Author Topic: The Negro in Torah  (Read 2645 times)

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Offline Nonny

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The Negro in Torah
« on: April 11, 2007, 08:43:12 AM »
Chaim's weekly JT page about "Darkest Africa" and the discussion on the Imus Affair reminds one of how already in the Ark, by having prohibited relations with his wife, Noah's son Ham (the ancestor of the Negroidal races) was found to be wanting in comparison to his brothers: the heat intended for Avodas Hashem had become warped into the incandescent heat of degenerate licentiousness.

The Midrash Tanchumah relates of the physical punishment he underwent as a result of this and his subsequent performing of an atrocity on father: his skin became pigmented, his eyes bloodshot, his lips thick, fuzzy  hair, and to walk denuded: all traits passed on to his offspring!

The frightening thing is is that a large amount of pure Hamitic blood entered the Jewish People from the Erev Rav (Mixed Multitude) at the time of the Exodus.

Which explains why so many Kikes have such a natural affinity with Hamites and only seem fulfilled when literally kissing "black tochess"!    

Amir Peretz, instead of being a proud Sephardi Moroccan Jew, is renowned for becoming completely overawed,  bottel and a groveler before a skullery-maid overrated Alabama [censored]!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 02:19:03 PM by Nonny »

Yochanan Zev

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Re: The Negro in Torah
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2007, 02:01:37 PM »
Nonny, before casting aspersions on blacks you should consider the entire section to of the Midrash Bereshit Rabba:

"The very punishments with which God visits his erring children are often turned into blessings. When the deluge was sent on a sinning world all the fountains of the great deep were opened (Gen. vii. 11), but when the deluge ceased not all the fountains were stopped (Gen. viii. 2). Those containing the mineral waters with their healing properties were left open for the great benefit of man.

The difference between the solar and the lunar year is that the former is eleven days longer than the latter.

The period covering the second half of Tishri, the whole of Cheshvon, and the first half of Kislev is the season for sowing. The second half of Kislev, the whole of Tebeth, and first half of Shvat is winter. The second half of Shvat, the whole of Adar, and first half of Nisson is spring. The second half of Nisson, the whole of Iyar, and first half of Sivon is harvest-time, according to climate. The second half of Sivon, the whole of Tammuz, and first half of Ab is summer, and the second half of Ab, the whole of Ellul, and first half of Tishri is autumn.

The wicked make no resistance, but abandon themselves to their evil inclination.

Noah began by being righteous in his generation, but fell back and became a man of earth (Gen. ix. 20). Moses, on the other hand, began his career as an Egyptian (Exod. ii. 19), but developed into a man of God.

By Japhet, Gomer and Magog Africa is meant, and by Tiros Persia.

The sexes of both man and the lower animals were meant to be separated in the ark during the deluge. This is clear from the way in which they entered the ark: first Noah and his three sons went in, and then their wives separately (Gen. vii. 7). But when they came out of the ark after the flood, God commanded Noah, "Go out of the ark, thou and thy wife, thy sons and their wives" (Gen. viii. 16), thus putting the sexes together again. Ham among the human beings, and the dog among the lower animals, disregarded this injunction and did not separate from the opposite sex in the ark. The dog received a certain punishment, and Ham became a black man; just as when a man has the audacity to coin the king's currency in the king's own palace his face is blackened as a punishment and his issue is declared counterfeit.

Artaban sent Rabbi Judah Hannasi as a present a pearl of great value, and when he asked the Rabbi a present of equal value in return, the sage sent him a parchment (Ephesian letters). Artaban thought it unworthy, since his own gift was of such priceless value. Rabbi Judah replied that not only was his present precious above all the possessions of both, but it had immeasurable advantage over the valuable pearl, as care must be taken of the pearl, whilst his amulet would take care of its possessor.

We are not allowed to say any portion of Holy Writ by heart, but must always read it from the Scroll. Thus when Rabbi Meier was once in Asia on Purim, and was unable to find a copy of the book of Esther, he wrote the book out from memory (as he knew it by heart), and then made another copy from which he read to the congregation.

If a man has entertained you only with lentils, do you entertain him with flesh. If one shows you small favors, bestow on him great ones when an opportunity occurs.

There is not an evil which fails to bring benefit to some one."

Yochanan Zev

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Re: The Negro in Torah
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2007, 05:47:59 PM »
The World is my Oyster.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!  :D ;D :D ;D

Offline dawntreader

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Re: The Negro in Torah
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2007, 07:16:56 PM »
While I have no love for Condoleeza Rice, it is absolutely WRONG to speak of her as a skullery-maid, or in a derogatory fashion because she happens to be black. It's not right.

All peoples on the face of the Earth belong to G-d. He is their judge. Who are any of us to judge the servants of another?

The color of a man or woman's skin has nothing to do with rightiousness.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 07:19:29 PM by dawntreader »
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