As a Christian, and I guess I would have to call myself a Zionist as well, although, I never thought of myself this way. This is a man after my own heart. I have known in my heart that as this man did, that the Jews must possess the land is Israel, have know it instinctively when I came to a greater walk in my own faith, and I read the Bible continually. I save money to send to agencies who deliver Jews from the bondage of Russia and other countries, who want to return to their own land. I so identify with this great, great man! Wow, what an inspiration, and it helps to see other Christians who know the truth of this, because although I speak about it openly and talk to other Christians openly about the absolutely Biblical need to support Israel and the Jewish people, I do not see the works to go with convictions often, and I see many having bought into the lies about Islam.
It gets frustrating, but I continue to do, in my small way, what I can. It blesses my heart to know when a family or a person has returned to a land destined by G-d to be theirs before the foundations of the world, and that somehow some of what I have given as an offering to G-d, helped them get there. How amazing is that?