When I watched the horrific events of 9/11/01, I would never have believed any self-described prophet who would have told me that there would be no other major terrorist strikes in the United States as of 9/11/09. And it causes me to wonder, why not? We have more or less no control of our borders, a burgeoning Muslim population, and a general public that so wants peace at any price that a closet Muslim with no apparent qualifications was elected president.
In other words, the United States is more or less the same easy target right now as it was on the original 9/11, and yet nothing has happened. Why not?
Is the enemy waiting? And if so, then waiting for what?
Is our government that good? If so, then how did the first 9/11 occur? And furthermore, how can the government get nothing else correct?
Or is God just being generous? And if so, then how much longer?
I'm open to your thoughts.