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Offline Aces High

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That long winded letter to Chaim was from a rant generator
« on: August 21, 2009, 02:04:05 AM »
I did a bunch of searches  on some phrases that sure seem copied, and I eventually found the "rant generator."

You choose the Person's name, the subject, number of paragraphs.... anything you want. 

You knew that retarded  Nazi couldn't do anything on his own
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________

Here's the website :

Here is an example of a generated rant:

My complaint about Mr. Al Gore
Perhaps you'll pardon me if I write this letter in a more personal vein than usual. I want to tell you about some personal perceptions of mine, primarily because Mr. Al Gore's taradiddles are a modern-day example of a Procrustean bed. I would like to start by discussing Mr. Gore's monographs, mainly because they scare me. The thing I'm the most frightened about is that almost every day, Mr. Gore outreaches himself in setting new records for arrogance, deceit, and greed. It's indeed breathtaking to watch him. He not only lies, but he brags about his lying to his mercenaries.

I don't see how Mr. Gore can build a workable policy around wishful thinking draped over a morass of confusion (and also, as we'll see below, historical illiteracy), then impose it willy-nilly on a population by force. I'm not saying that it can't possibly be done but rather that some people say that that isn't sufficient evidence to prove that Mr. Gore is secretly scheming to enshrine irrational fears and fancies as truth. And I must agree; one needs much more evidence than that. But the evidence is there, for anyone who isn't afraid to look at it. Just look at the way that his crotchets are merely a stalking horse. They mask Mr. Gore's secret intention to borrow money and spend it on programs that dismantle the family unit. Mr. Gore is known for publishing what is easily identifiable as opinion under the guise of fact. More than that, longiloquent slobs are born, not made. That dictum is as unimpeachable as the "poeta nascitur, non fit" that it echoes and as irreproachable as the brocard that there's an important difference between me and Mr. Gore. Namely, I am willing to die for my cause. Mr. Gore, in contrast, is willing to kill for his -- or, if not to kill, at least to take credit for others' accomplishments. The first lies that Mr. Gore told us were relatively benign. Still, they have been progressing. And they will continue to progress until there is no more truth; his lies will grow until they blot out the sun. I can say one thing about him. He understands better than any of us that psychological impact is paramount -- not facts, not anybody's principles, not right and wrong. I'm not suggesting that we behave likewise. I'm suggesting only that Mr. Gore deeply believes that it's okay if his circulars initially cause our quality of life to degrade because "sometime", "someone" will do "something" "somehow" to counteract that trend. Meanwhile, back on Earth, the truth is very simple: Mr. Gore is the picture of the insane person on the street, babbling to a tree, a wall, or a cloud, which cannot and does not respond to his intimations.

Mr. Gore's overbearing wisecracks are in full flower, and their poisonous petals of anti-intellectualism are blooming all around us. Mr. Gore claims to be fighting for equality. What he's really fighting for, however, is equality in degradation, by which I mean that Mr. Gore talks a lot about fascism and how wonderful it is. However, he's never actually defined what it means. How can he argue for something he's never defined? The complete answer to that question is a long, sad story. I've answered parts of that question in several of my previous letters, and I'll answer other parts in future ones. For now, I'll just say that I have never been in favor of being gratuitously insecure. I have also never been in favor of sticking my head in the sand or of refusing to dispense justice. You've never heard that Mr. Gore's intention is to cause the destruction of human ambition and joy? That's because his encomiasts have been staging a massive cover-up for quite some time now. But if you keep your eyes open, you'll notice that you might have heard the story that he once agreed to help us transform our culture of war and violence into a culture of peace and nonviolence. No one has located the document in which Mr. Gore said that. No one has identified when or where Mr. Gore said that. That's because he never said it. As you might have suspected, if you intend to challenge someone's assertions, you need to present a counterargument. Mr. Gore provides none. Thus, in summing up, we can establish the following: 1) Mr. Al Gore weeps crocodile tears for those who suffer as a result of his invectives, and 2) I pray for the day when those who wiretap all of our telephones and computers will see what they're doing to the world and to all of its citizens.

Offline Aces High

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Re: That long winded letter to Chaim was from a rant generator
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2009, 02:16:50 AM »
I just generated a complaint letter for Anti Chaim Ben Pesach.

Took 1 second.

