The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

London embraces Sharia chic

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I oringinally posted this a fews weeks ago, but after the whole debacle with the British Navy and Iran, I think we need another reminder of how far the once mighty British Empire has fallen, eroding in the cesspool of multiculturalism...

It's great to see that the fashion magazines and runways have perpetually put their overpriced, designer booted foots into their mouths with nikab and kaffiyeh inspired fashions, what's next, articles hilighting the joys in polygamy and genital mutilation? It's critical to note that in Europe, non- muslim women are forced to wear hijab when in muslim neighborhoods out of fear of being raped, cases against male relatives mutilating the genitals of young girls is on the rise, and teenage girls in sweden have developed a new version of the chastity belt to deter rapists (, looks like Bernard Lewis's theory of an Islamized Europe is coming closer than predicted, and these sharia inpired fashions will be popping up in Paris or Milan. As a young American woman, I find this so disrespectful, these fembots love to trash judeo- christian values ( i never heard Pat Robertson defending rapists), but pander to a culture that call them "uncovered meat". Perhaps theyr'e ready to join the harems and be taken as booty by their future enslavers, but i have other plans...the first is telling my friends to cancel their subscriptions to this piece of filth, and the second is to get well acquainted with a shooting range... ::)

Fruit of thy loins:
Most of the native white women in London are ugly slags.  Covered in tatoos, piercings, greasy hair, dressed like scarecrows, have the manners of drunken old tramps (actually an insult to tramps) and go about spawning half-caste babies at every opportunity.

I look forward to the day when the Anglos are defeated by Islam.  Then a European Union nation will have to come in an vanquish the Islamists.  And after that the Messiah will come and vanquish Europe.


--- Quote ---Most of the native white women in London are ugly slags.  Covered in tatoos, piercings, greasy hair, dressed like scarecrows, have the manners of drunken old tramps (actually an insult to tramps) and go about spawning half-caste babies at every opportunity
--- End quote ---

Thats not true. You're talking about the white trash families .......
There are a hell of a lot of women in London and they all aren't ugly slags.

Sharia chic ...thats funny. Like most fashion styles, hopefully it will be over. Summer is once again returning and sharia cloaks are to be thrown off by many. Plus the kaffiyahs are too hot anyway.

Fruit of thy loins:
This summer will be just like all the rest.

Exclusion and nothing to do.

Liberation beckons - it is a 200 foot drop.

Fruit, why don't you go travelling. There are students who with their rail cards manage to get £7 coach tickets and £13 flight tickets-ryanair, to places in Europe e.g. Sardinia.
You may have the adventure, you deserve.

Its a pity there aren't a lot of things one can do without spending vast amounts of money. But if you truly delve into searching for things you can find something considerably sutible.


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