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KL you are absolutely correct.  My friend was a body guard for Rabbi Kahane during the JDL days prior to Rav Kahane making Aliyah.  The Rabbi spent many nights at his home in Brooklyn.  He is now living in Eretz.  I believe that all hard core Nazis should be taken out and shot, however should one wish to come onto JTF and debate with anyone here, he should be free to do so.  As I said earlier, if ANYONE comes on here to insult, slander or attack anyone without provocation they deserve to be banned. 

Perhaps, after being totally defeated in debate and shown how stupid the ideological ineptitude of ignorance they profess.....the individual might just step back and take a second look at himself as a friend of mine had done.  He is now a hard core Christian Zionist and he and his Christian friends beat up Nazi's and skin heads for fun...

In the past I have paid visits to the various Nazi sites.  They're really all one and the same to me:  NAZIS.  There is no difference in doctrine in them.  Good to know what they're up to, but "you've seen one, you've seen 'em all".

I am willing to bet that there is NO other forum on the WWW even close to the JTF Forum in terms of intellect, information, theology, discussion, and overall sheer brilliance.

I find it amusing how the Nazi groups send their clowns here; thinking they'll go "make some little jew-boys 'whine' and cry".  Then, once they're here, not only are they immediately identifiable for their cliched ID's brimming over with pseudo-patriotism, but they suddenly find themselves unable to even tread water in a whirlpool of Yiddische kopf.

Writing about the Nuremburg Trials and the period immediately following Germany's surrender to the Allies, author William Shirer quoted the Americans who first interviewed the captured hierarchy of the Nazi Reich.  All were stunned; for having been fed Nazi propaganda for years glorifying the various Obergruppenfuhren & Reichmarshalls, they were flabbergasted to find that in actual reality, the leaders of the Reich were the most mundane, uneducated, and unqualified of men; to the point of literally being pitiable.

Not to mention  A very good book I read about Nazism was called: "The Occult and the Third Reich: The Mystical Origins of Nazism and the Search for the Holy Grail" by Jean-Michel Angebert  William Shirers books are very good especially "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich".  What a scholarly work that was...

hi i am avi from israel bat yam near tel aviv.I am the hebrew admin.Soory for my poor english.I am a jew not religoes but right wing and nationalist patriot israeli.The arabs have killed my brother in a war.


--- Quote from: baker on April 21, 2007, 11:05:18 AM ---hi i am avi from israel bat yam near tel aviv.I am the hebrew admin.Soory for my poor english.I am a jew not religoes but right wing and nationalist patriot israeli.The arabs have killed my brother in a war.

--- End quote ---
Shalom Avi, I'm very sorry to hear that about your brother being murdered by those filthy bastards.  Welcome to the forum.  I am glad to see that you are aware of what is going on.  You are right wing and nationalistic that is a very good start.  If you get the opportunity I highly recommend Rabbi Kahane's two books "Why be Jewish?" and his monster of logic and Jewishness: "The Jewish Idea".  You will very much enjoy them an gain a new appreciation of not only Jewish Nationalism but what it really means to be a Jew. 

Yishar koach ve shavouah tov brother...  MZ
I have a question for you.  Do you have any ideas or suggestions to attract Jews from Israel to both forums?  Perhaps Yeshiva students, Highschool/University students or even adults looking to converse with others whom support the Land of Israel and the Jewish people? 


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