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Offline Saracens Head

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black power
« on: August 17, 2009, 02:43:45 PM »
Copied from the Green Arrow,enjoy
The Superior Race: Chapter I
July 21st, 2009

By Ulysses D. Strong

Palmetto, Florida – 1982.

While sitting in my apartment one Saturday afternoon, a friend of mine, Spencer Collier, a Black man, dropped by to say hello. We engaged in our usual trivia concerned with sports, girl friends and other “important” subjects when he shocked me with a very unusual conversation: “David, did you know that all technology in its various forms came from the White man? Electricity, Radio Waves, Cars, Television, Science, Medical Science, Architecture, Maps, Biology, Airplanes, Rockets and Spaceships were all created from the imagination of the White man’s mind?

“Think about this, David – America would collapse into another Dark Age without the White man’s guidance. Let’s say for instance that tomorrow morning all of the White people living in the United Stated packed up and left, leaving America in the hands of all the other races – the Blacks, Indians, Hispanics, or whoever else. Total chaos and disorder would follow almost immediately. Looting would break out all over the country. People would be raiding grocery stores, car lots, and I’m willing to bet that Black men would kill just to lay claim to the best houses, cars and women.

“Production of gasoline would stop, and in time automobiles would be of no use any more. Power plants would not be manned and electricity would stop flowing. American cities would fall into darkness. Black people would be dancing in the streets because they would no longer have to report to a White man’s job. No Negro would care whether or not anything was repaired or maintained.

“Once all the stored food has been consumed, I can envision gangs forming up that roam the streets and countryside, searching for food, terrorizing the weak and stealing their possessions. We were primitive natives before the White man inducted us into his society, and we will once again be primitive natives without the White man’s laws and guidance.

Look outside your door, David. You’ll see that very little has changed on the Black side of town. Just look! You’ll see the same shacks and abandoned buildings; garbage in the streets and vacant lots full of rubbish that you’ve seen all your life, and the reason for this? It’s that no Negroes care enough to clean it up, or fix it up!

“Now, think about the White side of town. The White people are continually improving, repairing roads, remodelling old buildings, building new homes and new buildings. White businesses are growing bigger and better as time passes, while the Black man sits around, ignoring his own Black community.

“Not until Federal, State or local Governments of the Whites allot money for improvement of Black-created ghettoes, will you see any changes on the Black side if town. Then you’ll see low income housing and apartments (urban renewal) built by White contractors to house Black people.

“David,” Spencer continued, “we are totally dependent on the White race. Without the White man telling the Black man what to do, we will accomplish nothing and we will do nothing!”
Caucasus Mountains

Perhaps you’ve heard some of this story?” Spencer asked. “There are Black people running around the country telling lies about how we were once Kings and Queens of Egypt, and that the White man stole our knowledge from us. They insist the White man used our knowledge against us to enslave the Black race.
The Black race tells a story of how the white men were living in caves up in the Caucasus Mountains, butt naked, primitive and ignorant! According to their stories, the Black Egyptians had a great civilization in Egypt up to that time.

They say that the White savages came down from the mountains and upon seeing the amazing advances of the Black Egyptians; they begged the Black Egyptians to help and educate them. The compassionate Blacks offered their schools of learning for the ignorant White savages, and through time taught them all they know – unaware of how evil the Whites actually were!

“In repaying the Black man for their show of kindness, the Caucasians turned on them, taking over Egypt by using the Blacks’ technology against them. After overthrowing the Blacks, the White man made laws prohibiting anyone from educating a Black man. From then until now, Whites have ruled over Blacks.
“Well, David, that is the story that our Black people are telling, but, David, I’m telling the truth that this is just not so. But ask any Black man: ‘Who is the Superior Race? The Black man or the White man?’ And the Black man will always answer that the Black man is, but the White man stole our knowledge from us!”

Now, I have been told this story many, many times by nearly every Black man that I have ever met. However, for some reason, hearing Spencer telling the story, it sounded so ridiculous that I fell into a fit of laughter, bringing tears to my eyes and making my stomach ache. Spencer wasn’t laughing, which made me take the conversation seriously. Once I managed to control myself again, Spencer said: “David, Black people will believe the most absurd things about history. But when I tell them the truth about us, they say I am insane.

