Thank Hashem.. 3 less faggots on the earth to pollute, twist, defile and betray Israel. Israel has enough filth with the Muslims who live there, do we really need to turn the place into Sodom and Gomorrah once again? THe assassin, if you want to call him that, actually was administrating long due justice to all the filthy disgusting homo parades that polluted the minds of the children inside Israel. These faggots never cared when they were bump humping each other in the holy parts of Jerusalem in front of religious children. They are disgusting and of course the liberal media is jumping all over this. This is more fodder to condemn Judaism and Jewish identity. THey want faggots and muslims to overrrun Israel.
As bad as it is to murder, I will not say he was a cold blooded murderer.. He was a hot blooded killer, sick and tired of how these perverts are overruning the Holy Land.
Remember, Israel is THE HOLY LAND, not THE HOMO LAND... Its time to stand up and fight the faggots and ragheads or let this pollution overrun and destroy G-d's Own Nation! G-d FORBID!