Here it is:

I'm not an activist and I'm not a cynic. I'm just a person who wants to issue a call to conscience and reason. One of the first facts we should face is that Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach has been willing to sup with the devil every time it felt it could profit personally from it. Am I aware of how Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach will react when it reads that last sentence? Yes. Do I care? No, because if I seem a bit presumptuous, it's only because I'm trying to communicate with it on its own level.

Some will say I exaggerate but actually I'm being quite lenient. I didn't mention, for example, that Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach is typical of ultra-crafty purveyors of malice and hatred in its wild invocations to the irrational, the magic, and the fantastic to dramatize its conjectures. Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach's complaints have created a headlong universe devoid of logic and evidence. Only within this universe does it make sense to say that principles don't matter. Only within this universe does it make sense to destroy the sovereignty of all nations and every feeling or expression of patriotism. And, only if we stand up and fight for our heritage, traditions, and values can we destroy this vengeful universe of its and bring it to justice.

There is no doubt that Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach will use organized violence to suppress opposition sometime soon. Believe me, I would give everything I own to be wrong on that point, but the truth is that if there's an untold story here, it's that Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach recently stated that human life is expendable. It said that with a straight face, without even cracking a smile or suppressing a giggle. It said it as if it meant it. That's scary because I find that I am embarrassed. Embarrassed that some people don't realize that the ultimate aim of its tirades is to restructure society as a pyramid with Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach at the top, Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach's cringers directly underneath, crapulous disingenuous-types beneath them, and the rest of at the bottom. This new societal structure will enable Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach to censor any incomplicitous values, which makes me realize that it says it's going to place stumbling blocks in front of those of us who seek value and fulfilment in our personal and professional lives by the end of the decade. Good old Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach. It just loves to open its mouth and let all kinds of things come out without listening to how amateurish they sound.

As long as the beer keeps flowing and the paychecks keep coming, Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach's understrappers don't really care that I have a hard time trying to reason with people who remain calm when they see Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach put bilious thoughts in our children's minds. What I'm saying is this: Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach really struck a nerve with me when it said that the kids on the playground are happy to surrender to the school bully. That lie is a painful reminder that I once tried to explain to Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach that its excuses will advocate lackluster [censored]-and-bull stories. Rather than feel ashamed of itself, Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach got angry at me. What this says is that Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach's perspective is that character development is not a matter of "strength through adversity" but rather, "entitlement through victimization". My perspective, in contrast, is that Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach plans to cause a marked deterioration in our literature, amusements, and social conduct. It has instructed its sycophants not to discuss this or even admit to its plan's existence. Obviously, Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach knows it has something to hide.

Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach sometimes has trouble convincing people that those who disagree with it should be cast into the outer darkness, should be shunned, should starve. When it has such trouble, it usually trots out a few irritable dipsomaniacs to constate authoritatively that I'm some sort of cully who can be duped into believing that a totalitarian dictatorship is the best form of government we could possibly have. Whether or not that trick of its works, it's still the case that Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach's a psychologically defective organization. It's what the psychiatrists call a constitutional psychopath or a sociopath. Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach is incapable of handling an adult emotion or a universal concept without first reducing it to something frowzy, cantankerous, caustic, and probably morally crippled. But there is a further-reaching implication: It has never gotten ahead because of its hard work or innovative ideas. Rather, all of its successes are due to kickbacks, bribes, black market double-dealing, outright thuggery, and unsavory political intrigue. Now that this letter has come to an end, let me remind you that it was intended to provide an accurate, even-handed, and balanced discussion of Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach and its ideologies. Please do not contact me with insults, death threats, or the like because I will ignore them. If you disagree with my arguments or can provide further information about Anti -Chaim Ben Pesach, please contact me and I will endeavor to make any necessary corrections to this letter.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: That long winded letter to Chaim was from a rant generator
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2009, 02:18:40 AM »
 :::D :::D :::D

Quote from:
Within the compass of this letter, I can do no more than indicate, as concisely as I can, relevant considerations that must be taken into account if we are to discuss Miss Vanessa Hudgens's sophomoric pleas in a rational manner. Let me begin by saying that Hudgens seems unable to think of turns of speech that aren't hackneyed. What really grates on my nerves, however, is that her prose consists less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning than of phrases tacked together like the sections of a prefabricated henhouse.

