Author Topic: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef  (Read 9798 times)

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Shahar Adom

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A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« on: April 08, 2007, 08:32:15 AM »

Alliances are formed when two parties are able to forge a bond based on common interest and mutual understanding. A true union only happens when both sides feel that they are equally represented and their positions are equally considered. Alliances are NOT formed when one side is perceived to dominate and force submission of the other. Alliances are not formed when one side is percieved to censor, slander or demonize the perspective of the other.

At JTF, I believe that Christians and Jews have a common interest in supporting the Biblical Jewish right to the Land of Israel. But, I do not believe that they share a common understanding when it comes to the internal politics of the Gentile Nations.

At the JTF forum, most Jewish positions in regards to Gentile politics are spoken of freely and without censorship. I absolutely support the free expression of Jewish perspective and political opinion. But, I do not believe that there is a balance between the Jewish perspective and the Gentile perspective in regards to Gentile politics. Many Gentile beliefs are NOT permitted at JTF and will result in ridicule or banning. This censorship of thought does not lead to a healthy exchange of ideas and understanding between the two sides. On the contrary, it leads to suspicion and possibly even anger between the parties. There are many Gentiles at JTF that have opinions about Gentile politics that they don't share for fear of "offending" the Jews in the forum. Many of these Gentiles feel that they must "appease" the Jews in order to show their support for Israel.

Censorship of thought cannot lead to a true alliance between Christians and Jews in America. On the contrary, it can only lead to a false alliance. This false alliance would be based on the quiet submission of the White Christian American Gentile perspective to the Jewish perspective.

Gentiles should NEVER feel that they have to appease Jews in regards to Gentile politics. As long as Jews continue to live in Diaspora amongst Gentile Nations, then Jews must be willing to accept differing opinions and even criticism from the Gentiles. If Diaspora Jews are not willing to understand or consider the Gentile perspectives then they might be more comfortable living in Israel.

I would like to thank the moderators and members of the JTF forum for helping me learn a very important lesson. I now understand that a true Christian/Jewish alliance in America is NOT possible. Therefore, I am no longer going to devote my time to pursuing such a union.

Chaim Ben Pesach is a brilliant man and a beautiful Jew. But I discovered that many of his followers at JTF are nothing like him. I do not hold Chaim responsible for the vile slurs that were directed at me by certain self-hating Diaspora Jews and culturally-confused Noahide Gentile members of the JTF forum.

I support the Biblical Jewish right to the Land of Israel, because Hashem commands it.

I will continue to support Chaim Ben Pesach and his goal of establishing a Torah government in Israel. However, I will NOT support the presence of Jews within the Gentile Nations. The Diaspora ended in 1948, and now there are few Biblical reasons for Jews to remain living outside of their promised land. Chaim is not allowed to enter Israel because of the current Bolshevik dictatorship, so he has my full support to remain in the United States until he is able to make Aliyah in the future. (G-d willing)

I would like to remind the members of JTF that it is a SIN for Jews to continue living outside of Eretz Israel now that the Diaspora has ended. The exile was intended to be punishment. All Jews that remain living in the Gentile Nations MUST make Aliyah. If Jews continue to defy the commandments of Hashem then they will suffer the wrath of Hashem. (G-d forbid)

Christian Gentiles will also suffer the wrath of Hashem if they continue to support the presence of Jews within the Gentile Nations. Christians must give their Jewish friends some "tough love" by firmly telling them that they must make Aliyah. Christians must tell their Jewish friends that they were welcome as guests during the Diaspora, but now that the exile has ended it is time for Jews to fulfill their destiny by returning to Eretz Israel.

