Author Topic: Obamacare or Medical Murder: You decide.  (Read 906 times)

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Obamacare or Medical Murder: You decide.
« on: September 01, 2009, 08:34:10 PM »
Why Obamacare could result in the early deaths of millions
Imagine lying in some government-run hospital, hospice or nursing home many years from now.

Imagine languishing unattended for days in soiled sheets, suffering from hunger and thirst, covered with bed sores, your flesh aboil with untreated infections.

Imagine living in fear of resentful, underpaid health aides who take out their anger on you and abuse you.

And imagine spending your final moments on earth in the company of a government health care worker with a syringe, who injects you with a lethal cocktail.

Do you find this hard to imagine? You should. In any civilized country, such things should not happen – ever. But President Obama's health care proposals have the very real potential to turn this nightmare into a reality for many Americans, according to an in-depth investigation reported in the August edition of Whistleblower magazine, titled "MEDICAL MURDER: Why Obamacare could result in the early deaths of millions of baby boomers."

Especially vulnerable are the 80 million baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964. "If you belong to that group, take note," says Richard Poe, author of the August cover story. "Your generation has been targeted for a program of age-based medical rationing such as our country has never before experienced."
Adds Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian, "If this dire end-of-life scenario sounds too awful to be possible, that is only because the reality of Obamacare has not been sufficiently reported. For this is not a fantasy – it is what is already occurring in other 'civilized' nations, including Canada and Britain, that have adopted the same government-run system."


For instance, the cover story, "Medical Murder," documents how British seniors, under a government-run system, "are routinely denied treatment for cancer, heart disease and other deadly illnesses," many dying "in filthy, overcrowded hospitals or nursing homes, rife with pestilence, including the deadly, antibiotic-resistant superbugs." Numerous horror stories of needed medical care intentionally denied reveal the stark reality of government-run health care worldwide.

To a small degree, Obamacare's ominous implications are starting to leak out. Here's how columnist Charlotte Allen explained it recently in the Los Angeles Times:

In looking for a way to fund healthcare, Obama has set his eye on the oldest and sickest. You see, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, about 30 percent of Medicare spending – nearly $100 billion annually – goes to care for patients during their last year of life. What if there were no 'last year of life,' the president seems to be asking. ... [W]hy not save billions of dollars by killing off our own unproductive oldsters and terminal patients, or – since we aren't likely to do that outright in this, the 21st century – why not simply ensure that they die faster by denying them costly medical care? The savings could then subsidize care for the younger and healthier.

This is very pragmatic thinking, cold-hearted, ruthless and cruel but yet pragmatic.  The thinking is, why replace a hip on somene who might likely die in few years. If we were talking about machines or equipment, it would make sense, but we're talking about human beings.  NF


And for those who have been paying close attention, Obama himself has ever-so-gently hinted at his true intentions. At a town hall event in June televised by ABC News, Obama cited the case of his grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, who died on the eve of his election, suggesting one way to cut medical costs would be to stop expensive procedures on people about to die.

Families, Obama said, need better information so they don't approve "additional tests or additional drugs that the evidence shows is not necessarily going to improve care.""Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller," the president offered.


Obama was slightly more explicit in a May 3 interview with the New York Times, when he said there ought to be a national "conversation" over whether "sort of in the aggregate, society making those decisions to give my grandmother, or everybody else's aging grandparents or parents, a hip replacement when they're terminally ill is a sustainable model." Such decisions, added Obama, shouldn't be left to patients or their relatives, but to a "group" of "doctors, scientists, ethicists" who are not part of "normal political channels."

One such elite medical decision-maker would be Obama's special adviser for health policy, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of Rahm Emanuel. He's a longtime advocate of "age-weighted medical rationing" – meaning, the older you are, the less care you get, as in Britain. But what about the Hippocratic Oath, you might ask, the sacred vow doctors have always taken to do all they can to heal their patients? As Whistleblower documents, Emanuel advises doctors to stop taking that oath so literally, and instead to be "prudent" in assessing how much time, effort and money each patient is worth, for the greater good of society.   


Such logic, such reasoning, of course it's the old people who're keeping the costs high, let's have a program that will cut to the chase; why let them fade away slowly with pain and suffering when we can assist them in a quick painless death and they will not be a financial drain on their family or society.


I am so impressed with this concept of efficiency that perhaps it should be practised on elimnating other groups of people, besides the aged, who might also be considered a drain and a threat to our society. 


I wonder if Obama would be for forced sterilization to stop women from getting pregnant (could you imagine the medical costs saved?) women who might have too many children, children without fathers.  Women who have to go on welfare (draining society's funds), children who disrupt the school system and hurt the education process for the others. 


Children who grow up to be sociopaths promiscuously impregnanting women and abandoning thier children leaving others to have to pay for their irresponsibility. Children who grow up to become men threatening society as criminals, drug dealers, pimps, muggers and rapists, and in the process their casualties causing even more health care costs.  Men who will eventually become prisoners and further drain society of precious tax dollars.


Mr. Obama maybe you should rethink killing off the aged; would you consider killing off the unproductive?  NF


Moreover, as "MEDICAL MURDER" reports, a bill being pushed hard by Sen. Jay Rockefeller, chairman of the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health Care, will take from Congress all authority over federal health spending and decree that such decisions in the future would be made by a secretive committee of "experts" modeled after – are you ready? – the Federal Reserve Board.


This concept is reminiscent of the Science Fiction movie Soylet Green.  Below is an excerpt from the movie; NF




"Roth opts for assisted suicide or active, voluntary euthanasia (euphemistically known as "going home") at a government clinic. There, he is taken to a comfortable bed, is given a poison-laced beverage, and is shown panoramic views of an unspoiled pristine Earth as he dies."The green connection   


After Roth dies, Thorn sneaks into the basement of the government-assisted suicide facility, where he sees corpses being loaded onto waste disposal trucks. He secretly hitches a ride on one of the trucks, which is driven to a heavily guarded waste disposal plant. Once inside the plant, Thorn sees how the corpses are processed into Soylent Green wafers. After Thorn escapes from the plant and heads for the supreme exchange with the information, he is ambushed by Fielding and several other gunmen. In the shootout, Thorn kills some of the gunmen, but is himself wounded. He retreats into a cathedral filled with homeless people. After a desperate fight, Thorn stabs and kills Fielding.

When police backup arrives, the seriously wounded and nearly hysterical Thorn confides to Hatcher the horrible secret behind Soylent Green and urges him to spread the word: "Soylent Green is people! We've got to stop them somehow!"