There are 18 populated areas in Iran.
The surrounding geography of Tehran is unique. It is surrounded by rock walls/mountains. If a nuke was dropped on Tehran all of the energy released would not only be direct, but would bounce right off the walls right back at Tehran, as well as the heat seeping into the rock walls and then radiating back into Tehran. A tri-convection oven. Fallout would be minimal because of the unique geography as well.
-Perhaps nuking one of their most holy sites would suffice. Perhaps not.
If it's us or them; them every single time.
-I like Persians. I study Zoroastrianism. I love Persian food, and music. I love Purim. I would not want to see Tehran get nuked. I would like to see Ahmadinejad and the Mullahs heads on platters instead. If Iran were to throw off the shackles of Islam we would have a non-Islamic non-Arab neighbor in the area. Persians have a lot of pride, if they get their heads on straight I bet they would LOVE for some revenge for being infected with the Arabic virus. - Just guessing.
Isn't part of Iran supposed to be part of Eretz Yisrael?
Agreed with what you said re: Iran.
I think they would have to do precision bombing with conventional bombs or those special small nukes that stay contained within a limited area.
The bible shows that Iran will still be around in the end times as will Israel so there is nothing to fear there.
I believe you will likely see a pre-emptive strike against Iran though by the Israeli's and possibly the Americans as well. You never know I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Gulf States and Saudi (the Sunnis) actually carried out pre-emptive action as Iran is also a major threat to them as well. Muslims have always been responsible for killing more fellow muslims than anybody else. Even when it doesn't appear they're involved they have supported action against their brothers. E.g. Look at the action in Gaza a year ago. Fatah had been secretly begging the Israelis to go in against Hamas. The Saudis have granted permission to the Israelis to fly over the Northern border of their country if they are going to take out Iran's nuclear facilities. The Saudis are never going to admit that publicy though, and Fatah would never admit they begged the Israelis to attack Hamas!
I think there are troubling times ahead and there isn't any chance of this being resolved diplomatically with the Iranians so there's no doubt going to be a major conflict and strikes against Iran probably this year. Their nuclear facilities will all be taken out with air strikes, missile strikes and quite possibly commandos going in as well, as some of their facilities they won't be able to take them out from the air alone. I'm not so sure that Israel govt would use nukes even small ones to do that even if it would get the job done. I think they'll do it with commandos if they have to, even if it means losing troops or any being captured.
In response to this we could have problems in the Gulf with oil supplies. We could see oil prices go skywards and be paying £1.20 to £2.00 or more per litre at the pumps for petrol here in Britain. Iran could likely fire off missiles at Israel, other surrounding nations and the West (some of their missiles will hit parts of Europe so anyone who supports action against Iran could be a target).
The worst scenario is they are passing bombs to their proxy Hezbollah to carry out terrorists attacks around the world. Lets hope they don't get a hold of any nuclear material because the consequences would be pretty bad. Suicide bombers are bad enough but one nuclear suicide bomber with a dirty (bad enough) or dread to think clean bomb is a big problem. Iran have carried out attacks half way around the world previously. When the Argentinians stopped co-operating and working with them on nuclear plants in the 70's or 80's I believe it was when they bombed Buenos Aires and the Israeli Embassy there as retribution. That is the big fear, the global reach of their terrorist proxies.
I believe that the Eranites were originally a tribe from ancient Israel who settled in parts of Iran. Hence were the name Tehran comes from. Tehran, Teran, eran, eranites. Same with the modern name of their country. Iran, Eran, Eranites. An ancient tribe from Israel. If they realise this then maybe they will start prefer to be Persians again? Even then though you still can't take the eran-ites out of them. Persian, Persan, Peran, eran, eranites

I am wondering how many nations around the world will kick themselves when they are judged and find out part of their roots are going back to Israel and they have been sheding the blood of their cousins for thousands of years.