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I promised to NEVER insult or disagree with a jew. but you, I don't believe you to be a true jew. Perhaps you MAY be by blood, but no true jew can sit here and say " I encourage jews to join Nazi forums". sorry, can't happen.


--- Quote from: NoahideGentile on April 14, 2007, 05:10:10 PM ---marz-Nazi, Nazis and whtie supremacist HAVE NO BUSINESSES DEBATING ON JEWISH OR CHRISTIAN FORUMS. If you want to debate them, go to your local Klan meeting and introduce youreslf as a jew.

I'm not trying to insult you, i'm trying to knock some sense into you

those nazis may hate islam, BUT THEY ARE NOT OUR FRIENDS.

i am 16, not young, thats pretty old for a teenager.

--- End quote ---
Listen, I'll try to be nice as I know you ARE young.  Censorship is Fascism.  Insulting people deserve to be banned and NOT tolerated, just as you have insulted me.  If you look at my posts you will see that I have been with JTF far longer than you, therefore you might learn a thing or two.  Therefore, this is a warning. 

Rabbi Kahane stated once quite nicely "Those who cannot debate defame."  which is emphatically correct.  Rabbi Kahane debated ALL of the aforementioned peoples, so why shouldn't you and I?  That is where Rabbi Kahane shined via logical, moral and knowledge debate......with anyone.

If you read what I wrote, you will see that I did not say that it was ok for people to come onto this site and defame or attack us, not whatever.  If ANYONE wishes to come and discuss or debate with any member of JTF there is debate.  After all, how does one ever expect people to learn, acquire knowledge and possibly change their opinions and views?


--- Quote ---If you look at my posts you will see that I have been with JTF far longer than you, therefore you might learn a thing or two.  Therefore, this is a warning.
--- End quote ---

i've been a lurker around here for as long as you have been a member.

just answer me this question: Should Neo-Nazis who advocate the genocide of zionist jews be allowed to post on JTF? yes or no, please.

If you've been around here for as long as you say you'd have no doubt read many of my 800+ posts....etc and would know my logic, knowledge and moral views.  Do you know what Nazism actually is?  To, again, answer your question of which you just stated the obvious yourself: if ANYONE comes on this site advocating genocide of Jews or righteous gentiles, as per "insulting" of my earlier posts, should be banned.  That is both logical and moral.  If a person, who happens to be of Nazi thought, comes onto the site and wishes to debate on political, religious, social subjects it is a debate which that individual will be defeated, as I stated earlier, because those ideologies are ALL illogical, based on fiction/political agenda, are immoral and have no factually related stand point. 

A good example is that many ignorant "Christians" partake in the White supremacist/Nazi/StørmFrønt type movements etc. but are so indoctrinated and somehow miss the fact that Hitler himself was ANTI Christian and was a homosexual gnostic pagan....  The very first peoples to be thrown into the camps were not Jews but devout Christians from Right Wing Christian Parties that opposed Hitler and his Nazi ideologies and thug practices...

Now if you would be so kind as to remove all the posts of which you attacked me would be greatly appreciated as well an apology as I see it would be very much appreciated and proper manners for this entire unfortunate occurance..

Nic Brookes:
He claims you are a troll, every post he has made I have found something to disagree with  ::). Can we take action against him?


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