Author Topic: Socialist Medicine  (Read 3257 times)

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Offline dawntreader

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Socialist Medicine
« on: April 13, 2007, 08:54:55 PM »
I just watched Chaim's video on YouTUBE about Hillary Clinton and her health care plan. I had to disagree with Chaim on a number of issues.

In America today doctors are treated like gods, they call down outrageous salaries, and the cost of health care is disgusting. Poor people in America...while they might have the right to pick and choose their what? No matter who they might happen to choose, they most often can't afford to see him/her.

Most people don't have good medical insurance either! What are people to do in this "free enterprise" medical outrage we've got going on here in the USA? Hospitals are not places where people care about other people. They are economic powerhouses. They are corporations every bit as much as Sony, or Honda or Ford Motorcompany. The almighty dollar is the ONLY thing the people who run the hospitals care about.

Individual doctors and nurses might care...but the system as a whole is disgusting.

Socializing medicine would enable people who could not afford to see doctors to be ABLE to see them.

So no...I cannot agree on this issue whatsoever.

I grew up with most of my family in medicine and let me tell you I HATE the American system of health care. I loathe it. I am appalled and horrified.

The ONLY thing I agree with Chaim on is that I don't believe that the government should have ultimate control where people have to grovel before them. There needs to be some kind of happy medium!
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Re: Socialist Medicine
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2007, 09:06:10 PM »
I think that some form of socialized medicine would work, and even be advisable, if the following can be met:

(1) Something is done about schvartze and illegal families draining the dole.
(2) Relatively healthy seniors could be persuaded to eschew their medications in favor of healthier lifestyles. My guess is about 75% of cholesterol/hypertension-type drugs would be rendered moot if people exercised, changed their diet, removed smoking and alcohol, etc.
(3) Taxes were not appreciably higher. If conditions 1 and 2 were met, I do not think they would be.


Offline nessuno

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Re: Socialist Medicine
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2007, 09:33:02 PM »
Well- Dawntreader- then you seem to agree with Chiam because if that beast Hiliary - heaven forbid- became President her goal will not be a happy medium.
It will be socialized medicine run by the government.  Sound good to you?
My suggestion next time you need excellent health care - pretend your an illegal and walk into any ER.  Then you will get service with a smile.
Hiliary does not have the answer to the problems with our health care system - she will just compound our problems.  Chaim's video was right on all points.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Socialist Medicine
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2007, 12:58:58 AM »
Socialized medicine, can possibly work in a society with a mostly homogenous ethnic demography; especially one with no degenerate minority groups of the kind we know so well.

G-d forbid socialized medicine come to the will mean the bankruptcy of the national treasury as well as the end of any minimal standards of health care for human beings.

All the doctors will receive around 20K/yr., and, or course, white people and Jews will be discouraged from going to medical school.  The nurses will all receive around $15-16K salary, and it won't matter if they even show up for work...they'll still get paid.

Doctors and nurses won't be allowed to get fired for incompetency...because anyone against a Black Muslim brain surgeon who studied medicine through a mail-order diploma mill will be declared "a racist".  If the schvoog cuts off your wrong leg, YOU will be the one banned from the national health service, because "YOU tried to make Dokka Obliublabjamano look BAD!"

You'll wait in long steamy lines in dirty & smelly waiting rooms to be seen, but you'll find that somehow every sub human and illegal alien keeps being called, and all you get from the hideously ugly mixed race fat nurses with B.O., is a scowl of contempt every 20 minutes.

You better hope to G-d and pray that you never ever really become ill, because in addition to being "put on the waiting list", you'll finally be told something like, "Now yew look heah!...we' ain' gots' no' mo' medasun...Miff Hillery dun' cut back on ouwah prosesses!"... " b'sides...yew's gwine'a die soonah ah' latuh!"

Hospital chapels will have been replaced with small rooms with portraits of Malcom X, and the main business of the day in Peoples' Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Parkway Clinic of Social Wellness #7,
will be 'bortions!.....lots and lots of 'bortion ON DE-MAND!

Oh yes!...and before I forget...every Hottentot in American will be able to legitimately not work.  They'll go every day "to da' clinic" & complain of pains, etc...  You won't be able to fire them.  You'll have to keep them on the payroll while they never even work but a few days a year.  Hillary will pass new laws mandating prison sentences for an employer who tries to get rid of a "sick minority"; not to mention raise everyone's taxes to a level of approximately 90% to pay for a system which makes the socialist bureaucrats filthy rich through graft & bribes, and continues to grow in cost day after day after day...'ll be sweating your guts out surrounded by an unannounced IRS audit of your company, when Lucius Kenyatta, the boy you hired as a prison parolee to get a break from the government, but who never even showed up to work one day, comes in and says "Yeeah!  Dokka Obliublabjamano 'dun tole' me t' smoak dif' he' bag uh' medaka mariwanna, an' he 'dun gib'me 'sum kondoms too!"