The truth is that beyond the shadow of a doubt, the White race is the most intelligent race on this planet! White society is the only society that has the knowledge to create technology. Not even the Asian people have the mental capabilities it would take to create technology. To this very day Japan, like China, are buying and learning their technical knowledge from the White European countries and the United States of America.”

And that ended our conversation.

Since then over the years I have grown in understanding. It is acceptable for the Black race to say that we Blacks are the superior race, then do a complete turn-around and yell about the racist White man taking advantage of the helpless Black man. However, it is very inappropriate for the White race to speak as freely as Black people do without fear of being labelled racist. A White does not have to be a racist to be called a racist. All they have to do is say the word “SUPERIOR” or “segregation” when referring to Blacks. On the other hand a Black man can say anything that he wants to say about White people and not be called racist.

Most White people know they possess a higher intellect than that of non-Whites, but it would spell disaster for them to say so. Furthermore, they are wise enough to realise what good would come out of it, other than to anger and alienate a portion of the world’s people towards the White race. And so, as long as people of the world believe that we are all equal, some sense of harmony prevails and the White race is content to allow this illusion. If they were determined to prove the truth, it would interrupt the prosperous flow of their activities, so why bother?
Euro-White Egyptian

The Euro-White Egyptian introduced basic technologies in farming and mass production of foods. They mass-produced brewed beers and wines in ancient times. They also stored grains and other commodities for trade.

Architecture, Astronomy, Written Languages, Organised Religion, Education, Medical Science. Henceforth, the beginning of Earth civilization as we know it today grew from the ancient Egyptian culture. The ancient Egyptians also waged wars, spreading themselves across Northern Africa into Ethiopia, crossing into Assyrian and Babylonian territories in a wave of conquest, subduing and assimilating native Arabs and Black Africans into Egyptian culture.

From Egypt the White race migrated by land and sea, driven by an innate need to explore, map, learn, to build and conquer the world and its native peoples. Controlling and moulding the world’s people into a mirror image of themselves, they have made at least some degree of change in nearly every country of the world. To educate, to improve, to make efficient – that is the White man’s very nature.

All of the native countries that the White man has conquered had their own gods in some form. The White man replaced their gods with his one God, the Creator of all things. Furthermore, the White man also replaced tribal names of natives to Christian names, thereby completely assimilating earth’s natives into White culture.

White power is not just a bunch of red-necks running around in robes, burning crosses. What the phrase does mean is a race of white-skinned, red-haired people who possess a superior intellect with God-like mental capabilities that apparently have little or no limitations. Their superior minds have re-created nearly every sort of living and non-living material on this planet. In many instances the copies cannot be distinguished from God’s original creations, proving to me they are the Sons of God, knowing what God knows (Genesis 3:5).

The Euro-white Egyptian isn’t such a great mystery. It’s plainly revealed in their records that only the Pharaoh and the Priestly order, along with the very rich, were exposed to any sort of formal education. Salves and lower class citizens remained ignorant and superstitious, because keeping natives ignorant and superstitious kept them easily controlled.

Pharaoh and his Court were members of the highest of the high order of Priesthood, having a wealth of knowledge in science, medical science, and chemistry. They were also mathematicians. How could easily frightened, superstitious, native Bedouins of Negroes possibly distinguish technical expertise from the works of God?
Egyptian Sphinx - Children of the Lion

What was the reason behind the building of the Sphinx? Primarily it was designed as an everlasting monument of Euro-White Egyptians’ technological building skills during their reign in North Africa in ancient times, symbolising the White race as the King of Kings of all mankind!

The head of Pharaoh and the body of a lion represents the white man’s dominion over man and beast across the earth. The Lion – King of Beasts; Pharaoh – King of Kings! Have you given any thought about the pyramid displayed on the reverse side of the U.S. Dollar bill? Have a look at the reverse side of the Dollar and you will see a pyramid with a human eye above it. That is the all-seeing eye of knowledge. Note the light radiating from the eye – that is a sign of total enlightenment. Seeing all, knowing all, understanding all! And that describes the White man. There is no mystery that the White man cannot solve.

