Author Topic: Warning To Noahide Gentile  (Read 9438 times)

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Offline MarZutra

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Re: Warning To Noahide Gentile
« Reply #25 on: April 15, 2007, 12:16:19 PM »
I don't know how to change my name.
You are full of it and should be banned. 
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Re: Warning To Noahide Gentile
« Reply #26 on: April 15, 2007, 09:50:21 PM »
noahide(alek)gentile :
u wrote "since Yacov doens't want me to be a Noahdie anymore I am leaving the faith and converting to Euro-paganism. The Aryan religion, not some spin off of a cult. "

If u really expect us to belive that u were a real noahide a moment ago , while on the minute youre warned , switched to other religion , thats absurd

if u were real noahide u would'nt even thougth about changing youre worshiping of the real g-d , with some wannebe's of ancient ppl who's g-ds was not in exsistence in the first place , sure wasn't there to protect "their people" from being destroyed.

hence , u never belived in the real g-d in the first place .

"islam is a religion of peace, that is the truth. The arabs, who have a violent culture and are generally a violent race, have messed up islam. However, Islam generally teaches peace and to love one another, as Jesus has taught. "

their 'prophet' killed anyone who didn't agree with him , really "peaceful"

btw , Youre 'new' religion isn't peaceful either , should i remind u what pagan armies did to each others civilians after winning a war?

You muslims, mandeist, jews, and christians are not that different. In fact you worship the same G-d, whether you like it or not. Perhaps you should try to strive for better cooperation between the faiths than having a war-like mentality. "

Hebrews worship hashem , not jesus, not mohamed , not anything besides hashem .we dont worship the same g-d , our g-d gave the jews our torah , infront of 3 million jews , and many gentiles who came along with them , out of eygpt
show me another religion who say they recived their religon in such a manner

u wrote "I've read the Quran, it is no worse than the jewish zohar which promotes the same thing. All faiths are somewhat corrupted."

hi hachi ,ata medabra lishana aramit di yehudain?  mai ana mibe'e yatach ka hacha ?

If u dont understand this , there is no way you would understand zohar , so if u cant translate what i've said , You'll prove to all you're a  liar

"Judaism says "thou shalt not murder" doens't it? "

each other ,its not speaking about the enemy .

"I haven't been a Noahide for a while. I never took it seriously,"
obviously ...
 "I am a Heathen. I believe every G-d(s) created their own races, such as our European race (persians, europeans, etc..)"

u belive in very stupid things , However , There's a whole new world open for u , Its called kidner eggs , in which one there waits a new G-d for u !

so u claim youre a persian ? or a europian ? or it is the same thing?

dont u know that persians is a mix of multiple races ? (elamites,parthians, persians , mithani , hurrians(at least a branch of those people) ,madai etc.)
so all of them are europian ? intresting .lol

" for any jews interested. "

now youre just pathetic (along with the people represented in the link u gave)

you are turning on to missionery NOW ?! havn't u just said u dislike what christianity did to europe and the americas? Thats a very hypocrite thing to do

First - Hebrews are a branch of northern semites (akkadians ,araamics, caldeans , jews , etc) , WE WERE NEVER a part of the disgusting canaanites / hurrian / hittit / phoenciains etc  idol worshipers , Neither by race , neither by religion

There is no ideas of those weak pathetic religions of lies , who ever penetrated the hebrew lines . our religion is pure , g-d given .

There is no such thing as "judeo paganism" that idea is absurd , we always raised the banner of the holy one g-d of israel
(p.s : there are actually people who try to mix wicca and judaism?!?!?!? thats so pathetic)


U can still to this day read the letters written between canaanites and the egyptians  crying out because of the "habiru"(or "apiru") who are genociding them city after city , and canaanites kings begging king of eygpt for more swords who modern archaeologists found at The site of Amarna

as well , see archaeological work , at the palace of hatzor , where all the idols of canaanites was beheaded by the jews , and left at the feet of the statues for even more mockery of the canaanite's religion

"Actually both arabs and jews are semites."

real arabs are semite to some extent, they are more hamatic , closer to egyptians
their language is indeed semitic
not all muslims are semite , because not all muslims are arabs.

" YOur hamites are supposedly in Africa (sub-sahara not north africa)."

sumer , shba ,sba ,egypt , elam etc , were all hamatic (Well , at least untill the akkadian took over sumer and mesopotamia) , babylon started with a linage of amorites , hamatic too.

" The lost tribes also scatterd across the middle east,"
u dont know that , there are links with some ethnic groups who might come from original israelite tribes ,but its likely that alot was just named "jews" after the exile or wandered to other lands after assyria was destroyed

" and many arabs converted to judaism over the years. I've seen many arabian-looking jews. So, yes, you are in deed cousins to one another."

and i saw arabian looking europians , so?

Arabs , greeks , and italians , Looks exactly the same to me (no offence to greeks and italians) ...
russians(slavonics) does not look like norwegians(scandinavians) , and finnish(hungarian type) people , dont look like georgians (caucasus type of people)

youre claim that there is an arab look , and a europian look , is absurd

There are much more jews who's features look like a description of a "swede" , then there are swedes who look like what u would expect from the westren world myths

So common ...

national geographic did a very nice projact which featured one arab scientist and one israeli scientist to detrimine if the palestnians are actually caananites , and jews ,are really jews
the outcome was superb , It was a pure 99% match between all types of jews living in israel , a swift victory , over just a 40% match at the palestnians side

the fact speak for itself.


mar zutra : u wrote "There is no such thing as a "P-alestinian".  That my friend is fact not "politically correct" rubbish. "

what do u expect from someone who saying " The Aryan religion"

if he belive there is an aryan race , then obviously he accept fictional races

« Last Edit: April 15, 2007, 11:41:35 PM by HEBREWHONOR »