To who ever started this thread, I could tell you the orthodox point of view, anyways, I was raised by my parents which are orthodox jews my father up to this day is a still rabbi and during my teen years my father would review the laws of the talmud to me on saturdays for an hour, he always tended to talk about how bad race mixing was and that I should only have marry and have intercourse with a ethnically jewish girls and that judaism is only written in our inheritance not non ethnically jewish people as a kid and up to this day my father and his friends which are rabbis they themselves refer to wanabe jews or converts (non ethnically jewish people) as stupid goy and a big danger to jewish idenity, personally Im not religious but believe and live by the talmuds laws, so yes I agree that that gentiles and jews should stay pure anyone who says jews arnt a race is lying to themselves because their is such thing as jewish blood any critics care to disprove that? and lets not forget the holocaust this is what inflames me and pisses me of about people saying jews are not a race, during the holocaust the nazi's didnt determine jews by whoever wore a kippa or had a menorah, they did it by the means of whoever was ethnically a jew, I'd love for one of you "jews are not a race" critics to say that too a holocaust survivor see what they have to say and if jews arnt a race what race am I then if not jewish?