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Beautiful performance of Chopin's Fantasy impromptu in C# minor

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--- Quote ---Vladimir Feltsman plays Bach impeccably.  I just so happens that he was one of the Russian Jews liberated by Rabbi Kahane, Chaim and the JDL.  He teaches at SUNY New Paltz and I've had lessons with him.  He's a GENIUS.

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Thanks for the info.  For those interested, here is a link
to Vladimir Feltsman's website:

I love the Rennaisance Jew Salamone Rossi's rendition of Adon Olam.

 :D Somebody call the "Soul Patrol" ! He should be listening to rap noise with the rest of his homeys ! Just being sarcastic ! LOL ! Good to se there is some high westwern culture in the black community !


--- Quote from: B0NG0ID on September 13, 2006, 08:56:45 PM --- :D Somebody call the "Soul Patrol" ! He should be listening to rap noise with the rest of his homeys ! Just being sarcastic ! LOL ! Good to se there is some high westwern culture in the black community !

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Of course he's probably getting a full-ride scholarship to Juilliard. >:(

His performance is rather technical, mechanical.  There is no emotion
put into it, at least none that I can discern.  All I can recommend is
less basketball, more piano practice (did you see those biceps?!)


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