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Offline cynthia

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This is a brilliant site and forum
« on: August 10, 2009, 11:31:33 AM »
And as a evangelical Christian, who completely supports and prays for Israel and the Jewish people, I will be sending articles and Youtubes to everyone Christian I know who believes the lie, that the Muslim faith is a faith a peace.  I have always known the absolute lie of that, have read the Koran and the writings of their leaders, and know that the sleeping giant of the Christian world, who drank the koolaid, voted for Obama, and somehow believe of this lie about the Muslim faith must be woken up.  Some gentleman in a church I used to belong to, I repeat use to belong to, kept trying to shove this notion down our throats due to his having lived in Yemen for a bit, that Muslims love peace.  He tried to get us to visit a Mosque, to make nice, etc.  I told others in my church before I left, I was kidding, but not really, you could not pay me a million dollars to step foot in such a demonic place, because this is religion based on fear, oppression, hate, death, and totally devoid of any relationship of G-d.  You know a tree by its fruits, and there is no fruit there.  Zip.  Nada, none.

I appreciate the articles, research, Youtubes, and passionate fire of this forum and all the it entails.  I am praying for an awakening of the Christian church in the U.S. to wake up before it is too late, and we are France or the U.K., and are literally breed out of existence.  I know what is going on, I see, and have seen it, and will do all I can to spread the word.  Thank you for your passion, honor, and fighting for the truth and all that is right.  G-d's best for His finest!!!

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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2009, 11:34:07 AM »
Wow, a great testimony, you should write a book about help wake others up.

Good for you, coming out of that church.

Welcome to the forum here.

שמע ישראל

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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2009, 11:34:30 AM »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline cynthia

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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2009, 11:53:01 AM »
The sad statement is that Obama said, that America is the largest Muslim nation in the world.  Huh?  What on earth???? What is the man talking about, not only is this factually inaccurate, but the majority of people in American I believe nearly 90 percent consider themselves Christian on some level.  This is why I said it is an illiterate, sleeping giant.  I am full of sorrow and remorse to the level of ignorance of most Christians and even some evangelical Christians who believe the lies, have been deceived by MSM, and all the barbarian politicians who have totally deceived the entire world.  They have thrown Israel under the bus.  It has been going on for a while, but the amazing thing is and anyone who can even look at the recent history of this country and miss it is brain dead.  Every time the American government has asked Israel, which has a Bible right to the land, a G-d-given right to the land, has been asked to compromise to the devil basically, every time, we have pressured them, America pays for it big time.  I can literally feel the hand of G-d's protection be lifted up, and harm has come to us over and over, and even to our own soil, with 9/11 and Katrina. 

The Christian community is asleep, and have allowed a Muslim in the White House, I know this and you know this. and they need to know who they voted into the building.  The policies will never favor Israel and our faiths.  We are no longer the great Judeo-Christian nation of greatness and peace and "work hard and you can have what you dream" that our fathers fought and died for.  It is truly a nightmare now, and I can only blog, send good articles, reseach and Youtubes to enlighten those who continue to sleep while the devil is busy working overtime before he is exposed.  My late father was a bomber pilot in WWII, and flew over Germany and Europe, he knew the truth and saw the truth, and I am grateful he is not here to see what has happened to this nation.  It is a terrible thing to say, but I know that he would be ashamed.  Horribly ashamed of what the people in this country have permitted.

The truth, is when the leaders of my church starting pushing this agenda, I would have rather taken a bullet than to mingle with the unredeemed because that is how strong I believe that evil is in the Muslim faith.  I know it is one of murder, violence, oppression, hatred, fear, etc., and I repeat, what good fruit has it produced?  I know the Christian faith has made hideous mistakes in the past, terrible ones, man made them, against Scripture, against the New Testament, and against everything they knew.  When man strays from Scriptures he gets into serious trouble.  Fortunately, there are many Christians who have repented for those who have made mistakes in the past, and try to live according to the Bible, and knows the favor of G-d on the Jewish people, how much He loves them, and how much He wants His nation of His people blessed.  I have read this over and over in the Bible, and so I support this great nation, pray for its peace, donate to the Fellowship of Christian and Jews, for we are united in one spirit to fight a common evil, and any Christian who does not, is a fool, and does not know what the Old and New Testaments say.  It is a honor to be here, and I will spread the word.

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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2009, 11:57:16 AM »
Hello Cynthia,

Welcome to our wonderful forum.  And thank you for your kind words.  I think you'll really like it here. 

