Author Topic: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..  (Read 2114 times)

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Offline AsheDina

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I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« on: August 30, 2009, 06:33:38 PM »
It is a movie on Hi*ler/1930's.

I cant BELIEVE what they are talking about;

"Jesus was not a Hebrew/Jew" "Christians must deny that Jesus was an Israelite Hebrew/Jewish Teacher/Rabbi"

Does ANYBODY REALIZE that this is the SAME conversation that leftists/neo-nazi, kkk, etc.. are talking about?

Do the liberal/Bolsheviks Jews SEE what is happening before their very eyes, and what THEY created?

Do people realize that the Christian faith comes from JUDAISM?

Do people know that the reason the south and many churches have the N.T. ONLY in their Bibles, to deny that their faith comes from a Hebrew/Jewish man? So they discard the "old" to discount his Israeli birth,Hebrew/Jewish roots- etc??

What I feel is this; WHY, me, being a Jew is taking up for Jesus, and all of the 'Christians' online on other websites and MY blog can't even read their OWN BOOK.
It is very frustrating to NOT SEE ANY CHURCHES RENOUNCE this behavior.

I dont know, but I will say, here we are....AGAIN.

Same drek, different drek-face.
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Offline ~Hanna~

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Re: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2009, 07:05:12 PM »
Yes, it is insane.

Many are turning away from sound doctrine...

It's sad, pathetic and enfuriating all at the same time.

I think some of those (or all) Nazi groups are worshipping the ghost of Hitler or something.

 :::D :laugh:

שמע ישראל

Offline ~Hanna~

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Re: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2009, 07:09:55 PM »

Here is a good example...

I am not sure who wrote it...:


Homosexuality and the apostate church
Body:    Many members of the clergy must be using the Bible like the old Sears catalogue – for toilet paper – because they obviously don't read it.

Last week, another once-great church succumbed to the relentless, media-savvy campaign of determined homosexuality. "Leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America voted to lift the ban that prohibited sexually active gay and lesbian people from serving as ministers," reported the Associated Press.

In July, the Episcopal House of Bishops and laity approved liturgies for same-sex couples and endorsed the right to elect gay bishops. Lutherans and Episcopalians join other denominational giants, Unitarians and Presbyterians, in their reckless moral compromise.

All failed to do their homework on homosexuality, a lifestyle that can only be described as sexual and spiritual quicksand.

This ecumenical green light, masquerading as enlightened sensitivity, is a hate crime of colossal proportions. It endangers those captured by a stubborn and perplexing sexual predilection and reinforces the lie that all is well with their souls.

Are you and your church being decieved? Take defensive action – read "Seduction of the Saints: Staying Pure in a World of Deception"

"When G-d is alleged to sanction the abominable, a religious travesty is being played out, and boldly. The travesty is twofold. Not only are believers falling into homosexual sin and legitimizing it, but uninformed heterosexual Christians are applauding them as they do!" writes ex-gay-rights activist Joe Dallas in his book, "The Gay Gospel?"

"The same-gender couples I know live in love and faithfulness and are called to proclaim the word of G-d, as are all of us," purrs the Rev. Leslie Williamson of Trinity Lutheran Church in Des Plaines, Ill.

True, there are same-sex pairs who live in loving concert. But most do not. Domestic violence "is widespread among both gay and lesbian couples," write Tod W. Burke and Stephen S. Owen, professors of criminal justice at Radford University, in their paper "Same-sex domestic violence: Is anyone listening?"

As to Williamson's claim of "faithfulness," in the classic "Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women," authors A.P. Bell and M.S. Weinberg, discovered that promiscuity is epidemic throughout the gay community.

And Rev. Williamson, what "word of G-d" is proclaimed by homosexual sex? Not the Word heralded by Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus.

There are reasons why homosexuality is so thoroughly condemned in Scripture. A quick statistical scan of drug and alcohol addiction, violence, suicide, self-harm and disease rates among homosexuals should convince even the dimmest intellect that G-d's stark condemnation is a cautionary paternal edict.

"Sexual relationships between members of the same sex expose gays, lesbians and bisexuals to extreme risks of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), physical injuries, mental disorders and even a shortened life span," writes internist Dr. John R. Diggs Jr. in his report "The Health Risk of Gay Sex."

Tim Mumm, a gay Lutheran assembly delegate, dismisses biblical admonitions as "written by mortals." His outlook is no doubt promulgated by spiritually anemic pastors, priests and rabbis who themselves discount Scripture and soft-pedal its bold commands. Their disregard reflects a shared ignorance of the text's unique mystical properties long pondered by readers.