I don't wish to psychologize here, but Hudgens used to be a major proponent of anarchism. Nowadays, she's putting all of her support behind allotheism. As they say, plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. She once said that scary, blinkered-to-the-core hostes generis humani should be fêted at wine-and-cheese fund-raisers. Oh, please. I'm just glad I hadn't eaten dinner right before I heard her say that. Otherwise, I'd probably still be vomiting too hard to tell you that I frequently talk about how it is apparent where Hudgens's loyalties lie. I would drop the subject except that you may be wondering why brain-damaged carpetbaggers latch onto her anecdotes. It's because people of that nature need to have rhetoric and dogma to recite during times of stress in order to cope. That's also why everybody is probably familiar with the cliche that no group has done so much to reap a whirlwind of destroyed marriages, damaged children, and, quite possibly, a globe-wide expression of incurable sexually transmitted diseases as Hudgens's hatchet men. Well, there's a lot of truth in that cliche.

Hudgens makes a lot of exaggerated claims. All of these claims need to be scrutinized as carefully as a letter of recommendation from a job applicant's mother. Consider, for example, Hudgens's claim that some people deserve to feel safe while others do not. The fact of the matter is that we can't stop her overnight. It takes time, patience and experience to reveal some shocking facts about her apothegms. Developing a policy of inclusion will not be easy because even when she isn't lying, Hudgens's using facts, emphasizing facts, bearing down on facts, sliding off facts, quietly ignoring facts, and, above all, interpreting facts in a way that will enable her to annihilate a person's personality, individuality, will, and character. I see myself as a link in the endless chain of generations, with an inescapable responsibility to convince the government to clamp down hard on Hudgens's self-fulfilling prophecies. Well, that's a bit too general of a statement to have much meaning, I'm afraid. So let me instead explain my point as follows: If I want to turn pale and run for cover, that should be my prerogative. I indisputably don't need Hudgens forcing me to.

Every time Hudgens tries, she gets increasingly successful in her attempts to replace intellectual integrity with unforgiving sloganeering. This dangerous trend means not only death for free thought, but for imagination as well. She accuses me of being obtrusive whenever I state that this serves as a reminder that our real enemy is the self-absorbed system that made her as bloodthirsty as she is. All right, I'll admit that I have a sharp tongue and sometimes write with a bit of a poison pen but the fact remains that I once had a nightmare in which Hudgens was free to instill distrust and thereby create a need for her noxious views. When I awoke, I realized that this nightmare was frighteningly close to reality. For instance, it is the case both in my nightmare and in reality that Hudgens likes to brag about how the members of her gang are ideologically diverse. Perhaps that means that some of them prefer Stalin over Hitler. In any case, Hudgens is planning to damage the self esteem and physical health of millions of young men and women. This does not bode well for the future because I, speaking as someone who is not a raving fault-finder, am a law-and-order kind of person. I hate to see crimes go unpunished. That's why I decidedly hope that Hudgens serves a long prison term for her illegal attempts to use psychological tools to trick us into doing whatever malodorous hatemongers require of us.

The sole point of agreement between myself and overbearing crackpots is that Hudgens intends to create a new social class. Repressive skinflints, polyloquent, pathetic maggots, and heartless rotters will be given aristocratic status. The rest of us will be forced into serving as their lackeys. It should be intuitively obvious even to the most casual observer that on a television program last night, I heard one of this country's top scientists conclude that, "Hudgens is attracted to escapism like a moth to a candle." That's exactly what I have so frequently argued and I am pleased to have my view confirmed by so eminent an individual.

From a purely technical point of view, Hudgens decries or dismisses capitalism, technology, industrialization, and systems of government borne of Enlightenment ideas about the dignity and freedom of human beings. These are the things that she fears because they are wedded to individual initiative and responsibility. I don't need to tell you that her opuscula emblematize an increasing deturpation of cultural standards and a triumph of the meretricious. That should be self-evident. What is less evident is that her faculty for deception is so far above anyone else's, it really must be considered different in kind as well as in degree. In asserting that there should be publicly financed centers of feudalism, Hudgens demonstrates an astounding narrowness of vision. The "facts" she has often stated contain some serious distortions. Some are blatant; others are subtle. One of the most irritable is her discussion of caustic trollops.

My own position on this issue is both simple and clear: Our battle with Hudgens is a battle between spiritualism and ruffianism, between tradition and subversion, between the defenders of Western civilization and its enemies. With the battle lines drawn as such, it is abundantly clear that if we're to effectively carry out our responsibilities and make a future for ourselves, we will first have to protect the interests of the general public against the greed and unreason of the most dysfunctional conspiracy theorists you'll ever see. If I have a bias, it is only against loathsome wastrels who hasten society's quiescence to moral pluralism and epistemological uncertainty.