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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2009, 11:58:52 AM »
Thanks Cynthia, we are a minority. Welcome
שמע ישראל
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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2009, 12:21:04 PM »
AsheDina, I believe, I still believe, in the what I call the great awakening.  I do believe, it, and I see slight signs of it, here and there in the not mainstream media press, such as World News Daily, and Newsmax, and America's Right.  I see it in The Drudge Report, and on Hannity and Glenn Beck.  I heard it recently on Lou Dobbs, questioning the "transparency," or basically the totally lack of documentation of the current president.  In other words, Dobbs smells a rat.  I see it in other Christians as well, at my new church, who can smell the evil, know the lies, and are acutely aware of the Biblical right and duty to support Israel and the Jewish people. 

I see it in the town hall meetings, where the left has been calling the concerned veterans, blue collar workers, seniors and ordinary citizens, a mob.  Where these people have woken up and wondered who on earth is in the government and white house, and wondered what on earth they have they bought into, communisim, socialism, fascism??? People are scared and worried, and they are questioning now and yelling now, and protesting now, and the left cannot handle it.  So they call them names, and say they have carried swastikas (Nancy Pelosi did) trying to demonize these poor citizens, and amazingly NOT ONE PICTURE has been able to be produced of her allegations.  The true fascists are those in government currently trying to show their regime down the throats of the American people, trying to throw Israel under the bus, while the standing president bows to Muslim kings, and apologizes for everything America has ever done, catching bad guys, coming down hard on the terrorists, etc.  I am waiting for him to ask the American citizens to adopt a Gitmo detainee and bring them home to rehabilitate them next.  When on a government website, the government asks the people of this nation to send them fishy emails of those who do not agree with the Obamacare policy, and I can send you the link, it has been all over the news.  Where does this sound like we are going?    Sounds like 1984 to me.

Like I said, I miss my Father, a great man, who took bullets in his body in his cockpit of his bomber and kept on flying throughout WWII to rid Europe of fascism, and was on the ground in Germany and saw horrors at prison camps at the war's bitter end.  He saw how dangerous it is to have one man worshiped and a blackout in the mainstream media.  He saw what happens when there is no transparency and when one man has an agenda to destroy people and democracy, and calls the constitution an out-dated document.  When there is no accountability and someone with an evil agenda has free reign, disaster beckons.  I am grateful he is not here to see what is happening to his country now.  I truly do not think he could bare it.  I really do not. 

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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2009, 12:26:41 PM »
Cynthia, thank you very much for your support!

Your father is a righteous man and a hero.
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

Offline cynthia

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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2009, 12:35:58 PM »
He is one of millions of heroes who fought and died to fight the worst evil we have ever experienced until recently.  I consider this current evil more horrific because it has no borders.  It is not just one country, it is every where.  Absolutely everywhere.  And it is growing and there are many madmen, many, and many being raised up.  The most insidious aspect of this all, is that even the Muslim are destroyed by it.  It destroys its own, blows it own up, oppresses its own, and destroy everything and everyone in its path.  If it is not stopped there, it will not stopped anywhere, but it must be fought with truth and whatever means necessary.  As a Christian wife and mother, I write, I blog, I fast and I pray, I engage in speaking out and trying to "wake up" anyone and everyone who will listen, as I consider it my duty. 

This evil in many ways is much greater and we have not even seen the extent of the damage yet, which is why Israel and America must stand and must stand together in this world gone mad.  We must stand together and we must win!!! 

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2009, 12:42:29 PM »
The sad statement is that Obama said, that America is the largest Muslim nation in the world.  Huh?  What on earth???? What is the man talking about, not only is this factually inaccurate, but the majority of people in American I believe nearly 90 percent consider themselves Christian on some level.  This is why I said it is an illiterate, sleeping giant.  I am full of sorrow and remorse to the level of ignorance of most Christians and even some evangelical Christians who believe the lies, have been deceived by MSM, and all the barbarian politicians who have totally deceived the entire world.  They have thrown Israel under the bus.  It has been going on for a while, but the amazing thing is and anyone who can even look at the recent history of this country and miss it is brain dead.  Every time the American government has asked Israel, which has a Bible right to the land, a G-d-given right to the land, has been asked to compromise to the devil basically, every time, we have pressured them, America pays for it big time.  I can literally feel the hand of G-d's protection be lifted up, and harm has come to us over and over, and even to our own soil, with 9/11 and Katrina. 

The Christian community is asleep, and have allowed a Muslim in the White House, I know this and you know this. and they need to know who they voted into the building.  The policies will never favor Israel and our faiths.  We are no longer the great Judeo-Christian nation of greatness and peace and "work hard and you can have what you dream" that our fathers fought and died for.  It is truly a nightmare now, and I can only blog, send good articles, reseach and Youtubes to enlighten those who continue to sleep while the devil is busy working overtime before he is exposed.  My late father was a bomber pilot in WWII, and flew over Germany and Europe, he knew the truth and saw the truth, and I am grateful he is not here to see what has happened to this nation.  It is a terrible thing to say, but I know that he would be ashamed.  Horribly ashamed of what the people in this country have permitted.