"Every passage, every word, every number … is there for a specific reason. A skillful design pervades the whole," says Chuck Missler, an Annapolis alum, engineer and former corporate CEO. Missler, an expert in applied mathematics, advanced statistics and information sciences, adds, "The Bible is an integrated message system from outside our dimensions of space and time."

To validate homosexual sex, laissez-faire laity and clergy must invalidate the Bible's claim to be "G-d-breathed and … useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." Or as Dostoyevsky says in his parable, "The Grand Inquisitor" (from "The Brothers Karamazov"), "If there is no G-d, all things are permissible."

Is it any wonder that congregants, spiritually in sync with the Almighty, abandon these apostate churches?

There is bad news and Good News for gays. Bad news: Homosexuality remains an abomination to our Father. The Good News: He provides a way of escape. Through godly counsel coupled with divine intervention and healing, there is a path out for those who yearn to live in the truth.

Religious leaders would be wise to revisit their error. G-d does not suffer fools well. He will hold accountable those in authority who lead their flocks over the edge.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 09:20:02 PM by ~Hanna~ »
שמע ישראל

Offline AsheDina

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Re: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2009, 08:10:54 PM »
Yes, it is insane.

Many are turning away from sound doctrine...

It's sad, pathetic and enfuriating all at the same time.

I think some of those (or all) Nazi groups are worshipping the ghost of Hitler or something.

 :::D :laugh:

Thank YOU, Hanna, this is WHY I LOVE our Christian members- THEY CARE.
This is really BOTHERING me, and NOBODY flippin reads it that is my own blood brother---figures.

Just as NOBODY here helped me fight those people that were defaming me and Chaim. Thanks.
שמע ישראל
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Offline ~Hanna~

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Re: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2009, 09:18:50 PM »
ohhhh.... :'(

I thoughtI was helping somewhat.....I've been dealing with some things this home.

Yes, it is insane.

Many are turning away from sound doctrine...

It's sad, pathetic and enfuriating all at the same time.

I think some of those (or all) Nazi groups are worshipping the ghost of Hitler or something.

 :::D :laugh:

Thank YOU, Hanna, this is WHY I LOVE our Christian members- THEY CARE.
This is really BOTHERING me, and NOBODY flippin reads it that is my own blood brother---figures.

Just as NOBODY here helped me fight those people that were defaming me and Chaim. Thanks.
שמע ישראל

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2009, 09:39:51 PM »
Why don't they convert to something else?
He was a Jew. Don't like it? They can worship trees, snakes and rocks.

Offline Saxon Marauder

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Re: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2009, 11:51:36 PM »
They can worship trees, snakes and rocks.

Nature worship can lead to the sort of beliefs that the Nazis held, that survival of the fittest is the surest of all religions. The U.S. was founded on western ideals, Anglo-Saxon common law, Roman civil law, Biblical religion, etc. Any denial of any of these foundations will erode what the U.S. has been, especially in terms of morality- which has come from the Bible. Replacing a Biblical religion with idolatry is only a recipe for disaster.
Cædmon's Hymn:

Now we must honour the Guardian of Heaven,
the might of the Architect, and His purpose,
the work of the Father of Glory-as He, the Eternal Lord, established the beginning of wonders. He, the Holy Creator, first created heaven as a roof
for the children of men. Then the Guardian of Mankind the Eternal Lord, the Lord Almighty
afterwards appointed the middle earth, the lands, for men.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2009, 12:41:40 AM »
I don't understand how they can study NT only.

Offline americankahanist

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Re: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2009, 06:35:46 AM »
AsheDina goes through a lot of anti-semitism, the lack of response in caring is unbelievable.
-David Ben Moshe

Offline Saxon Marauder

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Re: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2009, 08:28:59 AM »
I don't understand how they can study NT only.

The New Testament has nothing to do with the Torah imo; many Christians would be far better off if they studied the Torah and tried to follow the teachings of Jesus as purely ethical formulas. Didn't Jesus say that only Gd is good?
Cædmon's Hymn:

Now we must honour the Guardian of Heaven,
the might of the Architect, and His purpose,
the work of the Father of Glory-as He, the Eternal Lord, established the beginning of wonders. He, the Holy Creator, first created heaven as a roof
for the children of men. Then the Guardian of Mankind the Eternal Lord, the Lord Almighty
afterwards appointed the middle earth, the lands, for men.

