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You are correct.  It is one Elitist fraud that has more identification with Socialism and personal power than Judaism and the love of Jewry and Eretz Israel. 

There is a diffrence between economy in israel and u.s.a.Al is relative.If someone is against the arabs he is o.k for me.

I agree with you.  Israel is geared to more of a Socialistic society whereas the US is more of a Free Market Capitalist society, albeit dwindling.  I do hope that whichever candidate is chosen he is truly anti-Arab/Muslim and pro-Jewish and not one "in name only" Ghorge Bush..... ;)

A Jew must help his jew 1/10 of his money.We serve in the Israeli army.We are blood Brothers.

Baker, we probably have differences in regards to economics, to me (and you) those are secondary and most important is Jewish lives.

I have a question I will be making Aliyah in the near future and I want to serve in the army, (I am a videographer so probably in the propoganda division, or whatever its called) is there any kind of indoctrination that I need to strengthen myself against?


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