During my short time at the JTF forum, many members falsely accused me of being a "Nazi" for my statements. Both of my grandfathers were US soldiers and they were shot fighting the Nazis in World War II. My grandfather on my father's side was a paratrooper in the 101st Airborne. He parachuted into occupied Europe on D-Day. My grandfather on my mother's side fought deep into the heart of Germany as an infantryman. He was one of the first US soldiers to meet the Russians at the Elbe River. I will not allow the memory and sacrifices of my grandfathers to be defiled. They did not courageously fight Hitler's army in Europe so that their grandson could grow up to be visciously insulted by ungrateful Jews. I will NEVER again put myself and my family in a position to be insulted by Jews, and that is the defining reason as to why I will no longer support a Christian/Jewish alliance in America.

Finally, I would like to send a message to the specific JTF members that slurred the memory of my grandfathers' sacrifices during World War II. "YOU CAN F'IN BURN IN HELL!"

This is my final post at JTF.

Shahar Adom (formerly known as Din Rodef)


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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2007, 08:51:49 AM »
Just to clear things up, i your reading this, I never had annything against you, if you belived I was directing any negative comments towards you, you were misinterpreting my posts, I did make a lot of negative comments yesterday, but they were aimed at the holocaust denier "truth"typer, not you.

Offline genteelgentile

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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2007, 09:50:28 AM »
 It really is a damn shame it got to this point.  I hate the fact that Din Rodef felt the way he did, as I liked most of what he wrote.  I hope everybody takes into consideration what he pointed out, whether you agree with him or not.
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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2007, 11:13:52 AM »

Alliances are formed ..................................................

Well, I'm just going to have to disagree with your opinion, even though in principle you are right. Jews should live in Israel...But man, it's so absolutist and so black and white that i cannot accept it.  Please allow us still in exile to wander the Sinai desert for 40 years. Gd will help our children and grandchildren.

and also...take it easy, man.  No sense on being an angry Jew all the time. You are on this earth once. make the most of it and enjoy some of it, please.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline cjd

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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2007, 11:15:55 AM »
It really is a damn shame it got to this point.  I hate the fact that Din Rodef felt the way he did, as I liked most of what he wrote.  I hope everybody takes into consideration what he pointed out, whether you agree with him or not.
Yes you put it exactly right genteelgentile its a damn shame it got to this point. I too liked much of what Din Rodef said in other posts but as I said yesterday I think he painted himself into a corner with the Diaspora issue. The whole thread was upsetting on many levels. Debate is one thing but what went on in that thread between Din Rodef and a few other members was in the worse taste. I think that he was put into a position of defending a bad post because of some viscous personal attacks made on him in that thread. Maybe they have a better picture of what Din Rodef is like but they should have just left it to the administrators to ban him when they were able to. The thing that bothered me about Din Rodefs banning is that he honestly seemed to respect Chaim and JTF. Its to bad he had to be banned at the same time they banned TruthTyper II who was just an all out agitator. As always I respect the administrators decisions they have a tough job.
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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2007, 11:21:18 AM »
Re:  "...I hate the fact that Din Rodef felt the way he did, as I liked most of what he wrote..."

That is exactly my thought about Adolph Hitler after I read a collection of his speeches published under the title My New Order.

I came to the conclusion that if Der Fuhrer had only not had a psychopathic obsession with "The Jew", he would without question be one of history's great leaders.

Before any readers jump to the wrong conclusions, read his speeches for yourself.

The book is available through most libraries; published in the 1940's.

The sad fact of the matter, is that Hitler pointed out every legitimate grievance which Germany had at that time.

He even spoke of peace and his peaceful intentions.

He quite corrrectly addressed all of the following ills working to destroy Germany:

-The Versailles Treaty as assigning all blame for the Great War only to Germany, as well as its assigning punitive financial reparations to the point of literally bankrupting Germany.

-The outright theft of Germany's colonies by the English and French as punishment for its defeat in the War.

-The theft of German land and territory by its covetous neighbors; again as part of a reparations package.

-The League of Nations being used as a tool of promoting internationalism; while in actual reality enriching only the worlds top financiers and brokers.

-The concept of "free trade" as fraudulent; as opposed to "fair trade".

-The total collapse of Germany's socio-economic and political structure, fueled by Communists and Globalists; resulting in homosexuality, prostitution, a divided populace (nationaist vs internationalist/Communist) literally warring in the streets.