The White man has climbed the highest mountains, descended into the deepest depths of the sea, built amazing cities that are wonders of the world. He has also located, identified and named every plant, animal and insect on the face of the earth while mapping their locations. The hieroglyphic writings of the Pharaohs cannot be deciphered by the native Arabs of modern Egypt. Nor can the South American or Mexican Indians decipher their hieroglyphics of both continents, and why not? After all, the White man’s ancient ancestors wrote them.

The White man’s thirst for knowledge is unequalled when compared against non-White races existing in the world. Genesis 2:19 reads as follows: God brought every beast He created to Adam, and whatsoever names Adam gave them, those were their names thereafter. All the knowledge the White man has is used to benefit mankind in some way. In order to make reading of information signs easier, America has been making a slow transition back to the use of hieroglyphics for quite some time now. Traffic signs that were once a series of words are now simple hieroglyphic pictures.

Electronic street crossing signs now consist of a man or woman and flash instructions to walk, or not walk in hieroglyphic pictures. Public restrooms and a multitude of other advisory signs that we encounter every day are in hieroglyphic symbols. The majority of machines manufactured today present their warning signs in hieroglyphics, and computer users log in and follow instructions in hieroglyphic signs and symbols.
The Aztec Empire

When White explorer, Hernando Cortez and his conquistadores landed on the shores of Mexico during the 15th century, the King, Montezuma, believed that the White Spaniards were their god, Quetzalcoatl, returning to them. Aztec legends claim that a race of white-skinned, red-haired men came to them from the sky and gave instructions to the Indians in the art of building the pyramids and other temples for the gods.

The legend also tells of how the White gods returned to the sky, leaving the Aztec people, but vowing to return to the Indians one day. It was at this point that all progress stopped in the Aztec civilization, seemingly bringing the Indians’ dazzling advances to a sudden halt. They advanced no further than the instructions given to them by their White gods. Believing that the pyramids were the homes of their gods who would return one day to the Indians, the Aztecs maintained them, believing that some kind of mystical power still remained inside the structures. When Cortez arrived, the Indian descendents of those earlier people were convinced that he was the god Quetzalcoatl.

Cortez didn’t care who the Indians thought he was, nor did he like being worshipped by the natives as a god. Cortez considered it his Christian duty to wipe out the Indians’ pagan religion, along with their temples and all the gold adorning them and which was taken and deposited into Spain’s treasury. Today the Mexican descendants of the Aztec Indians have no idea of their former heritage. They call themselves Spanish, having no recollection of their ancestral culture that was so efficiently wiped out by the White Spaniards. Mexico is primarily a third-world country with very few jobs to offer its people as a result of their limited bank of knowledge concerning industrial technology.

The Egyptian civilization ended in almost the same way as that of the Aztecs, although the fatal blow to the Egyptian culture was struck by the many wars, followed by native and Arab uprisings. In the aftermath, the Euro-White Egyptians fled to greener pastures, leaving the Arab Bedouin and Black African slaves behind, with no idea how to rebuild the Egyptian culture.

Egypt fell into a state of continuing disrepair following the flight of the Euro-White Egyptians, never to see its mystifying beauty again. The only conclusion we can draw from these historical events is that neither the Aztecs, nor the Arab Bedouins of Egypt built either of these two civilizations. Is it really so strange that the Aztecs worshipped White men as their gods? Even today people over the world worship Jesus as their God. The native people believe that Jesus will return to them from the sky one day.

For more information on this subject:
The book: “100 million years of unknown Earth history”
The Encyclopaedia Britannica
Man – Myth and Magic, Volume set of 100 books.

The life role of the White race is a highly complex one, not at all like that of the more primitive people around the world. Always striving for higher standard and better ways of living which – in the White man’s world – means resources and the wealth that they generate, and these are the vehicles that drive White civilizations, such as oil, natural gas, timber and minerals. The White race manufactures these resources into products for sale or trade. Theirs is a society based on winners or losers, with a competitive drive that pushes them to their limits and beyond! This mysterious force that drives them towards world domination and the passion that White men have shown towards educating the native people of the world by introducing them to manufactured goods is unprecedented.
Conquest of Japan

I think we can compare Japanese accomplishments with those of the South American Indians. At some point during Japan’s ancient history, Japan must have made contact with the White race. During World War II an amazing discovery – a PYRAMID – was made in China. Any technology that the Orientals boast of today was either forced upon them, bought or stolen from the white race.

