Author Topic: Liberal Fascism - Fascism is a left wing ideology & not inherently AntiSemitic  (Read 1513 times)

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Offline Manch

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I recently asked our newest member from UK, DeadwhiteDude, whether BNP is a fascistic movement, similar to Le Penn's National Front. DeadWhiteDude indicated that they are not because they have Jewish members. He also indicated that BNP is more of a pro-free market party. This is a wonderful news! I am really surprised that BNP is closer to being a real right wing conservative party.

However, I'd like to shed some light of what as to what real, historically and academically correct notion of the Fascist movement is. It is important because Conservatism is constantly being slandered as Fascistic, whereas we, Conservatives, are the polar opposite of anything fascistic whereas modern liberals are inherently fascistic. And I am not using rhetorical hyperbola here, not at all! Let me explain.

Being Fascist has nothing to do with being Anti-Semitic. Yes, nazism is an offshoot of Fascism, but so are modern Liberals.
Ask any liberal today: Except for the murder, genocide and bigotry, what is it exactly you don't like about nazis? Here will be their response  :o  Perhaps they don't approve of nazi's pet causes such as, anti religious, pro fair wages, anti workers' exploitation,  organic foods, healthy lifestyles, animal rights, clean environment, women rights, social justice, minimum wage, eugenics, study of evolution theory, anti big business, over regulated "free market", banning of "unearned" exuberant profits, prohibition of child labor, anti-smoking, old age reform and yes, banning religion in school, of course, our dearest  - a universal health care coverage, etc, etc. Perhaps libs have problem with any of these aspect of nazi platform? I've read nazi party platform - it was very, very progressive! Do you people know that sHitler was attracted to nazism after he heard a speech - "By what means we are going to destroy a capitalist system!"? Many of modern day libs, we all agree here, are much more nazis than they are fascist. BTW, I know that German soldiers captured by the Red Army frowned upon when called fascist!

Back to fascism - for example, until 1938 when Italy became involved with Germany, Jews were significantly overrepresented in Italian Fascist party. Spanish Fascist offered safe heaven for Jews. We all must recognize that fascism is a radical left wing ideology that comprises Marxist's Socialism and National Identification over Marxist' Socialism and International Expansion (aka Communism.) As such, every Fascist, first and foremost is a Socialist and a Patriot - hardly a trait of a right winger. If anything, we are Pro Free Market, Pro Individual Rights Patriots! It all goes back to Statism (Rousseau) vs Personal Freedom (Montesquieu) US Republic was founded on Montesquieu principles and philosophy. Thank you France!

Stalin, correctly identified Fascism as a right wing derivation of Marxism, and since Fascist afforded some semblance of functioning free market, albeit under a strict government control (oh, oh USA!), Stalin knew that Fascism is a deadly enemy of Communists. However, earlier on, Lenin spoke of Mussolini as the most credible and gifted (that was true) Italian socialist. Mussolini's last word before being executed were - "Long live Socialism'! So much for a right wing leader!

So, in comparison to Communists, Fascists were clearly to the right. In late 20s - early 30s, Stalin, brilliantly, labeled every other opposing ideology as Fascistic. At the time, useful liberal idiots in the West gobbled up this canard. Ever since Fascism is identified with the Right! Even now, we have media morons commenting on Le Pen's National Front, a typical fascistic party, as a mix of "ultra right wing" ideology mixed with pro-"social justice" positions! What uneducated fools! For example, a true conservative party in France is Viscount Philippe de Villiers' - Movement for France - pro France, pro Free Market, pro Individual Rights, Pro Israel, true right wing movement. I truly hope that BNP is closer to Movement for France than to National Front and that BNP represent a true conservative alternative for people of UK and not a fraud like Le Penn's movement.

Anyone who is interested in this subject, please read Jonah Golbergs' excellent book "Liberal Fascism." If you are pressed on time, you can watch his brilliant lecture on this topic on Youtube. You'll be fascinated!

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6: Q&A:
Part 7: Q&A:    Italian Fascists were the only! ones who sent their army to save and protect Jews!

Labeling Conservatives as Fascists is as fair as labeling Arabs - Fakestinians!
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 06:14:31 PM by Manch »
Hayot Araviot Masrihot

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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DeadWhiteDude indicated that they are not because they have Jewish members.

Oh well ok, in that case, yessir massa...

Hey manch, I got a bridge I'm looking to sell, around NYC - you interested?

Quote from:  Manch
DeadWhiteDude indicated that they are not because they have Jewish members.

You know what else has Jewish members?   Peace Now, J-street (Yehudon-street), Btzelem, Democratic party, Obama's cabinet.   Does that mean these groups have kosher ideologies too?   I mean afterall, some Jews approve?!  Right?

Oh and don't forget, Meretz, and now even the Fatah terrorist party has a sole traitor Jewish member.   So that must mean they're not nazis anymore... right?

Labeling Conservatives as Fascists is as fair as labeling Arabs - Fakestinians!

Are you actually saying that calling Arabs 'Fakestinians'  is "not fair" ?   Not all arabs are fakestinians, but those arabs who call themselves "palestinians" - they are all fakestinians.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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As such, every Fascist, first and foremost is a Socialist and a Patriot - hardly a trait of a right winger. If anything, we are Pro Free Market, Pro Individual Rights Patriots! It all goes back to Statism (Rousseau) vs Personal Freedom (Montesquieu) US Republic was founded on Montesquieu principles and philosophy. Thank you France!

Wasn't America founded primarily on Hobbes and Locke?

Offline Manch

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DeadWhiteDude indicated that they are not because they have Jewish members.

Oh well ok, in that case, yessir massa...

Hey manch, I got a bridge I'm looking to sell, around NYC - you interested?

Quote from:  Manch
DeadWhiteDude indicated that they are not because they have Jewish members.

You know what else has Jewish members?   Peace Now, J-street (Yehudon-street), Btzelem, Democratic party, Obama's cabinet.   Does that mean these groups have kosher ideologies too?   I mean afterall, some Jews approve?!  Right?

Oh and don't forget, Meretz, and now even the Fatah terrorist party has a sole traitor Jewish member.   So that must mean they're not nazis anymore... right?

Labeling Conservatives as Fascists is as fair as labeling Arabs - Fakestinians!

Are you actually saying that calling Arabs 'Fakestinians'  is "not fair" ?   Not all arabs are fakestinians, but those arabs who call themselves "palestinians" - they are all fakestinians.

I suspect that my message went over your head completely. I have no idea what point your are making and how it is relevant to my post. It was not particularly concerned with BNP but, if you want to know, on youtube, I have not experienced any antisemitism from BNP and I see a lot of pro-Israel BNP supporters . Founding fathers based their ideology on ideas of Montesquieu & Locke. As far as I know, they rejected Hobbes’ argument that the government had absolute power over its subjects for Locke's unalienable rights. Your point about fakestinians is well taken - I just didn't want to write that cursed name.
Hayot Araviot Masrihot