The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

More lying Muslim Nazi propaganda from Yahoo

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Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Fighting Leaves 20 Terrorists, 10 SLDF Army Troops Dead

--- Quote from: Yahoo News --- The Tamils have faced decades of discrimination from the predominantly Buddhist Sinhalese, who make up a majority of the nation's 19 million people.
--- End quote ---

Yes, everybody hates Muslims. Nobody likes Muslims. Everybody picks on Muslims. If this is true, gee, you wonder why?  ::)

I'd hate to see Yahoo's reporting of the Holocaust had it existed during WWII. We'd be inundated by the likes of "ethnic German nationalists strike back against Jewish oppressors, killing 50,000; German casualties unknown".  >:(

Don't forget also that this is the Internet service provider that provides the names/passwords/addresses of suspected dissenters free of charge and with a smile to the Chinese government, upon request. Geez, no oppression and discrimination there!


my understanding is that the tamil people are being exterminated and forced sterilization so that they cannot reproduce mre of thier kind. All things considered I imagined you would sympathize with them. I was not aware of thier religion nor the religion of the Indonesian govt. Could you not set aside your religious war to admit that these acts of genocide (and war) are atrocious in and of themselves, regardless who they happen to.

The matter of thier military arms using terrorist methods and the justifiability of that is another matter altogether. But there is no excuse to exterminate a people for thier land as i hear it. Not even a religious persecution.

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:

--- Quote from: muckraker on April 12, 2007, 02:04:02 AM ---my understanding is that the tamil people are being exterminated and forced sterilization so that they cannot reproduce mre of thier kind
--- End quote ---
Umm, where in the world did you hear that?

--- Quote ---But there is no excuse to exterminate a people for thier land as i hear it. Not even a religious persecution.

--- End quote ---
This is the exact kind of libel the Arab Nazis make against Israel.

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Mods, please ban Muckraker. He is spreading vicious and absurd lies against people fighting an Islamic holocaust.

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Thanks. This StørmFrønt or Islamic Nazi accused me of being part of a "religious war".


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