Yes that is very true Fruit. I happen to agree with every word you say. My friend Andy from Manchester holds many of the same views as you profess as he feels, as a white Brit, that his country is now an island of foreigners holding a British passport. He is disgusted.... he also loved the book Fabian England is FCUKED as is the West if Ol-Whitey doesn't get off his/her bottoms and go down an physically protest or hold their "elected" M.P.s to ground as THEY work for US... Bastards...
It's funny you should mention that people should get more politically active and quiz their MPs. Here in Britain we have various initiatives, some of which publicly-funded, that encourage young people to go and ask their Members of Parliament about issues relevant to young people. Lo and behold, nine out of every ten questions they ask are about Third World poverty, 'global warming', and the treatment of animals. 'To hell with the whites, saves the whales!'

Even people who are politically active no longer know what is relevant to them and what isn't. They ask about ridiculous things that have zero relevance to the everyday lives of young European people. I will say this about our rulers: they know how to render the people completely ignorant and pliable in a way that Goebbels could only dream about!
Just look at that Norwegian website. Their MPs are debating Third WOrld political issues, 'Did Muhammad order us to circumcise girls or not?' and whether or not bordellos should be made legal. Are they debating about how to provide jobs to all their young folk? Are they debating about how to increase cultural awareness, pride, and moral righteousness among their youth? Not a chance. And the white middle-class think they are being HIGH-MINDED and CULTURALLY SUPERIOR when they debate non-issues instead of things of real importance.
MarZutra, do you think that maybe white people are not as intelligent as the white supremacists always asserted?