Up until Japan’s coming into contact with the white Europeans during the 17th century, both Japan and China had large cities and sophisticated cultures in architecture, written language and knowledge of the arts. However, Japan had no industrial knowledge. In the eyes of the White man Japanese were inferiors and could easily be conquered. Just before WWII, Japan had made an alliance with the then super-power, Nazi Germany. Because of this union, Japan was able to keep the attempted plans of the United States and Great Britain for colonization of Japan at bay. Primarily for this reason, Japan sided with Hitler’s German government in a pact that supplied Japan with twentieth century wartime technologies. Japanese factories produced aeroplanes, ships, tanks, bombs and firearms guided by German technology. Even Japanese soldiers’ training was German-based.

After the United States dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima on 6th August 1945, America wasted no time in launching a new war against the devastated Japanese. This was a war of industrial exploitation, capitalistic economics within the framework of a democracy and the results were almost as explosive as that of the bomb!

Japans devastated economy, following the war, provided an easy target for enterprising American businessmen who took full advantage of cheap Japanese labour. Cheaply made toys and gadgets flooded the American market place, providing huge profits for American entrepreneurs living in Japan. Before long, Big Business became interested as well and the race for exploitation was up and running! It became a caricature of the Gold Rush of the 1800’s.

I remember when the phrase “Made in Japan” was the subject of many American jokes. Anytime something fell apart or broke down, it was considered to have been “Made in Japan.” The stigma became so bad in relation to Japanese products that someone got the brilliant idea of naming a town in Japan “USA,” and in that was they could stamp “Made in USA” in large letters on the product, with the word “Japan” in tiny, almost invisible writing.

Matters were certainly no better in the electronics department. American shoppers who bought Japanese electrical products soon found themselves in a catch-22 situation. The product soon stopped working and American repairmen refused to work on these inferior Japanese products. If the label said “Made in Japan” instead of “Made in the USA,” the repairmen would tell you that it was not worth fixing. Consequently a service charge that we are living with to this day, came into being because of all the worthless house calls made to repairmen who found Japanese products waiting for them here in America.

Another example of floundering Japanese attempts towards the use of White technology was evident in the Japanese film industry. When I was a kid, I remember watching a televised cartoon programme, and reading comic strips starring a cartoon character named Dick Tracey. Detective Tracey possessed an abundance of high-tech devices such as a visual wristwatch communicator and visual desktop computer system in his office to aid him in his fight against crime. Dick Tracey was a popular prime-time TV programme aired back in the late 1950’s or early 1960’s, but today those high-tech devices featured in those programmes are today’s realities. The point was that the film making industry in the USA was showing America’s futuristic gadgetry five decades before they became reality in the USA.

During that same period a few Japanese films filtered their way into American movie theatres and these were met with shrieks of laughter. The sound tracks were so far removed from the characters that one could not actually tell who was supposed to be the person talking. Japanese special effects were so completely primitive that we could see the puppet strings guiding Godzilla’s movements. It took several decades of American input before Japan could be taken seriously in the film industry.

By the 1970’s, on a shoestring budget, American auto makers put Japan into the automotive industry. Japan began exporting small vehicles, known as “Compact Cars” to the U.S.A. They only reason that they were attractive was because they were affordable little gas-saving cars. The first of these Japanese cars were received with much scepticism. The “Made in Japan” stigma of manufactured products was still very much alive in the minds of American consumers.

My friends and I laughed hysterically when we saw our first Japanese imported car (the Datsun), tooling the streets of Palmetto, Florida, but thirty years later I’m not laughing any longer. Japan, by using the magic of White technology, has become a major force in automobile and electronics production. The United States capitalist, exploiting cheap Japanese labour, knew that Japan would become dependent on the American market place. Thus a war of economics was launched that we are currently involved in – a war that Japan cannot win because of its limitation of natural resources as compared to the seemingly endless resources of the U.S. and the White man’s superior knowledge!