Hudgens's quips have experienced a considerable amount of evolution (or perhaps more accurately, genetic drift) over the past few weeks. They used to be simply venom-spouting. Now, not only are they both pertinacious and perfidious, but they also serve as unequivocal proof that Hudgens sees the world as somewhat anarchic, a game of catch-as-catch-can in which the sneakiest opportunists nab the biggest prizes. When she was first found trying to defile the present and destroy the future, I was scared. I was scared not only for my personal safety; I was scared for the people I love. And now that Hudgens is planning to nail people to trees, I'm downright terrified. Sure, the things she does are wrong, rapacious, ruthless, froward—you name it. But there is a format Hudgens should follow for her next literary endeavor. It involves a topic sentence and supporting facts.

Am I being too idealistic—a Pollyanna—when I suggest that all we need to do is raise the quality of debate on issues surrounding Hudgens's morally crippled op-ed pieces? I don't think so. Admittedly, like fire, she is a dangerous servant and a fearful master, but Hudgens's moral immaturity is a perilous failing and an insult to the celebrated virtues of our ancestors. Well, that's another story. To get back to my main point, I ought to mention that Hudgens's grunts say, "The best way to reduce cognitive dissonance and restore homeostasis to one's psyche is to grant rambunctious poseuses the keys to the kingdom." Yes, I'm afraid they really do talk like that. It's the only way for them to conceal that Hudgens accuses me of being a liar. The only proven liar around here, however, is Hudgens. Only a die-hard liar like Hudgens could claim that we should all bear the brunt of her actions. The truth, in case you haven't already figured it out, is that her scribblings are a syncretism of meddlesome masochism and ribald moral relativism. To pretend otherwise is nothing but hypocrisy and unwillingness to face the more unpleasant realities of life.

Hudgens must have recently made a huge withdrawal from the First National Bank of Lies. How else could she manage to tell us that she is entitled to discourage us from expressing our solutions in whatever way we damn well please? Her grand plan is to propound ideas that are widely perceived as representing outright snobbism. I'm sure Mao Tse Tung would approve. In any case, I surely hope you're not being misled by the "new Hudgens". Only her methods and tactics have changed. Hudgens's goal is still the same: to revive the ruinous excess of a bygone era to bounce and blow amidst the ruinous excess of the present era. That's why I'm telling you that Hudgens hates it when you say that she is a bear of very little brain, and long words bother her. She really hates it when you say that. Try saying it to her sometime if you have a thick skin and don't mind having her shriek insults at you. Although it is my opinion, as well as that of the courts, dozens of professional organizations, and numerous religious leaders, that Miss Vanessa Hudgens's mercenaries are just as bad as she is, if not worse, we are here to gain our voice in this world, and whether or not she approves, we will continue to be heard.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: That long winded letter to Chaim was from a rant generator
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2009, 02:20:48 AM »
This statement was kind of creepy in light of what is actually true of Hudgens:

Quote from:
That's also why everybody is probably familiar with the cliche that no group has done so much to reap a whirlwind of destroyed marriages, damaged children, and, quite possibly, a globe-wide expression of incurable sexually transmitted diseases as Hudgens's hatchet men. Well, there's a lot of truth in that cliche.


In any case, Hudgens is planning to damage the self esteem and physical health of millions of young men and women.

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Re: That long winded letter to Chaim was from a rant generator
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2009, 02:27:36 AM »
Quite possibly the very most hilarious line I have seen or heard... ever:

Hudgens must have recently made a huge withdrawal from the First National Bank of Lies.

ROTFLMAO  :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D

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Re: That long winded letter to Chaim was from a rant generator
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2009, 03:29:47 AM »
I used to use pakins letters 

My complaint about Peace Now

Although the space allotted here can't possibly suffice to elaborate in detail on the long list of Peace Now's mudslinging deeds—including the meddlesome, the domineering, the vengeful, and especially the rabid—I'll use what little space I have to draw an accurate portrait of Peace Now's ideological alignment. First, the misinformation: Peace Now suggests that its perceptions are a breath of fresh air amid our modern culture's toxic cloud of chaos. Where the heck did it come up with that? Before you answer, let me point out that if we can understand what has caused the current plague of blathering know-nothings, I believe that we can then tell you things that it doesn't want you to know. Forgive me if I ramble; I'm really upset, as I think you can tell. If Peace Now truly believes that imprudent, rotten ruffians aren't ever lackluster, then maybe it should enroll in Introduction to Reality 101. People tell me that Peace Now's bald-faced lies and growing list of material falsehoods raise some new and very disturbing issues. And the people who tell me this are correct, of course.

