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Ron Kuby: vermin!

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--- Quote from: habiru on September 15, 2006, 01:00:13 AM ---Could someone please call in to the Curtis and Kuby show and give this scumbag  his due. We should all do that.

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--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on September 15, 2006, 01:32:39 AM ---whats the number?

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The number is 1-800-848-WABC (nationwide) The show is on mornings from 5am to about  10am. Kuby comes on around 6am.
I have listened to this duo for years now. The two of them are quite comical together Curtis the more reasonable of the pair mingles with a lot of N.Y.Cs politicians and is like an unofficial gossip columnist. Kuby the mercenary animal he is champions every radical cause possible however now that he is making some real money I detect the limousine liberal growing in him each day. The thing that annoys me the most with Kuby is that unlike his mentor Kunstler who championed every radical cause and truly believed he was doing the right thing Kuby is only in it for the money and name recognition. For me that makes him even a bigger animal than Kunstler ever was. I still remember seeing Kuby folowing that nasty animal Kunstler around with a briefcase full of papers like a puppy to some of the more prominent cases. Anyone calling WABC will have to get past the call screener and they broadcast with a delay so any debate with Kuby will have to be done in the form of a suprise question.


--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on September 15, 2006, 12:07:47 AM ---I heard Kunstler died of cancer, supposedly it was a horribly painful death

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I'd love to hear the details of his suffering.  I'm sure there were many celebrations upon his demise! ;D


--- Quote from: cjd on September 15, 2006, 07:40:05 AM ---
--- Quote from: habiru on September 15, 2006, 01:00:13 AM ---Could someone please call in to the Curtis and Kuby show and give this scumbag  his due. We should all do that.

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--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on September 15, 2006, 01:32:39 AM ---whats the number?

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The number is 1-800-848-WABC (nationwide) The show is on mornings from 5am to about  10am. Kuby comes on around 6am.
I have listened to this duo for years now. The two of them are quite comical together Curtis the more reasonable of the pair mingles with a lot of N.Y.Cs politicians and is like an unofficial gossip columnist. Kuby the mercenary animal he is champions every radical cause possible however now that he is making some real money I detect the limousine liberal growing in him each day. The thing that annoys me the most with Kuby is that unlike his mentor Kunstler who championed every radical cause and truly believed he was doing the right thing Kuby is only in it for the money and name recognition. For me that makes him even a bigger animal than Kunstler ever was. I still remember seeing Kuby folowing that nasty animal Kunstler around with a briefcase full of papers like a puppy to some of the more prominent cases. Anyone calling WABC will have to get past the call screener and they broadcast with a delay so any debate with Kuby will have to be done in the form of a suprise question.

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I am copying and pasting your post and making it a sticky. I think its important that we all call in and confront this scum animal about his comments.

I live in Cali-foa-nia.  He goes on at 6am Eastern time...right?


--- Quote from: Scriabin on September 15, 2006, 11:56:11 AM ---I live in Cali-foa-nia.  He goes on at 6am Eastern time...right?

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The times I posted are Eastern Daylight Savings.


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