The White race initiates the policy of invading other countries economically. To control another country’s economy is to totally control that country. This approach has now become foreign policy of the U.S., only using its military long enough to install a puppet government that will in turn allow economic exploitation of its people and resources.
Conquest of China

It wasn’t until the 17th century that the White man set his sights on conquering China. However, China had witnessed the White man’s actions in dealing with Japan and wanted nothing to do with them. China understood that once the Whites entered China, there would be no getting rid of them.

America, Great Britain, Germany and France all wanted China to open up to White foreign trade. With China having a massive population and no industrial knowledge, the Whites were ready to do business. But China said NO! It closed its ports to White traders. So, in order to force China into a trade agreement, Great Britain began smuggling large quantities of English opium, which Great Britain cultivated in India, into Chinese ports. This was against the decree of china’s Emperor who had forbidden trading with White countries. But his decree was beyond the hearing of China’s opium addicts who would sell or steal anything for Britain’s opium. The addicts sold China’s silk, and even broke into one of the Emperor’s palaces and carried off all of its treasures, trading them for English opium. Opium addiction all but ruined China’s primitive agricultural-based economy.

When China demanded that England stop smuggling its illegal drugs into the country, Great Britain’s reply to that was the bombardment of Chinese port cities. China and its inferior armies were powerless when the White man knocked down Eastern doors. Primitive Chinese bows and arrows were no match against the White man’s battleships. China – like Japan – was forced into modern development by the White man. China also lost control of the island Taiwan in this forced trade agreement with Europeans.
Colonisation of America

At the time when religious Protestants first began crossing the Atlantic from England to the colonies of North America, the price of a pint of gin in English cities was cheaper than a loaf of bread. Many of the poor were alcoholics. Wages in England were low, the crime rate was high and English ghettoes were filthy and overcrowded and were virtual havens for prostitution, thievery and murder. Highwaymen roamed the streets and countryside, robbing travellers virtually at will. The prisons were so overcrowded that prisoners were being held aboard ships anchored in the English Channel, awaiting sail to Australia’s penal colony.

Even before the 17th century the poor White citizens of Great Britain were no more than slaves. The serfs, as they were called, could not own land. Only the wealthy Kings, Queens, Dukes, Earls and Knights held any ownership of land. If a serf’s labour on the land did not produce good crops, he could not afford to pay his annual rent on the land and the wealthy landlords would send the sheriff to his door and the serf was brought to Court. If the Court determined that the serf was lacking in his debt to the lord, he was sentenced to imprisonment, torture, or in many cases, hanged! The spectacle of hanging in public became a form of entertainment; an event where peasants sold food and beer, as well as engaging in wagering or all sorts that might include bets on whether the accused’s neck would break when hanged.

Fleeing England’s religious oppression, oppressive taxes, feudal landlords and corrupt legal systems, enlightened men began crossing the Atlantic to colonise America. The primitive American Indians, or Native Americans, were ill-equipped in stopping the massive numbers of White colonists. The Whites also brought with them diseases foreign to the natives, killing off untold numbers of them. Because of language differences among the various tribes, any efforts of joining forces against the White colonisers were doomed to failure. Enemies of a particular tribe would join forces with the Whites in waging wars for favours such as guns, rum and revenge, thus unknowingly aiding the White land grab.

However, the White Protestants could not force or persuade the Indians into accepting Christianity, that was the key to assimilating the natives into White cultures. They refused to become what they viewed as a mere imitation of the White man, refusing to break away from native traditions. The Indians could not be forced into slavery and refused to be assimilated into the White ma’s culture. War broke out and the Indians’ primitive bows and arrows were no match for the Whit man’s cannons, guns and bullets. Needless to say, the Indians lost the war.

The Whites then placed large tracts of Indian land up for grabs with a promise of forty acres, a mule, seeds and a few pieces of farm equipment for any White man that would take possession of Indian land. A horde of White settlers crossed the Atlantic from Europe in one of the largest land expansions that had ever been seen beforehand during the 1700’s. And with the English Judicial system offering its prisoners a choice between hanging, imprisonment or colonising America for the English Crown, the dangerous crossing of the Atlantic was not nearly as bad sad facing the English Judicial system.