Peace Now's ventures represent not only a denial of reality, but also an especially gin-swilling sort of spiritual poison that will make excessive use of foul language eventually. It will almost certainly tiptoe around that glaringly evident fact because if it didn't, you might come to realize that it parrots whatever ideas are fashionable at the moment. When the fashions change, its ideas will change instantly like a weathercock. I don't see how Peace Now can build a workable policy around wishful thinking draped over a morass of confusion (and also, as we'll see below, historical illiteracy), then impose it willy-nilly on a population by force. I'm not saying that it can't possibly be done but rather that Peace Now maintains a "Big Brother" dossier of personal information about everyone it distrusts, to use as a potential weapon. Is your name listed in that dossier? To rephrase that question, when Peace Now looks in the mirror in the morning, does it see more than the belligerent face of a barbaric grafter? My best guess, for what it may be worth, is based on two key observations. The first observation is that it enjoys pondering new ways to hoodoo us. The second, more telling, observation is that for Peace Now's unruly plans to succeed, it needs to dumb down our society. An uninformed populace is easier to control and manipulate than an educated populace. In a lustrum or two, schoolchildren will stop being required to learn the meanings of words like "pectinatodenticulate" and "physicophilosophical". They will be incapable of comprehending that Peace Now will thrust all of us into scenarios rife with personal animosities and petty resentments in the near future. When that event happens, a darkness and evil exceeding anything seen in history will descend over the world. I can hope only that before it does, people will put an end to Peace Now's evildoing. Only then can we discuss, openly and candidly, a vision for a harmonious, multiracial society. Let me end this letter by challenging my readers to love the Earth and everything that flowers and crawls upon it. Are you with me, or with the forces of radicalism and oppression?
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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Re: That long winded letter to Chaim was from a rant generator
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2009, 08:37:06 AM »
Here's another generated rant from that site. lol

It will indisputably surprise some people to hear me say this, but Pres. Barack H Obama, Jr. confuses entertainment with learning. Instead of focusing on why Pres. Obama considers our independence to be the most formidable obstacle in the path of his ambitions and business pursuits, I would like to remind people that Pres. Obama is a loose cannon. So what's the connection between that and Pres. Obama's scribblings? The connection is that if you're like most people you just shrug your shoulders whenever you hear about his latest expedients. When your shoulders get tired of shrugging I hope you'll realize that if I recall correctly, my dream is for tired eyes to open and see clearly, broken spirits to find new energy, and weary arms to find the strength to break the mold and stray from the path of conventional wisdom.

If one could get a Ph.D. in Comstockism, Pres. Obama would be the first in line to have one. It may seem to many people, maybe even the majority, that his ability to capitalize on the economic chaos, racial tensions, and social discontent of the current historical moment can be explained in large part by the following. You don't have to say anything specifically about Pres. Obama for him to start attacking you. All you have to do is dare to imply that we should exert a positive influence on the type of world that people will live in a thousand years from now. His stooges remain largely silent when asked about the correlative connecting him to libertinism. The rare times they do deign to comment they invariably skew the issue to prevent people from realizing that if the only way to build a society in which people have a sense of permanence and stability, not chaos and uncertainty, is for me to leave the country, then so be it. It would unequivocally be worth it because having to listen to the glossolalia that spews forth from his mouth is not a pleasant experience. But you knew that already. So let me add that only the impartial and unimpassioned mind will even consider that he says that he commands an army of robots that live in the hollow center of the earth and produce earthquakes whenever they feel like shaking things up a bit on the surface. This is at best wrong. At worst, it is a lie.

Developing a policy of inclusion will not be easy because it's Pres. Obama's deep-seated belief that the media should "create" news rather than report it. Sure, he might be able to justify conclusions like that—using biased or one-sided information, of course—but I prefer to know the whole story. In this case, the whole story is that Pres. Obama uses highfalutin terms like "institutionalization" and "mediterraneanization" to conceal his plans to put the prisoners in charge of running the prison. In this scheme of his, a mass of grandiloquent words falls upon the facts like soft snow, blurring the outlines and covering up all the details. We become unable to see that every time Pres. Obama tries, he gets increasingly successful in his attempts to ruin people's lives. This dangerous trend means not only death for free thought, but for imagination as well. I'd like to finish with a quote from a private e-mail message sent to me by a close friend of mine: "Pres. Barack H Obama, Jr. frequently progresses into displays of authority he doesn't have".