-The strong belief by Germans, that while they had won every battle on the battlefield, they had been sabotaged from within by traitorous politicians; forced to surrender to those who they had actually defeated; their warriors returning home angry and disgraced.

-And, last but not least, the Spectre of Communism in the form of Stalin's Soviet Union; it's tentacles of subversion throughout Germany.

Yes...Der Fuhrer always made points in his speeches which were on the whole true and readily observable by all.

And then, he blamed ALL of these ills and their causes, on "THE JEW".

Sound familiar?


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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2007, 12:09:23 PM »
I would just like to point out that Din Rodef did have some valid points on a great many subjects. However, I also have to say that it is interesting to me that the person directing the most attacks at Din Rodef was Chaimfan who is NOT Jewish.

I suppose there were some Jews as well directing mean comments toward Din too.

But Din, if you happen to read this, you said (And possibly it was from still being quite angry) that you would never again put yourself in a position to be insulted by a Jew. I have to being insulted by a Jew any different from being insulted by anyone? Is it really?

People are people. Rise above it. There are people from every walk of life and from every ethnicity who are mean and rude and nasty, just as there are good, nice and respectable people.

I think you did corner yourself. I think there is a difference between your ideas on "Christian" America and the truth of Christian Evangelical ideas on America. I know a lot of Pastors who would disagree with many of your assertions...including Pat Robertson, John Hagee from Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Ben Kinchlow, Paul and Jan Crouch of the Trinity Broadcasting Network, Jerry Falwell, Dr. Dobson....a great number of these people just would simply disagree with your assertions about Christian "White" America. All of the aforementioned Pastors are White...(With the exception of Ben Kinchlow).

While I doubt it will do any good, if you are open minded at all, I would encourage you, since you claim to be a Christian, to really do some research and find out the opinions, political and otherwise of the majority of Evangelicals in America. You might find reason to abandon some of your reasoning. Then again, you may not. But you won't know unless you investigate for yourself.

Be well Din Rodef.
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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2007, 12:33:32 PM »

White Christian American Gentile perspective to the Jewish perspective.

Shahar Adom (formerly known as Din Rodef)

Why do you have to say 'white'?

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2007, 12:52:59 PM »
Re:  "...Finally, I would like to send a message to the specific JTF members that slurred the memory of my grandfathers' sacrifices during World War II. "YOU CAN F'IN BURN IN HELL!"..."




(of course; as the true psychotic that you are, complete with paranoid grandiose delusions of "white pure racial supremity" masquerading as your "gentile world view", you consistently refuse to accept any responsibilities for your own actions; forever insisting that your guilt proves your innocence, always insisting that your vile, repugnant, and insane, personal opinions are those representing each and every "White American Christian Gentile", and when finally you paint yourself into a corner due to the fact that you just can't hide your mental sickness , you then claim that the entire situation is only that of "Jews attacking not YOU, but "your Grandfathers".






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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2007, 01:06:02 PM »
It really is a damn shame it got to this point.  I hate the fact that Din Rodef felt the way he did, as I liked most of what he wrote.  I hope everybody takes into consideration what he pointed out, whether you agree with him or not.

What happened to him? I have not been here in awhile.
"Negroes are a form of animal and it is against the will of God and nature to mate with such creatures. It is specifically forbidden in the Holy Bible. The Negro is still in the ape stage, actually a higher form of gorilla. They are retarded, 200,000 years behind the white race. They suffer from sickle-cell trait, a hereditary racial characteristic of negroes, and is found in no other race - Negroes have diseased blood". - Prof. Charles Carroll

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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2007, 01:25:13 PM »
Din Rodef's parents called him a racist???


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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2007, 04:17:49 PM »
Din Rodef, if you disgree with the etlites on this board then you get an automatic ban it seems. Anyone that dares to disagree, and anyone that believes the jews shouldn't rule America and Europe is cast out of here as a "Nazi". TruthTyper, Ftf, and now Din here have all been banned for the same.