When the white settlers reached America, they were handed more than just land. They were also handed freedom, something not afforded to the lower caste citizens of England. America declared independence from England. Instead of received taxes fro the American colonists, King George received a call fro freedom from America. War broke out and again the Americans won. Winning of the Revolutionary War solved all but one of America’s problems. Who would do the work of moving rocks, cutting down trees and cultivating land for planting crops?

Whites could not be forced into slavery any longer because of America’s newly-drafted Constitution that mandated all White men and women to be free and equal in the sight of God and man. The United States thus turned its attention to the African natives. These African natives were viewed by the White man as being more of an ape than human, meaning the U.S. Constitution did not apply to the Blacks of Africa. Whites considered them to be only one fifth part human, weak of mind, but physically strong. The Whites discovered that it was easy to convert the superstitious Blacks to Christianity, and the Blacks imitated European customs in every way, making them the perfect slaves.

As the Black slaves’ free labour began to expand economic prosperity in America, the former “lower caste” colonists of English Whites found themselves achieving riches they could only have dreamed of before. They moved up the social ladder from indentured servants to plantation owners, scribes, politicians and inventors. Engineers built roads, bridges and machinery. America became known as the land of milk and honey to the poor White Europeans. It was a place where a poor landless White man could become a landowner, if only he and his family could reach the shores of America. And they came, and their numbers grew like the sands along the seashore, or the stars in the sky that could not be counted.

For some historical accounts I have relied on the following books as references:

Great Age of Man
A History of the World’s Cultures
Twentieth Century
Author – Joel Colton (Time-Life Books)

Offline Saracens Head

  • Junior JTFer
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Re: black power
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2009, 02:47:25 PM »
copied from the GA.Good work

The Superior Race Chapter II
July 22nd, 2009

By Ulysses D Strong
Race Mixing

The mixed marriage of a white bondwoman and an African slave produced a son by name of Benjamin Banneker. Banneker built an accurate time-keeping clock from pieces made mainly of wood. What made this so amazing was that during the 1700’s, not many American colonists could afford to buy a clock, as it had to be shipped our from England.

Lewis Latimer emerged as another product of interracial blood. This half-black apprentice under Alexander Graham Bell perfected the light filament that would not overheat and burn out, as previous models had.
Latimer and Banneker are mentioned here only to illustrate that neither of them actually invented the clock or light filament, as is claimed by Black historians. Clocks were nor new to the world when Banneker copied one from a white plantation owner who lived next to the Banneker’s plantation. The same White plantation owner took Banneker with him to Washington D.C. as a helper in surveying the boundaries of the city; NOT to build Washington D.C., as history now relates Banneker’s story. (SAS Blog note: See parallel to recent Dr Chris Barnard story)

Within the context of this I am merely pointing out that through race-mixing came a genetically-produced aura that produced the intelligence required to achieve what Banneker and Latimer accomplished. They inherited fragments of the White man’s intellect, nurtured by the White man’s educational system that produced the results.

However, that inherited intellect is not adequate in itself to propel the black man into a productive mode of existence. Without co-existence with White men, resulting separation would send the Black man back into his own previous primitive existence. As living proof we need only to look at the following countries:

Haiti, Africa and the United States. Once the Black is separated from the influence of White guidance, they soon begin to regress towards their own ways, as opposed to advancing towards a technological society.
The following story was printed in the Florida Sentinel Bulletin of Tampa, Florida, Friday, June 15th 2001:

We take so much for granted in this country. We have stores around every corner where we conveniently buy our food, and we manage to put a roof over our heads – even for the homeless. We have a place to wash our clothes in water that is fit to drink, and a government that is structured to remove garbage from the streets, as well as educate our children (if only these kids would listen!) No such structures exist in Haiti. There are no housing assistance programs, no industry, no jobs and no commercial projects.

