Author Topic: The movie "Lean on Me"  (Read 680 times)

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The movie "Lean on Me"
« on: July 23, 2009, 03:34:27 PM »
It's a movie based on a true story in the 80's.  This highschool in NJ in East Paterson used to be a predominantly white thriving highschool in the 60's until blacks moved into the community and single handedly made it the worst highschool.  Essentially it came to the point that if 75% of the students didn't pass there "Basic Skills" exam, the state would take it over.

They hired a new principle, Joe Clark, who used brutal tactics to reshape the school. In the end more than 75% of these black kids passed the basic skills test.

Now, I wanted to comment on the movie...Funny how they made the Jewish lawyer look like an idiot and these blacks felt so proud to barely pass an exam on how to read...Such dimwits....

Anyone else see the movie and notice the same thing?
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