Offline ~Hanna~

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Re: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2009, 01:24:52 PM »
 Some of us do study the OT, and actually we are taught the Torah in Sunday School, too. Many bible studies are of the Tanach, not only of the Torah but the other books as well.

I don't understand how they can study NT only.

The New Testament has nothing to do with the Torah imo; many Christians would be far better off if they studied the Torah and tried to follow the teachings of Jesus as purely ethical formulas. Didn't Jesus say that only Gd is good?
שמע ישראל

Offline ~Hanna~

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Re: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2009, 01:25:29 PM »
I dont think they are even studying the NT if they hate G-ds people.....I dont think they even know how to read....
I don't understand how they can study NT only.
שמע ישראל

Offline Rubystars

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Re: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2009, 01:55:01 PM »
I can't really explain too much but basically I think studying the NT doesn't make any sense without also studying the Torah.

Offline ~Hanna~

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Re: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2009, 03:14:04 PM »
Yes, very true....

The Nazi's and the pagans, are off in their own little worlds....

You could even call them cults...

I can't really explain too much but basically I think studying the NT doesn't make any sense without also studying the Torah.
שמע ישראל

Offline Saxon Marauder

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Re: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2009, 08:40:51 PM »
I only own a copy of the Torah. While I own some Christian-themed literature written by Christian authors, I don't own a copy of the New Testament. For me, the Bible is the Torah and no other book.
Cædmon's Hymn:

Now we must honour the Guardian of Heaven,
the might of the Architect, and His purpose,
the work of the Father of Glory-as He, the Eternal Lord, established the beginning of wonders. He, the Holy Creator, first created heaven as a roof
for the children of men. Then the Guardian of Mankind the Eternal Lord, the Lord Almighty
afterwards appointed the middle earth, the lands, for men.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2009, 08:51:29 PM »
When I talk about Bible on this board, I almost always mean the Jewish Bible. If I mean the Christian texts, I refer to it as NT. I think it's important to be specific so people don't get confused.

Offline Saxon Marauder

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Re: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2009, 08:53:34 PM »
That's true, I only see the Jewish writings as "The Bible" whereas I regard Christian writings differently. I sometimes use Torah, but almost always I use Bible instead- but this is a word that takes on a different meaning to differnet people.
Cædmon's Hymn:

Now we must honour the Guardian of Heaven,
the might of the Architect, and His purpose,
the work of the Father of Glory-as He, the Eternal Lord, established the beginning of wonders. He, the Holy Creator, first created heaven as a roof
for the children of men. Then the Guardian of Mankind the Eternal Lord, the Lord Almighty
afterwards appointed the middle earth, the lands, for men.

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Re: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2009, 10:16:48 PM »
I don't understand how they can study NT only.
They are crazy. There is no logic to them. Any so-called Christian who hates Judaism is like a child who hates his own parents. It's irrational to the point of insanity.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2009, 10:18:32 PM »
That's true, I only see the Jewish writings as "The Bible" whereas I regard Christian writings differently. I sometimes use Torah, but almost always I use Bible instead- but this is a word that takes on a different meaning to differnet people.
I understand you but just because you don't read the NT doesn't mean that it is supposed to be cut off from the Tanach.

Offline Saxon Marauder

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Re: I am watching IFT (1930's Germany/USA) and this is scary..
« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2009, 09:23:02 AM »
That's true, I only see the Jewish writings as "The Bible" whereas I regard Christian writings differently. I sometimes use Torah, but almost always I use Bible instead- but this is a word that takes on a different meaning to differnet people.
I understand you but just because you don't read the NT doesn't mean that it is supposed to be cut off from the Tanach.

It depends upon how you view Gd and the holy scriptures. I don't view the New Testament as being a part of the holy scriptures. It's based on them, but not a part of them, and I can't say that I'm entirely without justification given how many verions of the New Testament there are floating around.  :o At most, I might see the New Testament as apocryphal writings, just as the Christians regard gnostic writings as apocryphal. I find the idea that Gd can have two testaments to be contradictory. Even so, almost all Christians have a high regard for the Torah, so I'm not in any disagreement there.  :)
Cædmon's Hymn:

Now we must honour the Guardian of Heaven,
the might of the Architect, and His purpose,
the work of the Father of Glory-as He, the Eternal Lord, established the beginning of wonders. He, the Holy Creator, first created heaven as a roof
for the children of men. Then the Guardian of Mankind the Eternal Lord, the Lord Almighty
afterwards appointed the middle earth, the lands, for men.