Author Topic: Calls for Boycott of Toronto Film Festival due to Israeli movies  (Read 637 times)

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Calls for Boycott of Toronto Film Festival due to Israeli movies
« on: September 09, 2009, 01:11:42 PM »

The Toronto Film Festival is coming, and every year, the Festival, as part of a program called City-to-City, highlights the films based around one city.
This year that city is Tel-Aviv, and surprise surprise, there are calls to boycott the whole film festival by the usual cuplrits. That is, Muslims, Anti-Zionist Jews, and a small smattering of Communists. Included in this are the likes of Jane Fonda, Naomi Klein, and a whole bunch of self-hating Jews who are involved in Jewish anti-zionist organizations.
This is the continuation of a pattern in Toronto of calls for action to  boycott Israel.  Earlier this year, there were calls to remove the Dead Sea Scrolls from the Royal Ontario Museum, and then protests followed condemning Israel for keeping the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are a version of the torah and written in the Hebrew language.  There was some humour to be found in that occurrence when people were talking about "Falestinian Artifacts", which to me sounds like an oxymoron.

After this, the leader of the Ontario Public employees union called for the boycott of Israeli academics, joining an already large group of academics and other Jew-haters.
Furthermore, at the sodomite parade, there was a float decrying Israel's "apartheid state".(If only half the things they said were true, Israel would be in amuch better situation now)

Add this to the yearly Israel Apartheid week at campuses throughout the country, and specifically York University, a hotbed of student "activism" (read: Anti-semitism), and it shows that Canada is getting worse and worse for Jews every day.