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Re: That long winded letter to Chaim was from a rant generator
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2009, 11:28:02 AM »
I knew that nazi scumbag could spell sHitler! This is cool tool. Where is the link to it? - I want to send a letter to Piece Now.
Hayot Araviot Masrihot

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Re: That long winded letter to Chaim was from a rant generator
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2009, 11:37:06 AM »
This is cool tool. Where is the link to it? - I want to send a letter to Piece Now.
It's in Aces' OP.

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Re: That long winded letter to Chaim was from a rant generator
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2009, 11:53:58 AM »
Brilliant! Ready to be sent!

Complain to PM Netanyahu
Parts of what follows below were actually painful to write. However, because of the ongoing misinformation campaigns launched by PM Benjamin Netanyahu and his partisans, I feel it is my duty to write this. Wait! Before you dismiss me as pigheaded, hear me out. My point may be made clearer by use of an allegorical tale. Suppose a hypothetical group of three people is standing in a room. One of those people realizes that PM Netanyahu is doing more harm than good to his cause. Another goes on and on about PM Netanyahu's refractory values. But the third can't understand why there is a genuine coldness, a chill, that pervades the land, as people are scared to death by PM Netanyahu's beer-guzzling canards. In this hypothetical situation, it should be obvious that PM Netanyahu uses vulgar language and makes obscene gestures at those whose opinions differ from his. The best example of this, culled from many, would have to be the time PM Netanyahu tried to strip people of their rights to free expression and individuality.

Peace Now!
This is to voice my dissatisfaction with Peace Now's bromides. But first, let me pose you a question: Is Peace Now actually concerned about any of us or does it just want to delude and often rob those rendered vulnerable and susceptible to its snares because of poverty, illness, or ignorance? After reading this letter, you'll unequivocally find it's the latter. Peace Now once tried to convince a bunch of us that it is cunctipotent. Fortunately, calmer heads prevailed and a number of people informed the rest of the gang that if Peace Now honestly believes that some of my points are not valid, I would love to get some specific feedback from it.

I don't know which are worse, right-wing tyrants or left-wing tyrants. But I do know that Peace Now's plan is to legitimate irresponsibility, laziness, and infidelity. Peace Now's trained seals are moving at a frightening pace toward the total implementation of that agenda, which includes forcing me to develop a subconscious death wish. Peace Now loves getting up in front of people and telling them that its precepts epitomize wholesome family entertainment. It then boasts about how it'll relabel millions of people as "brainless" in the blink of an eye. It's all part of the media spectacle that is Peace Now. Of course, it soaks it up and wallows in it like a pig in mud. Speaking of pigs and mud, Peace Now insists that conformism resonates with the body's natural alpha waves. Has anyone, at any time, ever been more wrong? I'm sure you already know the answer so I won't bother repeating it. I'd like to emphasize, however, that Peace Now is absolutely determined to believe that society is supposed to be lenient towards sullen present-day robber barons, and it's not about to let facts or reason get in its way.

Hayot Araviot Masrihot

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Re: That long winded letter to Chaim was from a rant generator
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2009, 05:15:33 PM »
The amazing thing about this rant generator is that there is a letter for every asss, and an asss for every letter. ;D

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Re: That long winded letter to Chaim was from a rant generator
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2009, 05:18:30 PM »
I should of known a nazi wasn't that smart.  ;D
The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew at hand.
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Re: That long winded letter to Chaim was from a rant generator
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2009, 05:25:51 PM »
I am very suspicious about your "rant".

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Re: That long winded letter to Chaim was from a rant generator
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2009, 05:27:10 PM »
I should of known a nazi wasn't that smart.  ;D

I never knew about it either, don't feel bad.

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Re: That long winded letter to Chaim was from a rant generator
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2009, 05:28:06 PM »
I should of known a nazi wasn't that smart.  ;D

I never knew about it either, don't feel bad.
Whats that supposed to mean?
The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew at hand.
Rabbi Meir Kahane

Offline Aces High

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Re: That long winded letter to Chaim was from a rant generator
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2009, 05:30:30 PM »
I should of known a nazi wasn't that smart.  ;D

I never knew about it either, don't feel bad.
Whats that supposed to mean?
I didn't know it was fake either, I wasted too much time trying to read it, too.