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Re: Socialist Medicine
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2007, 01:18:21 AM »
Socialized medicine, can possibly work in a society with a mostly homogenous ethnic demography; especially one with no degenerate minority groups of the kind we know so well.

G-d forbid socialized medicine come to the will mean the bankruptcy of the national treasury as well as the end of any minimal standards of health care for human beings.

All the doctors will receive around 20K/yr., and, or course, white people and Jews will be discouraged from going to medical school.  The nurses will all receive around $15-16K salary, and it won't matter if they even show up for work...they'll still get paid.

Doctors and nurses won't be allowed to get fired for incompetency...because anyone against a Black Muslim brain surgeon who studied medicine through a mail-order diploma mill will be declared "a racist".  If the schvoog cuts off your wrong leg, YOU will be the one banned from the national health service, because "YOU tried to make Dokka Obliublabjamano look BAD!"

You'll wait in long steamy lines in dirty & smelly waiting rooms to be seen, but you'll find that somehow every sub human and illegal alien keeps being called, and all you get from the hideously ugly mixed race fat nurses with B.O., is a scowl of contempt every 20 minutes.

You better hope to G-d and pray that you never ever really become ill, because in addition to being "put on the waiting list", you'll finally be told something like, "Now yew look heah!...we' ain' gots' no' mo' medasun...Miff Hillery dun' cut back on ouwah prosesses!"... " b'sides...yew's gwine'a die soonah ah' latuh!"

Hospital chapels will have been replaced with small rooms with portraits of Malcom X, and the main business of the day in Peoples' Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Parkway Clinic of Social Wellness #7,
will be 'bortions!.....lots and lots of 'bortion ON DE-MAND!

Oh yes!...and before I forget...every Hottentot in American will be able to legitimately not work.  They'll go every day "to da' clinic" & complain of pains, etc...  You won't be able to fire them.  You'll have to keep them on the payroll while they never even work but a few days a year.  Hillary will pass new laws mandating prison sentences for an employer who tries to get rid of a "sick minority"; not to mention raise everyone's taxes to a level of approximately 90% to pay for a system which makes the socialist bureaucrats filthy rich through graft & bribes, and continues to grow in cost day after day after day...'ll be sweating your guts out surrounded by an unannounced IRS audit of your company, when Lucius Kenyatta, the boy you hired as a prison parolee to get a break from the government, but who never even showed up to work one day, comes in and says "Yeeah!  Dokka Obliublabjamano 'dun tole' me t' smoak dif' he' bag uh' medaka mariwanna, an' he 'dun gib'me 'sum kondoms too!"

I think someone should start collecting your posts and organise them in a coffee table book. You're killing me MassahDGoodName!!!

Offline cjd

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Re: Socialist Medicine
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2007, 05:20:25 AM »
Anyone out there who thinks that Hitlery is looking to socialize medical care for the good of the American people had better stop taking the drugs they are using and I don't mean the ones that the doctor prescribes. Her plan is just another socialistic money grab to get into the pockets of the American Tax Payer.
If anyone out there thinks that doctors and drug companies are going to take less for their services and be hamstrung by this evil beasts program you have another thing comming. The level of care will go down over night.
Its the hard working Americans who pay for their insurance out of there pay each week that are going to take it on the chin with this garbage. At least in the present system if you have insurance you can expect to get the minimal level of care that is given out.
 Why would I want to give this system up to be placed into a system where it is likely to cost me as much or MORE than I am paying now and have to stand in line with every form of wellfair sponge in the country and then be denied services because they have to give it to someone else.
The problem with medical care in this country is that medical science offers too many high priced procedures and people who cant pay for them want them at other peoples expense.
Basic medical needs should be available for all however people who cant pay for the more higher end services should not expect to get them its just that simple.
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Offline Sarah

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Re: Socialist Medicine
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2007, 05:39:10 AM »
Politicians, they always say and promise to do things but never carry them out. I reckon America will either stay how it is or fall down the pits if she becomes president. All talk no action.

Offline cjd

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Re: Socialist Medicine
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2007, 06:04:12 AM »
Politicians, they always say and promise to do things but never carry them out. I reckon America will either stay how it is or fall down the pits if she becomes president. All talk no action.
Yes it is true politicians do promise much and then get into office and sometimes get very little done. In the cases of presidents sometimes its not all that easy to get an agenda through. The problem America faces with Hitlery is that as the congress stands now she would be able to push most of her evil programs through in some form or another. Their is nothing Democraps like more that a money siphoning program and this health care thing is just what the doctor ordered. This is a woman with a score to settle she tried to implement this program when her husband was in office and was sternly rebuked and made a fool of. This time she knows the pitfalls and will not make the same mistakes in the implementation of it. 
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Socialist Medicine
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2007, 10:10:17 AM »
Allen-T:  "...I think someone should start collecting your posts and organise them in a coffee table book. You're killing me MassahDGoodName!!!..."

Thanks for the kind words, Allen-T!

I have someone already doing that.

His name?

Robert Mueller