


You wrote to Jewish posters that they would understand what it is like to be called a Nazi "if they were white". So Jews are not white? Only Nazis write that way. Nazis believe that Jews are a seperate non-white race. Which is absurd, but then again, EVERYTHING the Nazis preach is absurd. There is no doubt that the majority of the world's Jews today are white.

Many jews do not consider themselves right, not a bannable offence.

The fact that din rodef writes that so many young whites become Nazis because they are constantly being unfairly accused of being Nazis is also absurd.

you jews think everyone is a Nazi.

The handful of young whites who ARE called Nazis are the sick perverted haters who join StørmFrønt. These sick, evil S & M homosexuals are frequently called Nazis because they ARE Nazis. And they are proud to be Nazis. How interesting that din rodef feels that the experiences of the StørmFrønt Nazis are the common, every day experiences of average white youth in America. Obviously, din rodef lives in a complete fantasy world.

how are Stormfronters perverted? Explain that one to me.

If din rodef were a real Christian, he would understand that.

When Spain and Portugual exiled their Muslim-loving jews they peaked with their golden age. Explain that.

. There will be no debate here about whether the holocaust took place or about whether 6 million Jews were murdered.

Its best not to debate a lie.

If I ever met truthtype in person, I would put him in the hospital for trying to cover up the crimes of the holocaust. ANYONE WHO JUSTIFIES THROUGH DENIAL WHAT WAS DONE TO 6 MILLION JEWS IS AMALEK, THE EVIL ENEMY OF THE JEWS THAT G-D COMMANDS US TO DESTROY.

I have a feelign this 17 year old kid could knock your teeeth out.
truthtype writes that he is an Odinist, one of the pagan German gods that the Nazis have sought to resurrect. Is anyone here that stupid as not to understand what that means?

Actually Hitler had ties to the Roman Catholic Church and had no interest in resurecting odin (perhpaps because Odin is a Norse god not a German one?).

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #69 on: April 08, 2007, 04:36:57 PM »
Enjoy your (brief) stay here, bumplugger.  :D


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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #70 on: April 08, 2007, 06:29:30 PM »
I was recently reading a book about the history of an particular part of mathematics, it mentioned complaints by mathematicians living under Islamic rule about the fact that it was legal to kill mathematicians.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #71 on: April 08, 2007, 07:14:53 PM »
Personally I would not be surprised if many of these allegedly white Aryan posters are in fact schvartze apes and pigs who, feeling intense self-loathing owing to their own gutter lives and culture, have adopted fake white personae in order to look big and tough and impressive in the face of the Jews they hate so much. They know we don't give black homos the time of day and figure we will be all intimidated by white Nazis. That bird ain't gonna fly. Goodbye trolls, whether you be black, white, or Martian.  ;D


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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #72 on: April 15, 2007, 12:03:31 PM »
Lol what hypocricy that I found here. banning people under the false accusation of nazism? That sounds almost like the work of nazis.


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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #73 on: April 15, 2007, 12:12:22 PM »
truthtype is such an open Nazi that there is no point in even arguing with him.

Really? I never claimed to be a nazi ONCE on this board, yet I was banned for "nazism".

I am banning him immediately.

You like to ban the truth.

If I ever met truthtype in person, I would put him in the hospital for trying to cover up the crimes of the holocaust. ANYONE WHO JUSTIFIES THROUGH DENIAL WHAT WAS DONE TO 6 MILLION JEWS IS AMALEK, THE EVIL ENEMY OF THE JEWS THAT G-D COMMANDS US TO DESTROY.

haha. you are worse than the muslims, "god commands us to kill those who oppose"

truthtype writes that he is an Odinist, one of the pagan German gods that the Nazis have sought to resurrect. Is anyone here that stupid as not to understand what that means?

huh? Since when was Odin a german god?? Lol. I told you, please do not insult my religion, followers of Mithra and Rah the egyptian sun god.

If you really want to get into it, I could debunk judaism or ,sshould I say (once again), the followers of the egyptian sun god Rah, Mithra, and the babylonian deitys in a monotheitic form.

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Re: Urgent to Mods: Please Ban Din Rodef
« Reply #74 on: April 15, 2007, 01:17:13 PM »
Re:  "...I could debunk judaism..."

Of that we're sure.

However, you're job is relatively easy.

To debunk that crap you believe in, one must try to find exactly what stage of wash-face-in-snotwater your ancestors were in when they decided to call a thunderclap Loki, Aurora borealis Odin, and when the warrior-hero's "Valhalla" was somehow invented out of how good they felt when sodomizing all the Norman monks one day.

Hail!   OOOOOO-Din!

p.s.  Don Black sniffs spoo, and you do 2!

p.s.s.--we won't "be prayin' for 'ya...we'll just cast a few chicken bones and runes for ya'!!!   Haw Haw Haw!!!