On Sunday, June 3rd, eight of Tampa’s officials journeyed to Haiti for a visit of three cities: Soleil, Port-Au-Prince and Delmas. None of these eight people were prepared for what they found upon their arrival!
“To see poverty in such an enormous state was beyond mind-boggling!” said Tony McBride, Tampa Deputy Director of City Solid Waste Treatment. “I can see why Haiti is called the poorest country in the world.”
Also, Haiti has a very unstable government. Few roads are paved; a system of some kind is needed to provide clean water and a waste disposal system. Housing is needed and some sort of works project to provide jobs for these people.

“The depth of Haiti’s poverty is something you just have to see to believe,” McBride said. He was surprised to see that in spite of the Haitians’ conditions, he didn’t see despair in the people, simply because they had never been exposed to anything better. To their credit the people of Haiti are very humble and will use anything and everything they can get their hands on for food. Also to their credit is that they will perform whatever task you ask of them most willingly.

McBride described a landfill along the banks of the Gray River where Haitians and animals alike wander through the garbage daily, searching for food. He expressed that what he saw will remain on his mind forever, and it makes him realise just how blessed we are in America.

“I have a renewed appreciation for our standard of living here in the United States. The people of Haiti have little or no opportunity to improve their lives,” McBride, a Black man, said.

Without the White man’s intellect to organise and guide us, native races would not progress.

In the Arab world, Africa, South America, Mexico, China, Japan and the Island countries, all one needs to do is to study their history and add up the facts – it is the White race that stimulates advancement in every category.

Using Haiti as a further example, the White author of the book “Magic Island” writes his account of what he experienced in the highland mountains of Haiti during the 1940’s. The Black Haitians living in these mountains fetched their drinking water from a mountain stream that ran conveniently close to their tribal huts. Following an unusually heavy downpour, a landslide blocked the water flow about a mile upstream and diverted the course of the stream. To the amazement of the White author, the natives all walked the entire mile to where the stream was blocked, day after day, carrying water on their heads back to the village, making a total of two miles every trip.

As the author said in his book: “To hell with that! Any… White man would simply go upstream and unblock the damned thing!”

Prior to the political unrest that reduced Haiti to the state of dire poverty it is now experiencing, White colonialism produced a flourishing economy that traded in sugar cane, tobacco, rum and tourism.
As is seen in other countries as well, when the entrepreneurs left Haiti, the economy left with them, and the country has been spiralling downward for 200 years now. Haiti’s president, Jean-Claude Aristide, was overthrown by Haitian rebels in 2004. The reason for this new uprising was hunger, unemployment and mass poverty.
Geeches of South Carolina Island – NewsWeek Report (2002)

It is undeniably true that we African-Americans cannot achieve what the White race has accomplished. Even though we are currently being schooled to believe that we are all equals, we are not, and have never been their equals intellectually. Newsweek said, examine the case of the South Carolina Geeches of Gullah Island, descendents of slaves brought to America 330 years ago. The Geeches speak a mixed dialect of English and West African, commonly known as “Geechee.”

These residents of Gullah Island, as of today, have created nothing in the way of an economy on their island home during those three centuries. Commercial and sports fishing could be a flourishing market, as could commercial harvesting of oysters, but the Geeches have shown no interest in either market. Furthermore, their native basket weaving can be traced back to the African coast and is known extensively for beauty and durability. Again, the Geeches are content to weave only enough for their own use without responding to the demand for producing their beautiful baskets for retail markets.

Then White real-estate developers took notice of this prime location, planning on building a high-rise hotel, speculating on the tourist trade. The surrounding area soon saw a dramatic increase in property taxes, which, of course, the Geeches could not afford to pay. As development continued, the poverty-stricken natives are gradually being forced off their land through economic pressure. Real estate speculators intend transforming Gullah Island into their Island Paradise which the Geeches could not have accomplished by themselves. The resulting influx of eager cash from the Whites will simply mean that one will never again be reading such a dismal report about Gullah Island without an economy of its own. Rather you will be reading something similar to the following in a Travel magazine:

“Come vacation in South Carolina’s Gullah Island Paradise, featuring the very best in accommodation for lodging and dining. Our restaurants favour the old Southern style with world-class chefs to stimulate your palate, accompanied by a wine list to delight your taste.