The truth, is when the leaders of my church starting pushing this agenda, I would have rather taken a bullet than to mingle with the unredeemed because that is how strong I believe that evil is in the Muslim faith.  I know it is one of murder, violence, oppression, hatred, fear, etc., and I repeat, what good fruit has it produced?  I know the Christian faith has made hideous mistakes in the past, terrible ones, man made them, against Scripture, against the New Testament, and against everything they knew.  When man strays from Scriptures he gets into serious trouble.  Fortunately, there are many Christians who have repented for those who have made mistakes in the past, and try to live according to the Bible, and knows the favor of G-d on the Jewish people, how much He loves them, and how much He wants His nation of His people blessed.  I have read this over and over in the Bible, and so I support this great nation, pray for its peace, donate to the Fellowship of Christian and Jews, for we are united in one spirit to fight a common evil, and any Christian who does not, is a fool, and does not know what the Old and New Testaments say.  It is a honor to be here, and I will spread the word.

You definitely don't see it in most colleges and universities,the public schools, most entertainment, and most media even Faux news.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2009, 12:43:06 PM »
 :dance: Welcome Cynthia! Glad so much you like it here!  :dance:

Offline cynthia

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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2009, 01:00:23 PM »
We seldom see or hear the truth.  The left has an agenda, the part of that is to embrace the  :'( poor misunderstood Muslim community.  The agenda is to bash America, bash our mutual faiths, both of them, to empower those who will not empower themselves, except through violence and screaming louder than those who produce, those who work, those who want to live in peace and enjoy the fruits of their labor.  If we look at history, nations where the minorities have been dominate without the imput for our two cultures what are they?  Once again, you know the tree by the fruit? 

The sleeping giant will wake up, and I do believe it will be sooner rather than later.  There is a saying and a scripture that there is nothing in darkness that will not be revealed, and my prayer is that it is revealed sooner, so that those who have believed the darkness will see the light of the truth.  They must, they must, they did before, but the sad part is that so many died before action was taken.  We must speak louder than they, must worker harder than the darkness.

I live in California, and it is a bright and beautiful state, however, overrun with illegal immigrants, which have bankrupted the state, basically.  But I was in a grocery store, and there is a Mosque nearby, and for the first time, it hit me so hard, what was going on right near where I live, that there was an ghetto basically of Muslims living nearby.  Seriously, nearby this upscale, yuppie community.  I was in a grocery story and this woman covered from head to toe, walked by me, and I literally got shivers up my spine of evil.  I was looking at a ghost of evil, covered, hidden, not having any idea if it was a man or a woman under that piece of darkness.  I felt such evil from that experience it did not leave me.  She went to the checkout, and had food stamps.  I thought, here she is living in this country, covering up her identity, taking my money to live and eat with. 

This is how it goes, the coming in, breeding us out, and overtaking is happening here, already.  One of the Youtubes is so correct.

The face is Islam in the movie, "The Stoning of Soraya M."  If you want to see the "faith" of Islam, see that movie.  It shows you the faith of peace to such an extent, you might not recover.  So be warned. 

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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2009, 01:18:49 PM »
Hello Cynthia ....what an excellent choice of words you have ~~~> 'I consider this current evil more horrific because it has no borders'

you described islam for what it is...a GREAT EVIL that intends to make our World a living hell by commiting mass genocides until islam has taken over completely. islam seeks global domination by any means.

Welcome to our Forum! We love to have members like you, bright righteous people who support Israel and the United States.

                                                  Shalom & G-d Bless


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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2009, 01:24:05 PM »
Welcome Cynthia!

We are giants, giants in love...and if you ask that who are we, then you must be a dwarf.

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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2009, 02:21:58 PM »
I hope what I'm about to say makes any comfort to us all, but the world is awakening.
If anything, its the arabs who have the most absolute power to change Islam and maybe even eliminate it, and over the past several years there have been some serious awakening in our society. For example: an arabic TV channel called "Al haya" (The life), that have one purpose and it is to talk about Islam and threat of Islam. All the people that work in it are former muslims and currently devoted christians, the channel debates Islam and the difference between Islam and christianity, etc etc ... its a major TV channel that reaches the whole world, not just the arabic world.
Another exampe is Wafa Sultaan, of whom I'm sure you already heard about her, if not, then youtube her. She is a former muslim as well (now she doesn't belong to any religion - like me) and she got elected to be one among 100 most influential characters of all times. When she talks about Islam, she is very sharp and direct and indisputable, she is my favorite idol.
Priest Zakaria - former muslim sheikh! now talks so aggressively about Islam and its disgusting vile facts.

Believe me ... the only way Islam can spread is through breeding (they breed almost 4 times more than us ...).
We should first start educating our governments to STOP accepting those piglits immigrants into our beautiful countries because they are like cancer, they will ruin everything starting from the culture and the traditions of each country.
But the world IS changing indeed and it is awaking. I'm hoping for the best.


