I have been thinking deeply about these nazi scum. These people do not scare me. These people make my Emmunah (Faith) in Hashem 100X stronger than it was this morning. I have heard many Rabbis explain that Nazis and anti-semites are placed in this world for a purpose. The purpose for these sick people is to cause the Jews to appreciate their special nature. The hate that these detestable people exhibit demonstrates that the Jewish spirit is eternal, and that the forces of evil will eternally hate us. I will glory is seeing their destruction, just as our ancestors gloried in the destruction of the Egyptian army when the pick officers were spit out of the Sea dead and distended. They sang glorious shuirim {songs} to the Master of War, Hashem, who is righteous and deals with our enemies with exact justice.
As the Nazis used gas on the Jews, so the Nazis will die by gas. They will be choking for breath as we sing in joyous song, pointing our fingers at their carcases and saying "This is our G-d, we will build him a sanctuary!".
Nazis are the lowest form of human life which Hashem created. He created them with the express purpose of destroying them, as a testament to his mastery of this world.