The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Paul Wolfewitz girlfriend moslem
Mord, you are wrong. That is Paul Wolfowitz's Arab GF.
Massuh, more words of wisdom on your behalf. In the vast majority of cases I most definitely agree. I have on the VERY RARE occasion have seen people change their stripes, but sadly it does happen often enough....
One is a very good friend of mine I used to wrestle with in University went from a white supremacist Jew hater to a now righteous Christian Zionist who he and I got onto the front page of the news paper for going bouts with a number of Nazi skin heads out looking to brawl out in the street after the bars closed a few moons ago. The result was my friend breaking one guys leg and one of the other fellows went through the front window of a women's clothing shop while the rest ran from the police. The other was an ex Nazi who was on Tovia Singer's radio
That picture looks remarkably like one of the soldiers off of the movie "Band of Brothers"...
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
--- Quote from: RationalThought110 on April 13, 2007, 06:13:08 PM ---The dumb liberal conspiracy theorists don't know facts. Wolfowitz wants Israel to go back to its pre-1967 borders.
--- End quote ---
Wolfowitz wants Israel to be destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. That way, the Muslim Nazis won't be constantly upset anymore and will want to do more business with the World Bank.
Anyways I bet if we got close to her we would be able to see if she smells like an arab, that always gives it away. Besides she looks like a ugly kurva so chances are shes a muslim.
It means a prostitute in Yiddish as well as in polish. I speak yiddish fluently even though I am most deff not chasidic
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