Author Topic: Proof: Public against bibi. Not fooled by left policies disguised as 'right'  (Read 965 times)

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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74% of public oppose bibi's freeze on building which he did without approval of knesset or Likud party.
Here you see the proof.  When phony "right" goes left, the public is not happy with that or somehow deluded that even though it looks obviously bad and obviously leftwing, it's "ok" because a rightwing did it.    This is proof that they equally oppose left and right when the policy is destructive.     

the main point is that Israelis are powerless to stop evil policy even when they do oppose it no matter who is orchestrating it.    Being 'angry,' expressing it in polls, carrying around an orange wrist band, holding a sign in a picket line, commiserating with the cab driver about it, - ALL of these things accomplish nothing and do not result in any meaningful change.  That is why you are led to believe that Israelis, particularly the rightwing are "ok with it."   No, they aren't ok with it but so what?   Whether left or right, there is nothing they can do about it.

You see the article describes that Bibi did this action "unilaterally."   When elected officials have a blank check and no counterbalances, what recourse does the public have to influence their leaders?  None.   That does not equal "compliance" or 'indifference' or "approval."  article headings in bold

Likud Voters: Bibi's Policy 'Not OK'
by Maayana Miskin

"( Seventy-four percent of the public believes it is “not OK” that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu made unilateral decisions regarding a building freeze instead of consulting with his cabinet and coalition. The widespread opposition to Netanyahu's decision was revealed this week in a Maagar Mochot (Brain Base) poll, commissioned by Dr. Aaron Lerner's IMRA (Independent Media Review and Analysis).

The public also opposes the government policy of demolishing unauthorized Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria. Some 61 percent of those surveyed thought that the issue of unauthorized Jewish outposts should be solved by granting the outposts official government approval, instead of destroying them.

70% of Likud Against Netanyahu Policies
The poll found strong disagreement to Netanyahu's recent decisions among those who voted for Netanyahu's Likud party in the most recent election. Seventy percent of Likud voters said they opposed plans to freeze Jewish construction in Judea, Samaria and parts of Jerusalem, while 73 percent said the government should grant authorization to so-called “illegal outposts” instead of seeking to demolish them.

58%: Peace Now Really is a Virus
Pollsters also discovered that despite overwhelming media criticism of Minister Moshe Yaalon, who last week termed the Peace Now group “a virus,” the public tends to agree with Yaalon's remarks. Fifty-eight percent of those surveyed expressed agreement with Yaalon, and said that Peace Now has caused significant damage to the state of Israel.

Only 28 percent of those surveyed did not agree that Peace Now has harmed the state.

MK Akunis: Respect Netanyahu
MK Ofir Akunis of Likud warned Thursday against attempts from within the Likud camp to protest Netanyahu. The “most important thing” is to support the prime minister, Akunis told Israel Radio.

Akunis, a former Netanyahu aide, expressed confidence that if the prime minister decides to negotiate with the Palestinian Authority, he will be more successful than previous prime ministers, and would demand concessions such as PA recognition of Israel as a Jewish state and a real attempt to stop terrorism.

The Likud MK called on his fellow MKs to avoid “the mistakes of the past,” saying that those who caused Netanyahu's first government to fall later regretted their act.

First-time MK Akunis joined the Likud in Knesset in the 20th slot, after replacing Moshe Feiglin in that spot. Feiglin lost his place as a result of a Likud elections court ruling, after Akunis argued that slot 20, which had gone to Feiglin based on voter support, should have been given to a regional representative such as himself. The ruling knocked Feiglin down to spot 36, leaving him without a chair in the 19th Knesset.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Offline Spectator

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Many people in Israel understand that Bibi is phony. They voted him only because they were afraid that Livni would be even worse.
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Now what? wait till he messes up the country even more?

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Now what? wait till he messes up the country even more?

I don't know.  Got any ideas?

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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This is very good news. There is no doubt that the grotesque failure of Sharon's "disengagement" and the disastrous Second Lebanon War opened the eyes of many Israelis.

Let us hope now that this turns into palpable resistance on the ground.