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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2009, 04:04:23 PM »
Welcome to JTF cynthia. My G_D bless you.  :dance:
The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew at hand.
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Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2009, 05:42:08 PM »
Amen Brother, I am with you as all Christians on this earth who are praying and asking for God's help and guidance to bring the evil to an end against Israel and the West, and all oppressed nations of Islam!

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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2009, 05:47:22 PM »
Welcome Aboard Cynthia!

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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2009, 07:28:13 PM »
Thank you Dox for your encouragement.  I know that Christians and Jews who are not asleep spiritually know evil when they see the face of it.  I have met Christian Arabs who have barely escaped with their lives from the Muslims.  There is a very gentle man with his family that run a little store nearby, and they proudly put their Catholic images up front in their shop.  I asked him about why he placed them there, and he said, because "I could not place them where I was.  We were punished for our faith.  My father was beheaded many years back for for believing something else, so I display them for him."  I did not go into great discussion because I saw his pain, and I told him, that I was glad to see him able to express his faith here in America.  But this is the face of Islam.

I know that there are good people everywhere, and I can only pray that enough Muslims see the light, see the oppression, see the horror of this faith that even blows up its own????  What insanity can this be?  What other faith blows up its own people, who have a different take on the faith.  Do the Methodists in 2009 blow up the Baptists?  Do the Lutherans blow up the Anglicans?  Do Orthodox Jews blow up the Reformed Jews?  NO. 

It is absolute insanity, and yes, I acknowledge the stupidity and sin of former Christians who have slain their own and others in the name of faith, which had absolutely nothing to do with the scripture they supposedly embraced in centuries past, but we are talking 2009.  This faith is a monster from the dark ages, from some pit of hell.  It is evil, and no one spouting some spin on it can change it, and BTW, the Koran says it is all right to lie to get what you want.  Okay, to lie??  Fine to lie to achieve your goals???  No other faith I know on the earth promotes evils.  None.  Zip.  Nada. 

Thank you Irish Zionist, Debbie, Madmarv, and Proud and Zionist for the kind words and welcome.  I do believe change will come.  I truly do.  I believe that Iran will revolt in time, I have other prayers in that regard that I would mention, but like I said, I know that in the end, something will happen for deliverance.  I know the strong and intelligent nation of Israel will be standing proud and tall, because I know the Guy who backs them, and I stand with them and Him.   LOL 

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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #19 on: August 10, 2009, 09:14:21 PM »
This is the brave arab wafaa sultan that is living in the U.S right now:

enjoy :)


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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2009, 01:30:57 AM »
Hello and welcome Cynthia! Nice to have you on board. Your father bombed Germany in order to free Europe from Nazi terror. Now there is no one willing to liberate Europe and the US from quranimal terror... In just 60 years Europe went from one catastrophe into another by opening the gates for muslim mass immigration. But getting Islam out of Europe will be much harder than getting the Nazi ideology reduced to a bearable level... Because many Nazis turned their back to the death ideology after all the terrible things that had happened.
Muslims won't. The more terrible things happen, the prouder and more fanatic they get! Islam is the new Nazism and it has always collaborated and supported the Nazi scum! I think Hitleand old Mo are a gay couple in hell now. >:(

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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2009, 11:03:24 AM »
Hello and welcome Cynthia! Nice to have you on board. Your father bombed Germany in order to free Europe from Nazi terror. Now there is no one willing to liberate Europe and the US from quranimal terror... In just 60 years Europe went from one catastrophe into another by opening the gates for muslim mass immigration. But getting Islam out of Europe will be much harder than getting the Nazi ideology reduced to a bearable level... Because many Nazis turned their back to the death ideology after all the terrible things that had happened.
Muslims won't. The more terrible things happen, the prouder and more fanatic they get! Islam is the new Nazism and it has always collaborated and supported the Nazi scum! I think Hitleand old Mo are a gay couple in hell now. >:(

what's Hiteland old Mo?

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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2009, 12:19:39 PM »
That is Hitler and his Italian counterpart, I do believe with all my heart that they are experiencing eternal damnation for sure.

The difficulty is that this idiocy of the super liberals and socialists and the Muslims who support their agenda are living in and among us, all around us.  The super-liberal socialists and communists who promote their agenda as well, are everywhere, although I do not believe a majority yet. 

I do believe this when I say, and I am a spiritual person, that our common G-d will not be mocked.  I do believe that through prayer and action, because faith and works must go together, there will be a resolution to this and that America and Israel can be delivered from these evils.  I say to Israel, do whatever is necessary, and I do mean whatever is necessary to defend yourself from evil.  Israel must stand and be delivered for the sake of freedom for all of us!

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Re: This is a brilliant site and forum
« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2009, 12:20:55 PM »