I guess my cover is blown, I am a long time observer of this messageboard. As TT said, this place is becomng like one big witchhunt. You have mexicans like Chaimfan running around accusing everyone of Odinism and Nazism, then you have the mods banning anyone that disagrees with any jew on here.

This message board needs to learn about a thing called freedom of speech. Peace out ;)

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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2007, 04:49:18 PM »
Din Rodef, if you disgree with the etlites on this board then you get an automatic ban it seems. Anyone that dares to disagree, and anyone that believes the jews shouldn't rule America and Europe is cast out of here as a "Nazi". TruthTyper, Ftf, and now Din here have all been banned for the same.

I guess my cover is blown, I am a long time observer of this messageboard. As TT said, this place is becomng like one big witchhunt. You have mexicans like Chaimfan running around accusing everyone of Odinism and Nazism, then you have the mods banning anyone that disagrees with any jew on here.

This message board needs to learn about a thing called freedom of speech. Peace out ;)

You are Din Rodef, shithead.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2007, 06:07:02 PM »
Re:  "...This message board needs to learn about a thing called freedom of speech. Peace out.."







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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2007, 06:15:21 PM »
Din Rodef, if you disgree with the etlites on this board then you get an automatic ban it seems. Anyone that dares to disagree, and anyone that believes the jews shouldn't rule America and Europe is cast out of here as a "Nazi". TruthTyper, Ftf, and now Din here have all been banned for the same.

I guess my cover is blown, I am a long time observer of this messageboard. As TT said, this place is becomng like one big witchhunt. You have mexicans like Chaimfan running around accusing everyone of Odinism and Nazism, then you have the mods banning anyone that disagrees with any jew on here.

This message board needs to learn about a thing called freedom of speech. Peace out ;)
I was never banned... I decided to leave, but now I've changed my mind.

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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2007, 06:24:42 PM »
Re:  "...Be well Din Rodef. ..."

Die of rectal cancer, Din Rodef.


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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2007, 06:25:32 PM »
Re:  "...Be well Din Rodef. ..."

Die of rectal cancer, Din Rodef.

That is really unfriendly...

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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2007, 06:29:02 PM »
Re:  "...Be well Din Rodef. ..."

Die of rectal cancer, Din Rodef.

That is really unfriendly...

You're right. He should die of AIDS.


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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2007, 06:30:02 PM »
Re:  "...Be well Din Rodef. ..."

Die of rectal cancer, Din Rodef.

That is really unfriendly...

You're right. He should die of AIDS.
Why are people round here so unfriendly sometimes.

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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2007, 07:37:57 PM »
Re:  "...Be well Din Rodef. ..."

Die of rectal cancer, Din Rodef.

That is really unfriendly...

You're right. He should die of AIDS.
Why are people round here so unfriendly sometimes.

Because we oppose Nazis. This isn't Sesame Street.


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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2007, 07:39:15 PM »
There's a difference between opposing someone, and wishing that they'd die of cancer.

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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2007, 07:40:37 PM »
There's a difference between opposing someone, and wishing that they'd die of cancer.

Please read Massuh's post.


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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2007, 07:50:45 PM »
There's a difference between opposing someone, and wishing that they'd die of cancer.

Please read Massuh's post.

Offline cjd

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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2007, 08:09:48 PM »
There's a difference between opposing someone, and wishing that they'd die of cancer.

Please read Massuh's post.

Come on guys Din Rodef is gone lets leave it at that wishing cancer and aids on him isn't going to do much for us here at JTF. ftf has been around from the start of the forum and has been a good member. He wished Happy Easter to the Gentiles on the forum is that going to kill anyone.  Lets not make it a bigger thing than it is. Chaim was just saying last week how all the different religions get along well here on JTF Forum lets not spoil it.
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Re: A Message to JTF from Din Rodef
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2007, 08:20:52 PM »
FTF, why are you urging us to be nice to the Nazis? Do you want us to start being suspicious of you?