“Oyster harvesting can be seen daily by visitors and are served fresh from the sea in our ocean view restaurants. Daily boating and fishing excursions are part of the local fun as well. “Vacation packages available now…, for more information, call toll-free at 1-800-gullah is., or on line at

Haiti should be on the top ten lists for tropical vacation destinations like the Bahamas Islands in the Caribbean. Instead, Haiti does not even get a mention as a vacation destination. Although the Haitians lack technology, they live on one of the most beautiful islands in the world! Why don’t they capitalise on this? The answer is the same dreary truth – they lack the intellect and drive.
The Congo: Zaire

The native Blacks of the Congo, nowadays known as Zaire, staged a revolt against their White colonial rulers during the 1960’s, winning their freedom from Belgium’s White power government. The new Black leaders banished the white Belgians from their country, and even banished the White colonial names, replacing them with authentic names that were acceptable under the new regime. By 1990 – not even thirty years later, the erstwhile Belgian Congo was laid to complete waste! Cities, roads, power, hospitals, schools, railroads and telephone systems had become totally useless. Lack of maintenance had allowed the jungle to reclaim all of its land.

According to the cover story in the June 1990 issue of National Geographic Magazine, the Congo is rich in a variety of natural resources. Vast reserves of oil, gold, copper and other minerals await exploitation with potential earnings in billions of dollars. Yet Zaire is a starving and poverty-ridden country. The wealthy Black leaders of the Congo’s new and very incompetent government has allowed contracts with European and American companies to mine and process Zaire’s extensive mineral reserves. Actually they have little choice, since the Congolese lack the knowledge to excavate the resources by themselves.

Black leaders of the Congo are known to take extravagant trips to Europe, where their children are also being educated. Little – if any – thought is given to the state of affairs in Zaire. It seems a paradox that Zaire’s Black leaders carry cellular telephones in a country that has no landline telephone system.

A Congolese woman, still using her White Christian name of Mary, was asked why she chose not to use her native name. She replied that she used her European name in protest of the sorry economy of her country. “I wish for the Whites to come back. When they were here we had jobs, income, schools, good hospitals and decent medical care for our kids. Now – we have nothing. We search the jungle for food, as the animals do. I call myself Mary in protest and resentment for the way things have become in this country. We have nothing – not even hope…

Offline Saxon Marauder

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Re: black power
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2009, 02:59:58 PM »
Ancient Egyptians inscriptions refer to such neighboring peoples as "vile Asiatics" and "wretched Kushites." Asiatics more or less mean the people in Canaan, Syria and thereabouts; Kushites mean black Africans from present-day Ethiopia and Somalia.

Saying that the people of ancient Egypt were black supermen doesn't really hold up under historical and archaelogical evidence.

Also, how can the descendants of subsaharan west African blacks take credit for what east African Nile-dwellers did?
Cædmon's Hymn:

Now we must honour the Guardian of Heaven,
the might of the Architect, and His purpose,
the work of the Father of Glory-as He, the Eternal Lord, established the beginning of wonders. He, the Holy Creator, first created heaven as a roof
for the children of men. Then the Guardian of Mankind the Eternal Lord, the Lord Almighty
afterwards appointed the middle earth, the lands, for men.

Offline Lisa

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Re: black power
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2009, 03:10:16 PM »
Who is Ulysses D. Strong?  And where did you get this article from?

Offline Saracens Head

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Re: black power
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2009, 04:05:45 PM »
I don,t know who he his,made up name I think.
And I posted it in response to that fool black powers thread.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: black power
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2009, 01:51:51 PM »
I don't like how this article implies that East Asians like Japanese are stupid. That goes completely against all scientific facts. They're some of the smartest people in the world.

Offline Saxon Marauder

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Re: black power
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2009, 11:29:44 AM »
I don't like how this article implies that East Asians like Japanese are stupid. That goes completely against all scientific facts. They're some of the smartest people in the world.

It's fantasical wishful thinking.
Cædmon's Hymn:

Now we must honour the Guardian of Heaven,
the might of the Architect, and His purpose,
the work of the Father of Glory-as He, the Eternal Lord, established the beginning of wonders. He, the Holy Creator, first created heaven as a roof
for the children of men. Then the Guardian of Mankind the Eternal Lord, the Lord Almighty
afterwards appointed the middle earth, the lands, for men.