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Ask JTF For June 10 Broadcast
Have you heard of the other Anne Frank: Rutka Laskier?
She saw soilders throwing people into ovens and crushing the skulls of children.
Laskier was later fried her self.
Dear Chaim, Great new video on illegal aliens on youtube. Is the Yeshu mentioned in the Talmud Jesus or is Jesus mentioned in the Talmud at all? Keep up the good work~
Hi, Chaim,
My question is about the population explosion. While I strongly support unlimited Jewish procreation, I am very concerned about the total procreation rate of the world's population and the drain on the Earth's limited resources that this would cause. In some places, the population will double in just 50 years. What are your views on birth control? If you are against birth control, what, do you think, is G-d's plan of rescuing the environment strained by overpopulation? Thank you.
By watching your wonderful youtube videos, it became painfully clear to me that a future prime minister of Israel has no sense of fashion. You have to hone this skill! Rabbi Kahane, from what I see, was always a sharp dresser and looked the part no matter what the audience - leftist students or Night Line.
You don't have to wear a tie - Chaim, I wish you to become a PM and I want you to look sharp! This is a no small matter.
Dear Chaim I have heard few things in your video that you support racial seregation and think the civil rights movement was a disater, it concerns me being a dark skined Jew, since the time in South not only Blacks were seregated but even people of European decent usually Southern Europeans like Italians. Chaim belives the civil right movement is wrong, and it should have not been passed. Many dark skined people were seregrated in the South, not only Blacks, even Southern Italians were seregated at time. Also many of the Mizrachim would have been treated no different than Blacks, because of their dark skin, I was horroifed to be honest that you support seregation? Iam not being rude, but iam asking whats your opinion on the subject thanks!
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